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Is not your fear of God your support, and your upright way of life your hope?

The eye of him who sees me will see me no longer: your eyes will be looking for me, but I will be gone.

If I have done wrong, what have I done to you, O keeper of men? why have you made me a mark for your blows, so that I am a weariness to myself?

But come back, now, come: you who are wounding yourself in your passion, will the earth be given up because of you, or a rock be moved out of its place?

If my steps have been turned out of the way, or if my heart went after my eyes, or if the property of another is in my hands;

And goes in the company of evil-doers, walking in the way of sinners?

He makes the wrong done to the poor the way of their salvation, opening their ears by their trouble.

Have the doors of death been open to you, or have the door-keepers of the dark ever seen you?

Is the number of their months fixed by you? or is the time when they give birth ordered by you?

Will he make prayers to you, or say soft words to you?