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And he sent them to Beth-lehem and said, Go and make certain where the young child is; and when you have seen him, let me have news of it, so that I may come and give him worship.

And it was made clear to them by God in a dream that they were not to go back to Herod; so they went into their country by another way.

And when they had gone, an angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream, saying, Get up and take the young child and his mother, and go into Egypt, and do not go from there till I give you word; for Herod will be searching for the young child to put him to death.

Saying, Get up and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: because they who were attempting to take the young child's life are dead.

If you are the Son of God, let yourself go down; for it is in the Writings, He will give his angels care over you; and, In their hands they will keep you up, so that your foot may not be crushed against a stone.

And he said to him, All these things will I give you, if you will go down on your face and give me worship.

And if your right hand is a cause of trouble to you, let it be cut off and put it away from you; because it is better to undergo the loss of one part, than for all your body to go into hell.

And when you go without food, be not sad-faced as the false-hearted are. For they go about with changed looks, so that men may see that they are going without food. Truly I say to you, They have their reward.

Because the Gentiles go in search of all these things: for your Father in heaven has knowledge that you have need of all these things:

Go in by the narrow door; for wide is the door and open is the way which goes to destruction, and great numbers go in by it.

And Jesus said to him, See that you say nothing about this to anyone; but go and let the priest see you and make the offering which was ordered by Moses, for a witness to them.

Because I myself am a man under authority, having under me fighting men; and I say to this one, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my servant, Do this, and he does it.

And Jesus said to the captain, Go in peace; as your faith is, so let it be done to you. And the servant was made well in that hour.

Now when Jesus saw a great mass of people about him, he gave an order to go to the other side.

And there came a scribe and said to him, Master, I will come after you wherever you go.

And when he had come to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, there came out to him from the place of the dead, two who had evil spirits, so violent that no man was able to go that way.

And the evil spirits made strong prayers to him, saying, If you send us out, let us go into the herd of pigs.

And he said to them, Go. And they came out, and went into the pigs; and the herd went rushing down a sharp slope into the sea and came to their end in the water.

And all the town came out to Jesus; and seeing him they made request that he would go away from their part of the country.

But so that you may see that on earth the Son of man has authority for the forgiveness of sins, (then said he to the man who was ill,) Get up, and take up your bed, and go to your house.

And into whatever town or small place you go, make search there for someone who is respected, and make his house your resting-place till you go away.

But when they are cruel to you in one town, go in flight to another: for truly, I say to you, You will not have gone through the towns of Israel before the Son of man comes.

And whoever gives to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple, truly I say to you, he will not go without his reward.

And Jesus, answering, said to them, Go and give news to John of the things which you are seeing and hearing:

But why did you go out? to see a prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet.

And you, Capernaum, were you not to be lifted up to heaven? you will go down into hell: for if the works of power which were done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have been here to this day.

Or how may one go into a strong man's house and take his goods, if he does not first put cords round the strong man? and then he may take his goods.

Then he says, I will go back into my house from which I came out; and when he comes, he sees that there is no one in it, but that it has been made fair and clean.

Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits worse than himself, and they go in and make it their living-place: and the last condition of that man is worse than the first. Even so will it be with this evil generation.

And he said, Someone has done this in hate. And the servants say to him, Is it your pleasure that we go and take them up?

And when evening had come, the disciples came to him, saying, This place is waste land, and the time is now past; send the people away so that they may go into the towns and get themselves food.

But Jesus said to them, There is no need for them to go away; give them food yourselves.

And straight away he made the disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side, till he had sent the people away.

But when he saw the wind he was in fear and, starting to go down, he gave a cry, saying, Help, Lord.

And in answer he said to them, Why do you, yourselves, go against the word of God on account of the teaching which has been handed down to you?

And after six days Jesus takes with him Peter, and James, and John, his brother, and makes them go up with him into a high mountain by themselves.

But, so that we may not be a cause of trouble to them, go to the sea, and let down a hook, and take the first fish which comes up; and in his mouth you will see a bit of money: take that, and give it to them for me and you.

And if your hand or your foot is a cause of trouble, let it be cut off and put it away from you: it is better for you to go into life with the loss of a hand or a foot than, having two hands or two feet, to go into the eternal fire.

And if your eye is a cause of trouble to you, take it out, and put it away from you: it is better for you to go into life with one eye than, having two eyes, to go into the hell of fire.

What would you say now? if a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone wandering away, will he not let the ninety-nine be, and go to the mountains in search of the wandering one?

And Jesus said to his disciples, Truly I say to you, It is hard for a man with much money to go into the kingdom of heaven.

And again I say to you, It is simpler for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a man with much money to go into the kingdom of God.

And he said to them, Go into the vine-garden with the others, and whatever is right I will give you. And they went to work.

They say to him, Because no man has given us work. He says to them, Go in with the rest, into the vine-garden.

Take what is yours, and go away; it is my pleasure to give to this last, even as to you.

See, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man will be given into the hands of the chief priests and scribes; and they will give orders for him to be put to death,

Saying to them, Go into the little town in front of you, and straight away you will see an ass with a cord round her neck, and a young one with her; let them loose and come with them to me.

But how does it seem to you? A man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go and do work today in the vine-garden.

And he came to the second and said the same. And he made answer and said, I go, sir: and went not.

But a curse is on you, scribes and Pharisees, false ones! because you are shutting the kingdom of heaven against men: for you do not go in yourselves, and those who are going in, you keep back.

A curse is on you, scribes and Pharisees, false ones! for you go about land and sea to get one disciple and, having him, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.

Then let those who are in Judaea go in flight to the mountains:

And let not him who is in the field go back to get his coat.

If, then, they say to you, See, he is in the waste land; go not out: See, he is in the inner rooms; put no faith in it.

But in the middle of the night there is a cry, The husband comes! Go out to him.

But the wise made answer, saying, There may not be enough for us and you; it would be better for you to go to the traders and get oil for yourselves.

And he said to them, Go into the town to such a man, and say to him, The Master says, My time is near: I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples.

But after I am come back from the dead, I will go before you into Galilee.

Then comes Jesus with them to a place named Gethsemane, and says to his disciples, Be seated here, while I go over there for prayer.

Then he comes to the disciples; and says to them, Go on sleeping now, and take your rest: for the hour is come, and the Son of man is given into the hands of evil men.

But the ruler made answer and said to them, Which of the two is it your pleasure that I let go free? And they said, Barabbas.

And while they were coming out, they saw a man of Cyrene, Simon by name, and they made him go with them, so that he might take up his cross.

Pilate said to them, You have watchmen; go and make it as safe as you are able.