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So Joseph, when he awoke from his sleep, did as the angel of the Lord directed him, and took home his wife:

But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,

saying, Arise and take the child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they, that sought the child's life, are dead.

and Jesus rose up, and followed him; as did also his disciples.

But what did ye indeed go out to see? a prophet? Yes, verily, and one superior to a prophet.

For all the prophets, and the law, did no more than prophesy, till John came:

Then began He to upbraid the cities, in which most of his miracles were wrought; because they did not repent.

But He replied, Have ye not read what David did, when he, and his attendants, were hungry? how he went into the house of God,

and did eat the shew-bread, which it was not lawful for him to eat, nor those that were with him; but for the priests only? or have ye not read in the law,

Then saith Jesus unto them, Did ye understand all these? they say unto Him, Yes, Lord: and He said unto them,

and said to his servants, This is John the baptist, he is certainly risen from the dead, and therefore miraculous things are done by him:

And having ordered the multitudes to sit down upon the grass, and taken the five loaves and the two fishes, He looked up to heaven and blessed them; and He brake the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples to the people: and they did all eat, and were satisfied;

And they did all eat, and were satisfied: and they took up what was left even of fragments seven baskets full.

Now they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children.

How is it then that ye do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread, when I bid you to beware of the leaven of the pharisees and of the sadducees?

Then they understood, that He did not bid them beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the pharisees and of the sadducees.

And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no one, till the Son of man be risen from the dead.

But I tell you that Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but did what they pleased to him: and so is the Son of man to suffer by them.

They say unto Him, Why then did Moses order a bill of divorce to be given, and so to put her away?

And going out again about the sixth and ninth hour he did in like manner.

And the disciples went, and did as Jesus ordered them,

The baptism of John, whence was it? from heaven, or of men? And they reasoned with themselves saying, If we say, from heaven, He will reply, Why then did ye not believe him?

Now which of the two did the will of his father? They say unto Him, The first. Jesus replied, Verily I say unto you, that publicans and prostitutes enter into the kingdom of God before you:

for John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye did not believe him; but publicans and harlots believed him; and though ye saw that, ye did not repent afterwards, to believe him.

And he sent again other servants more than the first: and they did the like to them.

But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read what is spoken to you by God,

saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor did any dare, from that day, to ask Him any more such questions.

Wo unto you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites; who are like whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful without, but within are full of the bones of the dead, and all manner of filthiness;

Then will the righteous answer Him, saying, Lord, when did we see thee hungry, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

or naked, and clothed thee? and when did we see thee sick, or in prison, and visited thee?

Then will they also answer Him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee famishing, or a-thirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not relieve thee?

Then will He reply to them, saying, Verily I tell you, inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the lest of these, ye did it not to me.

And He said, Go into the city, to such a man, and tell him, The master saith, my time is near, I will keep the passover at thy house with my disciples: and the disciples did as Jesus ordered them,

Then said Jesus to the multitudes, Ye are come out as against a thief with swords and clubs to take me, whereas I sat with you day after day teaching in the temple, and ye did not seize me: but all this is done,

And after they had fixed Him to the cross, they parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots.

order therefore the sepulchre to be secured till the third day, least his disciples should come and steal Him away, and tell the people, He is risen from the dead: and so the last error will be worse than the first.

and go quickly, and tell his disciples that He is risen from the dead; and behold, He is going before you into Galilee; there ye shall see Him; lo, I have told you.

So they took the money, and did as they were instructed: and this is commonly reported among the Jews to this day.

And He said unto them, Have ye never read what David did, in his necessity, when he was hungry, himself and those that were with him?

how he went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar, who was afterwards the high priest, and did eat the shew-bread, which it is not lawful for any to eat, but the priests, and gave also to them that were with him!

And a great multitude from Galilee followed Him, and from Judea, and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and from beyond Jordan; and those about Tyre and Sidon, a great number, hearing how great things He did, came unto Him.

but Jesus did not permit him; but saith to him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee:

While He was yet speaking, there came some from the ruler of the synagogue's house, saying, Thy daughter is dead, why dost thou trouble the Master any more?

and when He was come in, He saith unto them, Why do ye take on thus and weep? the child is not dead, but asleep.

And king Herod heard of Him, (for his name was spread abroad,) and he said, John the baptist is risen from the dead, and therefore miraculous powers appear in him.

But when Herod heard of Him, he said, it is John whom I beheaded, he is risen from the dead.

but could not; for Herod revered John, knowing him to be a just and holy man, and protected him: and when he heard him he did many things according to John's instructions, and heard him willingly.

But He answered them, Well did Esaias prophesy concerning you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me:

And He ordered the people to sit down upon the ground: and taking the seven loaves, He gave thanks and brake them, and gave to his disciples to set before them; and they did set them before the multitude.

And they did eat and were satisfied: and they took up what were left, to wit of fragments seven baskets:

When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did ye take up? They answer, Twelve.

And as they came down from the mountain, He charged them to tell no one what they had seen, till after the Son of man were risen from the dead.

And they laid hold on that expression, querying among themselves, what means the rising from the dead?

And when he had rored and vehemently convulsed him, he came out of him: and the child was as one dead, so that many said, that he was dead.

And he answered and said unto them, What did Moses command you?

And they reasoned among themselves, saying, If we say, from heaven; He will say, why then did ye not believe him?

But as to the dead, that they are raised, have ye not read in the book of Moses, how God spake to him in the bush, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?

And if the Lord did not shorten those days, none could escape: but for the sake of the elect, whom He hath chosen, He hath shortened those days.

I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and ye did not seize me: but this is done that the scriptures may be fulfilled.

and struck Him on the head with a reed, and spit upon Him, and bowed their knees, and did Him homage.

But Pilate wondered that He was dead already, and therefore calling for the centurion he asked him if He had been dead any time:

but they, though they heard that He was indeed alive, and had been seen by her, did not believe it.

and they went and told the rest; but they did not believe them neither.

At last he appeared to the eleven as they were sitting at table, and upbraided them with their unbelief, and hardness of heart; because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He was risen.

when they returned, the child Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem: and Joseph and his mother did not know it;

but they did not understand the word which He spake to them.

And many other things by way of exhortation did he preach unto the people.

But Herod the tetrarch being reproved by him on account of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, and for all the wicked things which Herod did,

And Jesus answering them said, Have ye not read what David did, when he himself was hungry and those that were with him? how he went into the house of God,

and did take and eat the shew-bread, and gave also to his attendants, which it is not lawful for any to eat but the priests.

And looking round upon them all, He said to the man, Stretch out thine hand: and he did so, and his hand was made as sound as the other.

Wo unto you when all men speak well of you; for their fathers did the same to the false prophets.

neither did I think myself worthy to come unto thee. But speak the word, and my servant will be recovered.

and as He came near to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carrying out to be buried, his mother's only son, and she was a widow: and many of the people of the city were with her.

And the dead person sat up, and began to speak: and He delivered him to his mother.

And Jesus answering said unto them, Go and tell John what ye have seen and heard: that the blind recover sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them,

a reed shaken by the wind? but what did ye go out to see? a man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that are dressed in fine clothes and live delicately, are in palaces, not in deserts: but what went ye out to see?

While He was yet speaking, there cometh one from the ruler of the synagogue's, and said to Him, Thy daughter is dead, trouble not the Master.