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After they had gone, there appeared an angel of the Lord to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Rise, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt; stay there till I tell you. For Herod is going to search for the child and destroy him."

instead of presuming to say to yourselves, 'We have a father in Abraham.' I tell you, God can raise up children for Abraham from these stones!

You are the salt of the earth. But if salt becomes insipid, what can make it salt again? After that it is fit for nothing, fit only to be thrown outside and trodden by the feet of men.

How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take out the splinter from your eye,' when there lies the plank in your own eye?

A leper came up and knelt before him, saying, "If you only choose, sir, you can cleanse me";

what she said to herself was this, "If I can only touch his robe, I will recover."

When he went indoors the blind men came up to him, and Jesus asked them, "Do you believe I can do this?" They said, "Yes, sir."

and if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then can his realm stand?

Why, how can anyone enter the strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he first of all binds the strong man? Then he can plunder his house.

You brood of vipers, how can you speak good when you are evil? For the mouth utters what the heart is full of.

The queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon, and here is One greater than Solomon.

When evening fell, the disciples came up to him and said, "It is a desert place and the day is now gone; send off the crowds to buy food for themselves in the villages."

When the disciples heard this they were utterly astounded; they said, "Who then can possibly be saved?"

Can I not do as I please with what belongs to me? Have you a grudge because I am generous?'

Jesus replied, "You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?" They said to him, "We can."

and said, "This fellow declared, 'I can destroy the temple of God and build it in three days.'"

Pilate said to them, "Take a guard of soldiers, go and make it as secure as you can."

A leper came to him beseeching him on bended knee, saying, "If you only choose, you can cleanse me;"

Jesus said to them, "Can friends at a wedding fast while the bridegroom is beside them? As long as they have the bridegroom beside them they cannot fast.

So he called them and said to them by way of parable, "How can Satan cast out Satan?

No one can enter the strong man's house and plunder his goods unless first of all he binds the strong man; then he can plunder his house.

He said also, "To what can we compare the Realm of God? how are we to put it in a parable?

but once sown it springs up to be larger than any plant, throwing out such big branches that the wild birds can roost under its shadow."

But they were overawed and said to each other, "Whatever can he be, when the very wind and sea obey him?"

"if I can touch even his clothes," she said to herself, "I will recover."

Then, as the day was far gone, his disciples came up to him, saying, "It is a desert place and the day is now far gone;

nothing outside a man can defile him by entering him; it is what comes from him that defiles him.

He said to them, "So you do not understand, either? Do you not see how nothing outside a man can defile him by entering him?

So she went home and found the child lying in bed and the daemon gone from her.

His disciples replied, "Where can one get loaves to satisfy them in a desert spot like this?"

He began to see and said, "I can make out people, for I see them as large as trees, moving."

"it has thrown him into fire and water many a time, to destroy him. If you can do anything, do help us, do have pity on us."

They were more astounded than ever; they said to themselves, "Then who ever can be saved?"

Jesus said, "You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup I have to drink, or undergo the baptism I have to undergo?"

They said to him, "We can." Jesus said, "You shall drink the cup I have to drink and undergo the baptism I have to undergo;

And as Jesus taught in the temple he asked, "How can the scribes say that the Christ is David's son?

David here calls him Lord. Then how can he be his son?" Now the mass of the people listened with delight to him.

and inasmuch as I have gone carefully over them all myself from the very beginning, I have decided, O Theophilus, to write them out in order for your excellency,

At this she was startled; she thought to herself, whatever can this greeting mean?

Now when the angels had left them and gone away to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us be off to Bethlehem to see this thing that the Lord has told us of."

Now, produce fruits that answer to your repentance, instead of beginning to say to yourselves, 'We have a father in Abraham.' I tell you, God can raise up children for Abraham from these stones!

Now as people's expectations were roused and as everybody thought to himself about John, "Can he be the Christ,"

and the devil said to him, "I will give you all their power and grandeur, for it has been made over to me and I can give it to anyone I choose.

When he was in one of their towns, there was a man full of leprosy who, on seeing Jesus, fell on his face and besought him, "If you only choose, sir, you can cleanse me."

When John's messengers had gone, he proceeded to speak to the crowds about John: "What did you go out to the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind?

No one lights a lamp and hides it under a vessel or puts it below the bed: he puts it on a stand so that those who come in can see the light.

Then he said to them, "Where is your faith?" They marvelled in awe, saying to one another, "Whatever can he be? He gives orders to the very winds and water, and they obey him!"

And suppose he answers from the inside, 'Don't bother me; the door is locked by this time, and my children are in bed with me. I can't get up and give you anything.'

and if Satan is divided against himself, how can his realm stand? You say I am casting out daemons by Beelzebul?

The queen of the South will rise at the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon, and here is One greater than Solomon.

No one lights a lamp to put it in a cellar or under a bowl, but on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.

After he had gone away, the scribes and Pharisees commenced to follow him up closely and cross-question him on many points,

And he said, 'This is what I will do. I will pull down my granaries and build larger ones, where I can store all my produce and my goods.

Then it may bear fruit next year. If not, you can have it cut down.'"

Or what king sets out to fight against another king without first sitting down to deliberate whether with ten thousand men he can encounter the king who is attacking him with twenty thousand?

So, if you are not faithful with dishonest mammon, how can you ever be trusted with true Riches?

And if you are not faithful with what belongs to another, how can you ever be given what is your own?

'They have got Moses and the prophets,' said Abraham, 'they can listen to them.'

Will the man not rather say to him, 'Get some thing ready for my supper; gird yourself and wait on me till I eat and drink; then you can eat and drink yourself'?

But he said to them, "How can people say that the Christ is David's son?

David then calls him Lord. So how can he be his son?"

as soon as they put out their leaves, you can see for yourselves that summer is at hand.

and tell the owner of the house, 'The Teacher asks you, Where is the room in which I can eat the passover with my disciples?'

"Then who are you?" they said; "tell us, so that we can give some answer to those who sent us. What have you to say for yourself?"

"Nazaret!" said Nathanael, "can anything good come out of Nazaret?" "Come and see," said Philip.

Two days later a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee; the mother of Jesus was present,

Nicodemus answered, "How can that be?"

John answered, "No one can receive anything except as a gift from heaven.