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But Nadab and Abihu died before Yahweh when they brought near strange fire before Yahweh in the desert of Sinai, and sons, had they none, - so then Eleazar and Ithamar ministered as priests, in the presence of Aaron their father.

And over the Presence-table, shall they spread a wrapper of blue and put thereon the dishes and the pans and the bowls and the libation cups, the perpetual bread also, thereupon, shall remain;

then shall they confess their sin which they have done, and he shall make good that wherein he is guilty, in the principal thereof, and the fifth part thereof, shall he add thereunto, - and give to him against whom he is guilty,

And, this, is the law of the Separate One, on the day when he fulfilleth his days of separation, he shall be brought in unto the entrance of the tent of meeting:

and a basket of unleavened cakes - fine meal in round cakes overflowed with oil, and thin cakes of unleavened bread, anointed with oil, - with their meal-offering and their drink-offerings.

yea then brought they in as their offering, before Yahweh - six covered waggons, and twelve oxen, a waggon for every two of the princes and an ox for each one, - yea they brought them near before the habitation.

On the second day, Nethanel, son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, brought his offering.

And it came to pass that when the people were giving themselves up to murmuring, it was grievous in the ears of Yahweh, - so Yahweh hearkened, and kindled was his anger, and the fire of Yahweh burned among them, and consumed the uttermost part of the camp.

So they took their journey, and came in unto Moses and unto Aaron and unto all the assembly of the sons of Israel into the wilderness of Paran, towards Kadesh, - and brought back word - unto them and unto all the assembly, and showed them the fruit of the land.

Then said Moses unto Yahweh, - So shall the Egyptians hear, For thou hast brought up. in thy might, this people out of their midst;

then shall he that bringeth near his oblation bring near unto Yahweh a meal-offering, of fine meal a tenth part of an ephah overflowed with the fourth part of a hin of oil;

wine also for a drink-offering, the fourth part of a bin, shalt thou offer with the ascending-offering or with the sacrifice, - for each he-lamb.

then shall it be, when ye eat the bread of the land, that ye shall heave up a heave-offering unto Yahweh.

So shall the priest put a propitiatory, covering over all the assembly of the sons of Israel and pardon shall be granted unto them, - because a mistake, it was, they, therefore have brought in their offering - an altar-flame unto Yahweh and their sin-bearer before Yahweh for their mistake:

And they who found him gathering sticks, brought him near, unto Moses and unto Aaron and unto all the assembly.

I - Yahweh, am your God - who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to become your God, - I, - Yahweh, am your God.

But having brought thee near, and all thy brethren the sons of Levi with thee, must ye seek priesthood also?

Certainly not into a land flowing with milk and honey, hast thou brought us, nor given unto us an inheritance of field and vineyard, - The eyes of those men, wilt thou dig out? We will not come up.

As for the censers of these sinners against their own persons, they shall be made into beaten-out plates as an overlay for the altar, for hey had brought them near before Yahweh and hallowed them, - so shall they become a sign unto the sons of Israel.

And Eleazar the priest took the censers of bronze, which the consumed men had brought near, - and heat them out into plates for overlaying the altar:

And it came to pass, on the morrow, that Moses entered into the tent of the testimony; and lo! the staff of Aaron for the house of Levi, had budded, - yea it had brought forth buds and bloomed blossoms, and borne ripe almonds.

So then Moses brought forth all the staves, from before Yahweh, unto all the sons of Israel, - and they saw and took, each man his own staff.

Out of all your gifts, shall ye offer up every b heave-offering of Yahweh, - out of all the best thereof, the hallowed pert thereof out of it.

Wherefore then hast thou brought the convocation of Yahweh into this desert, - to die there, we, and our cattle?

and we made outcry unto Yahweh, and he heard our voice, and sent a messenger, and brought us forth out of Egypt, - lo! then, we, are in Kadesh, a city at the extremity of thy boundary,

So then the people spake against God and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt, to die in the desert? for there is neither bread nor water, and our soul, doth loathe this contemptible bread!

And Balak heard that Balaam, was coming, - so he went forth to meet him unto a city of Moab which was upon the boundary of Arnon, which was in the utmost part of the boundary.

And it came to pass in the morning, that Balak took Balaam, and brought him up the high places of Baal, - and he saw from thence the utmost part of the people.

Who hath counted the dust of Jacob? Or who hath numbered the fourth part of Israel? Let me die the death of the upright, And let my hereafter be like his!

Then said Balak unto him - Come, I pray thee, with me unto another place, from whence thou mayest see him, nothing but his utmost part, shalt thou see, but all of him, shalt thou not see, - and so revile me him from thence.

GOD having brought them forth out of Egypt, The very horns of the buffalo, are his:

GOD having brought him forth out of Egypt, The very horns of the buffalo, are his, - He eateth up nations that assail him And the bones of them, he breaketh And the loins of him, he crusheth:

Now, therefore, behold me! going to my own people, - Come now! let me advise thee, what this people shall do unto thy people in the after-part of the days.

I see One, who is not now, I observe One, who is not nigh, - There hath marched forth a Star out of Jacob. And arisen a Sceptre out of Israel, That hath dishonoured the beard of Mesh, Yea the crown of the head of all the tumultuous;

And lo! a man of the sons of Israel coming in, who brought near unto his brethren a Midianite woman, before the eyes of Moses, and before the eyes of all the assembly of the sons of Israel, when they were weeping at the entrance of the tent of meeting.

But Nadab and Abihu died, - when they brought near strange fire before Yahweh:

And Moses brought near their cause before Yahweh.

and brought in unto Moses and unto Eleazar the priest and unto the assembly of the sons of Israel - the captives and the booty, and the spoil unto the camp, - unto the waste plains of Moab, which are by Jordan, near Jericho.

Therefore have we brought near an offering unto Yahweh, what, each man, hath found - articles of gold, ankle chains and bracelets, rings earrings and buckles, - to put a propitiatory-covering over our souls before Yahweh.

So then Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the princes of thousands, and hundreds, - and brought it into the tent of meeting, as a memorial for the sons of Israel before Yahweh.

Lo! therefore, ye have arisen in the room of your fathers, brood of sinful men, - to heap up yet more upon the heat of the anger of Yahweh, towards Israel.

but, we, would arm ourselves promptly, before the sons of Israel, until that we have brought them into their place, - so should our little ones remain in the fortified cities, because of the inhabitants of the land.