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And they will say to me, They being left which were left of the captivity there in the province, in great evil and in reproach: and the walls of Jerusalem being broken down, and its gates were burnt with fire.

And saying, Now O Jehovah, God of the heavens, the great and terrible God watching the covenant and mercy to those loving him, and to those watching his commands:

And these thy servants and thy people whom thou didst redeem in thy great power and by thy strong hand.

And Sanballat the Horonite will hear, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and it will be evil to them a great evil that a man came to seek good for the sons of Israel.

And Eliashib the great priest will rise up and his brethren the priests, and they will build the sheep gate; they consecrated it, and they will set up its doors, and even to the tower of Meah they consecrated, and even to the tower of Hananeel.

And after him Barach son of Zabbai, being ardent, held fast the second measure from the corner even to the entrance of the house of Eliashib the great priest

After him held fast the Tekoites the second measure, from before the great tower coming forth and even to the walls of Ophel.

And I shall see, and I shall rise up and say to the nobles and to the prefects and to the rest of the people, Ye shall not be afraid from their face: remember Jehovah great and terrible; and war for yourselves, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses.

And a cry of the people and their wives will be great against their brethren the Jews.

And my heart will take counsel to me, and I shall contend with the nobles and the prefects, and say to them, Ye impose a debt each upon his brother. And I shall give a great convocation against them.

And I shall send messengers to them, saying, I do a great work, and I shall not be able to come down: wherefore shall the work cease when I shall desist and come down to you?

And the city broad of hands, and great and the people few in its midst, and the houses not built.

And Ezra will praise Jehovah the great God: and all the people will answer, Amen, Amen, in lifting up their hands: and they will bow down and worship to Jehovah, with faces to the earth.

And all the people will go to eat and to drink, and to send portions, and to make great gladness, for they understood the words that were made known to them.

And all the convocation of those turning back from the captivity will make booths, and they will dwell in booths; for from the days of Joshua son of Nun, the sons of Israel did not thus even to this day. And there will be great gladness exceedingly.

And there will rise up upon the ascent of the Levites, Joshua and the sons of Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bani, Sherebiah, Bani, Chenani; and they will cry with a great voice to Jehovah their God.

And they will refuse to hear, and they will not remember thy wonders which thou didst with them; and they will harden their necks, and they will give a head to turn back to their servitude in their perverseness: and thou a God of forgivenesses, merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and great of mercy, and thou didst not forsake them.

Also when they made to them a molten calf, and they will say, This thy God which brought thee up from Egypt; and they will make great reproaches;

And they will take inaccessible cities, and a fat land, and they will inherit houses full of all good, and wells hewed out, vineyards and olive trees, and the tree of food for abundance: and they will eat and be filled, and be fat, and will live delicately in thy great goodness.

And they will be perverse, and they will rebel against thee, and they will cast thy law behind their back, and they killed thy prophets who testified against them to turn them back to thee, and they will make great reproaches.

And now our God, the great the mighty, and the terrible God, watching the covenant and the mercy, it shall not be little before thee all the distress which found us, to our kings, to our chiefs, to our priests, and to our prophets, and to our fathers, and to all thy people from the days of the kings of Assur even to this day.

And they in their kingdom, and in thy great goodness which thou gavest to them, and in the broad and fat land which thou gavest before them, served not thee, and turned not back from their evil works.

And its produce being much for the kings whom thou gavest over us in our sins: and ruling over our bodies and upon our cattle according to their will, and we in great straits.

And their brethren men of strength, a hundred twenty and eight: and he reviewing over them Zabdiel, son of the great ones:

And I shall bring up the chiefs of Judah from above the wall, and I shall cause to stand two great choirs, and to go about to the right hand above to the wall to the gate of the dung-hill:

And they will sacrifice in that day great sacrifices, and they will rejoice, for God caused them to rejoice with great gladness: and also the women and the children, rejoiced, and the gladness of Jerusalem will be heard even to far off.

And he will make for him a great cell, and there before them were given the gifts, the frankincense and the vessels, and the tenth of the grain of the new wine and the new oil, (the command of the Levites, and those singing, and the gate-keepers,) and the oblations of the priests.

And to you shall we hear to do all this great evil to transgress against our God to cause strange women to dwell.

And from the sons of Joiada, son of Eliashib the great priest, was son-in-law to Sanballat the Horonite: and I shall cause him to flee from me.