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Let all my foes, turn pale and be greatly dismayed, Again let them turn pale in a moment.

An infliction of the Abandoned One hath been fixed upon him, and, now that he hath lien down, he will not again rise.

Thou who hast let us see many distresses and misfortunes, Wilt gain bring us to life, And, out of the resounding depths of the earth, wilt again raise us up;

May the crushed one not again be confounded, As for the oppressed and the needy, let them praise thy Name.

For ages, will My Lord reject? And, not again, grant acceptance any more?

But again, once more sinned they against him, Resisting the Most High in a land of drought:

Yea they again put GOD to the test, And, to the Holy One of Israel, caused they sorrow: