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so that you may be reliably informed about the things you have been taught.

So Mary stayed with her about three months, and then returned home.

"Blessings on the Lord, the God of Israel, Because he has turned his attention to his people, and brought about their deliverance,

When they saw this, they told what had been said to them about this child.

She came up just at that time and gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were living in expectation of the liberation of Jerusalem.

Jesus himself was about thirty years old when he began his work. He was the son, it was supposed, of Joseph, the son of Eli,

When he got up and left the synagogue, he went to Simon's house. And Simon's mother-in-law was suffering with a severe attack of fever, and they asked him about her.

So he went about Judea, preaching in the synagogues.

Once as the crowd was pressing about him to hear God's message, he happened to be standing by the Lake of Gennesaret,

Yet the news about him spread more and more, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be cured of their diseases.

And the Pharisees and their scribes grumbled about it to his disciples, and said, "Why do you eat and drink with tax-collectors and irreligious people?"

When the captain heard about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to him, to ask him to come and save his slave's life.

This story about him spread all over Judea and the surrounding country.

When John's messengers were gone, he began to speak to the crowds about John. "What was it that you went out into the desert to look at? A reed swaying in the wind?

They are like children sitting about in the bazaar and calling out to one another, " 'We have played the flute for you, and you would not dance! We have wailed and you would not weep!'

because he had an only daughter, about twelve years old, and she was dying. As he was going, the crowds of people almost crushed him.

But Herod said, "John I have beheaded, but who can this be about whom I hear such reports?" And he endeavored to see him.

But the crowds learned of it and followed him, and he welcomed them and spoke to them about the Kingdom of God, and he cured those who needed to be cured.

For there were about five thousand men. But he said to his disciples, "Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each."

It was about eight days after Jesus said this that he took Peter, John, and James, and went up on the mountain to pray.

At the sound of the voice, they saw that Jesus was alone. And they kept silence, and said nothing about it to anyone at that time.

The Master answered, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and anxious about many things, but our wants are few,

And he said to his disciples, "Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about life, wondering what you will have to eat, or about your body, wondering what you will have to wear.

So he went about among the towns and villages, teaching and making his way toward Jerusalem.

So he called him in and said to him, 'What is this that I hear about you? Make an accounting for your conduct of my affairs, for you cannot be manager any longer!'

And if you have been untrustworthy about what belonged to someone else, who will give you what belongs to you?

And he took the Twelve aside and said to them, "See! we are going up to Jerusalem, and everything written in the prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled.

For a time is coming upon you when your enemies will throw up earthworks about you and surround you and shut you in on all sides,

But that the dead are raised to life, even Moses indicated in the passage about the bush, when he calls the Lord 'the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.'

"Beware of the scribes who like to go about in long robes, and love to be saluted with respect in public places, and to have the front seats in the synagogues and the best places at banquets??47 men who eat up widows' houses and to cover it up make long prayers! They will get all the heavier sentence!"

When some spoke about the Temple and its decoration with costly stone and votive offerings, he said,

And the high priests and the scribes were casting about for a way to put him to death, for they were afraid of the people.

When the time came, he took his place at the table, with the apostles about him.

For I tell you that this saying of Scripture must find its fulfilment in me: 'He was rated an outlaw.' Yes, that saying about me is to be fulfilled!"

Those who were about him saw what was coming and said, "Master, shall we use our swords?"

And they kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat about it, and Peter sat down among them.

About an hour later, another man insisted, "This man was certainly with him too, for he is a Galilean!"

And Pilate said to the high priests and the crowd, "I cannot find anything criminal about this man."

When Herod saw Jesus he was delighted, for he had wanted for a long time to see him, because he had heard about him and he hoped to see some wonder done by him.

And he said to them a third time, "Why, what has he done that is wrong? For I have found nothing about him to call for his death. So I will teach him a lesson and let him go."

It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole country, and lasted until three in the afternoon,

That same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem,

and they were talking together about all these things that had happened.

And he said, "What is it?" They said to him, "About Jesus of Nazareth, who in the eyes of God and of all the people was a prophet mighty in deed and word,