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In the ears of Jehovah of armies, If not many houses shall be for desolation, great and good from none dwelling.

And Jehovah will say to me, Take to thee a great tablet, and write upon it with a man's graving tool to hasten the spoil, urging on the plunder.

And it was when the Lord will complete all his work upon mount Zion and upon Jerusalem, I will review upon the fruit of the great heart of the king of Assur and upon the glory of his eyes lifted up.

Cry out and shout for joy thou inhabitress of Zion, for great in the midst of thee the Holy One of Isarel.

And howlers cried out in its palaces, and great serpents in the temples of delight: and her time draws near to come, and her days shall not be protracted.

And now Jehovah spake, saying, In three years as the years of a hireling and the honor of Moab despised with with all the great multitude; and the remnant being small, not great

Wo to the multitude of many peoples; they will sound as the sound of the seas; and the tumult to the nations shall rage as the tumult of great waters.

And it was for a sign and for a witness to Jehovah of armies in the land of Egypt, for they shall cry to Jehovah from the face of those pressing them, and he shall send to them him saving, and great, and he delivered them.

In that day Jehovah will review with his hard and great and strong sword upon leviathan the serpent fleeing, and upon leviathan the winding serpent; and he killed the dragon which was in the sea.

And it was in that day he shall strike upon the great trumpet, and they perishing came into the land of Assui, and the outcasts into the land of Egypt, and they worshiped to Jehovah in the holy mountain in Jerusalem.

Also this shall come forth from Jehovah of armies, he being wonderful of counsel and great of understanding.

From Jehovah of armies shalt thou be reviewed, with thunder and with shaking, and a great voice, whirlwind and storm, and the flames of consuming fire.

Thy cords were broken in pieces; they will not well strengthen their mast; they spread not the flag: then was the prey of a great spoil divided; the lame plundered the plunder.

The sword of Jehovah was filled with blood, it was made fat from the fat of the blood of lambs and he goats, from the fat of kidneys of rams: for a sacrifice to Jehovah in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom.

And Rabshakeh will say to them, Say now to Hezekiah, Thus said the king, the great king of Assur, What this trust in which thou trustedst?

And Rabshakeh will stand and call with a great voice in Judaic, and say, Hear ye the words of the king, the great king of Assur.

And their inhabitants short of hand; they were dismayed and ashamed; they were the greet herb of the field and the verdure, and the tender grass of the enclosure of the roofs, and a blasting before it rose up.

And he will say, O Jehovah, remember now how I went before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and I did the good in thine eyes: And Hezekiah will weep a great weeping.

And these two shall come to thee suddenly, in one day, bereavement and widowhood: as finished they came upon thee, in the multitude of thy sorceries, and in the great numbers of thy enchantments.

Thus said Jehovah, In a time of acceptance I answered thee, and in the day of salvation I helped thee: and I will guard thee, and I will give thee for a covenant of the people to cause the earth to stand, to cause to inherit the inheritance of desolations,

Was it not with him desolating the sea, the water of the great deep? setting the depths of the sea a way for the redeemed to pass over?

Come ye, I will take wine, and we will drink strong drink to excess; and the morrow being as this day, the remainder great exceedingly.

Who this coming from Edom, splendid with garments from Bozra? this adorned in his attire, bowing himself in his strength? I, speaking in justice, great for salvation.