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As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, who will prepare thy way before thee.

Verse ConceptsDemons, Exorcism OfPreparing God's WayHeraldIn Order Of RankGod Sends ProphetsNamed Prophets Of The Lord

And straightaway he arose, and having taken up the bed, he went forth before them all, so as for all to be amazed, and to glorify God, saying, We never saw it like this.

Verse ConceptsHealingReverence, And God's NatureAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesLiving WitnessesUnique EventsCrowds AmazedPeople Getting UpSpecific Praising Of God

And the unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, fell down before him, and cried out, saying, Thou are the Son of God.

Verse Conceptsdemons, Kinds ofSaid To Be The ChristBowing Before Messiah

But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what has happened to her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.

Verse ConceptsFear, Of UnknownSelf KnowledgeIndividuals TremblingBowing Before MessiahFear Of Christ

And they saw them going. And many recognized him, and ran together on foot there from all the cities. And they went before them, and came together to him.

Verse ConceptsGroups RunningRecognising PeopleSeeing Peoplerecognition

And after taking the five loaves and the two fishes, having looked up to heaven, he blessed, and broke the loaves in pieces, and he gave to the disciples so that they might set before them. And he distributed the two fishes to them

Verse ConceptsBreaking Of BreadThankfulnessFive ThingsTwo AnimalsThanking God For FoodDividing FoodFish

And he commanded the crowd to sit down on the ground. And after taking the seven loaves, having given thanks, he broke in pieces, and gave to his disciples so that they might place before them. And they place before the crowd.

Verse ConceptsThankfulnessThanksgivingCrowds Around JesusSeven ThingsReclining To EatThe Disciples ActionsBreaking Of BreadTable Grace

And they had a few small fishes. And having blessed them, he said to also place before them.

Verse ConceptsSmall CreaturesFew ThingsThanking God For FoodFish

And after six days Jesus takes Peter and James and John, and leads them up onto a high mountain alone, in private. And he was transfigured before them,

Verse ConceptsLight, NaturalLonelinessPeter, The DiscipleChrist GlorifiedSix DaysChrist Going With People

But watch ye yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils, and ye will be beaten in synagogues. And ye will be stood before rulers and kings because of me, for a testimony to them.

Verse ConceptsFloggingGovernorsPersecution, Forms OfPersecution, Nature OfSanhedrinSynagogueHanding Over PeopleBeating BelieversWitness To The GospelTaking HeedGentile Rulers

But after I am raised up, I will go before you into Galilee.

Verse ConceptsChrist Would Rise

And the second time a cock sounded. And Peter remembered the saying that Jesus said to him, Before a cock sounds twice, thou will deny me thrice. And having broke down, he wept.

Verse ConceptsContemplationPeter, The DiscipleRegretRememberingRepentance, Examples OfWeepingApostasy, RestoredCrowsConviction Of SinPainful MemoriesCommunicating Three TimesBird SoundsMourning In Regretdenial

But go, tell his disciples and Peter, that he goes before you into Galilee. Ye will see him there, just as he said to you.

Verse ConceptsChrist Going BeforeSeeing The Risen ChristTelling Of Jesus