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And not being able to come nigh him for the croud, they uncovered the roof where he was, and having broken it up, they let down the couch whereon the paralytic lay.

Verse ConceptsRooftopCrowdsHousesRoofBedsThe Act Of OpeningOpening WallsLowering PeopleDisadvantages Of CrowdsUnable To Do Other ThingsBringing Men To Jesus

Then Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed him,

Verse ConceptsCrowdsFollowing Jesus ChristDisciples' Movementslakes

And from Judea, and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and from beyond Jordan; and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, having heard what great things he did, came to him.

Verse ConceptsCrowds SeekingDrawing Near To ChristHearing About ChristBeyond Jordan

And again he taught by the sea-side, and a great multitude was gathered to him, so that going into the boat, he sat in the sea, and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsLargenessBoatsSitting To TeachChrist Teachinglakes

And there ariseth a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was now full.

Verse ConceptsStormsBoatsSwamped

Now there was there at the mountain a great herd of swine feeding.

Verse ConceptsPigsAnimals Eating

But Jesus suffered him not, but said to him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofevangelism, kinds ofTestify On God's BehalfExperimental KnowledgeAcknowledging ChristReceiving God's MercyGod's Work In UsFamily And Friends

And he departed and published in Decapolis, how great things Jesus had done for him. And all men marvelled.

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesChrist's Work

but rather grown worse, Having heard of Jesus, came in the croud behind, and touched his garment.

Verse ConceptsTasselsCrowds Around JesusOuter GarmentsDrawing Near To ChristTouching For HealingHearing About Christ

And Jesus immediately knowing in himself, that virtue had gone out of him, turning about in the croud said, Who touched my clothes?

Verse ConceptsPower, God's SavingOuter GarmentsTouching For HealingChrist Knowing About HimselfWho Is The Doer?energy

And straightway the damsel arose and walked: for she was twelve years old. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.

Verse ConceptsAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesAstonishmentThe Healed WalkingPeople Getting Up

And Jesus coming out saw a great multitude, and was moved with tender compassion for them; because they were as sheep having no shepherd, and he taught them many things.

Verse ConceptsCompassionAffection, ExpressingCrowdsLargenessGrace, And Jesus ChristMercy, Of Jesus ChristShepherds, As Church LeaderInadequate ShepherdingCompassion, Of ChristJesus As Our TeacherChrist TeachingBeginning To Teach

And he charged them to tell no man; but the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal they published it,

Verse ConceptsUnwise ZealGrowth In ProclamationChrist Concealing ThingsSpreading StoriesChrist's Orders

In those days, the multitude being very great, and having nothing to eat,

Verse ConceptsNo FoodChrist SummoningChrist With His Disciples

And coming to his disciples, he saw a great multitude about them, and the scribes questioning with them.

Verse ConceptsJudaismCrowds Around JesusChrist With His Disciples

But Jesus calling them, saith to them, Ye know that they who rule over the Gentiles, lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority upon them.

Verse ConceptsRulersWhat Foreigners DoAuthorityChrist SummoningGentile RulersLording ItExerciserecognition

And they come to Jericho. And as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great multitude, blind Bartimeus, the son of Timeus, sat by the way-side begging.

Verse ConceptsBeggarsLargenessBeggingCrowds Around JesusUsing RoadsDisciples' Movements

And many charged him to hold his peace; but he cried so much the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.

Verse ConceptsJesus As Son Of DavidIndividuals ShoutingBe Merciful!

David therefore himself calleth him Lord: How is he then his son? And a great multitude heard him gladly.

Verse ConceptseagernessCrowdsPopularity Of Christ

And Jesus answering said to him, Seest thou these great buildings? There shall not be left one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of The TempleBuilding Stones RejectedPutting Things Down

For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creat`on, which God created until now, neither shall be.

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDBeginningUnique EventsFrom The Beginning

And immediately, while ye yet spake, cometh Judas, one of the twelve, and with him a great multitude, with swords and clubs, from the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders.

Verse Conceptsequipping, physicalChief priestsCrowdsTeachers Of The LawWhile Still SpeakingTwelve DisciplesClubsOpposition To Christ From ScribesThe Chief Priests Condemning Christ

(For it was very great:) And looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled away.

Verse ConceptsBarriersBig ThingsRolling