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Arise, go to Nineveh, the great city, and call against it; for their evil came up before me.

And Jehovah cast down a great wind upon the sea, and there will be a great storm upon the sea, and the ship was thought to be broken.

And the men will fear a great fear, and they will say to him, What this thou didst? For the men knew that he fled from the face of Jehovah, for he announced to them.

And he will say to them, Lift me up and cast me down to the sea, and the sea will subside from you: For I shall know on my account this great storm is upon you.

And Jehovah will prepare a great fish to swallow down Jonah: and Jonah will be in-the bowels of the fish three days and three nights.

Arise, go to Nineveh the great city, and call to it the calling which I speak to thee.

And Jonah will rise and go to Nineveh according to the word of Jehovah. And Nineveh was a great city to God, the going of three days.

And the men of Nineveh will believe in God, and they will call a fast, and put on sackcloth, from great and even to small.

And he will cry out and say in Nineveh from the edict of the king and of his great ones, saying, The man and beast, the herd and flock shall not taste of anything; they shall not feed and they shall not drink water.

And Jehovah God will appoint a gourd, and it will come up from above to Jonah to be a shadow over his head to deliver to him from his evil. And Jonah will rejoice over the gourd with great joy.

And God will appoint a worm in the going up of the morning for the morrow, and it will strike the gourd, and it will dry up.

And God will say to Jonah, Was it well to kindle to thee for the gourd? And he will say, It was well to kindle to me, even to death.

And Jehovah will say, Thou didst spare for the gourd, which thou didst not labor for it, and thou didst not cause it to grow; it was the youth of a night, and the son of a night perished.

And shall I not spare for Nineveh the great city which there is in it more than one hundred and twenty thousand men which knew not between his right hand to his left, and many cattle?