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because even in Thessalonica {on more than one occasion} you sent for my need.

of which I became a minister, according to God's stewardship which was given to me for you, to complete the word of God,

For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on behalf of you, and those in Laodicea, and all those who have not seen my face {in person},

which [things] are all [meant] for destruction by consuming according to human commandments and teachings,

so that I may reveal it, as it is necessary for me to speak.

whom I have sent to you for this very [reason], in order that you may know {our circumstances} and he may encourage your hearts,

and Jesus who is called Justus. These [are] the only ones who are fellow workers for the kingdom of God from the circumcision, who have been a comfort to me.

For I testify to him that {he is working hard} on behalf of you and those in Laodicea and those in Hierapolis.

for from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place your faith toward God has gone out, so that we have no need to say anything.

For [you] yourselves know, brothers, our reception with you, that it was not in vain,

For our exhortation [is] not from error or from impurity or with deceit,

{For never} did we come with a word of flattery, just as you know, nor with a pretext of greediness (God [is] witness),

For you became imitators, brothers, of the churches of God [which] are in Judea in Christ Jesus, because you also suffered the same [things] at the hands of your own people, just as [they] themselves [did] also at the hands of the Jews,

But [when] we were made orphans by separation from you, brothers, for {a short time} (in face, not in heart), [we were] even more eager with great desire to see your face,

for indeed when we were with you we told you beforehand that we were about to be afflicted, just as indeed it happened, and you know.

For what thanks can we repay to God concerning you, because of all the joy [with] which we rejoice because of you before our God,

Finally therefore, brothers, we ask you and appeal to [you] in the Lord Jesus that, just as you have received from us how it is necessary for you to live and to please God, just as indeed you are living, that you progress even more.

for indeed you are practicing it toward all the brothers in all of Macedonia. But we urge you, brothers, to progress even more,

For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who remain until the Lord's coming, will not possibly precede those who have fallen asleep.

For the mystery of lawlessness is at work already; only the one who now restrains [will do so] until he is out of the way,

For you yourselves know how it is necessary to imitate us, that we did not behave irresponsibly among you,

knowing this, that the law [is] not given for a righteous [person] but for the lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and totally worldly, for the one who kills his father and the one who kills his mother, for murderers,

For those who have served well acquire a good standing for themselves, and great boldness in the faith [that is] in Christ Jesus.

But refuse younger widows, for whenever their physical desires lead them away from Christ, they want to marry,

For already some have turned away [and followed] after Satan.

For the scripture says, "You must not muzzle an ox [while it] is threshing," and "The worker [is] worthy of his wages."

The sins of some people are evident, preceding [them] to judgment, but for some also they follow after [them].

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