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Therefore, behold me hedging in thy way with thorns, and I walled a wall and she shall not find her beaten paths.

And thou wert weak in the day, and the prophet also was weak with thee by night, and I destroyed thy mother.

My people were cut off from not knowing: because thou didst reject knowledge and I will reject thee from being priest to me: and thou wilt forget the instructions of thy God; I will also forget thy sons, also I

The trumpet to thy mouth: as an eagle upon the house of Jehovah, because they passed by my covenant and they transgressed against my laws.

Thy calf rejected, O Shomeron; mine anger was kindled against them: how long shall they not be able to be clean?

Thou shalt not rejoice, O Israel; exult not as the peoples: for thou didst commit fornication from thy God; thou didst love a gift upon all the threshing-floors of grain.

Ye ploughed injustice, ye reaped iniquity; ye ate the fruit of falsehood: for thou didst trust in thy way in the multitude of thy strong ones.

And an uproar arose among thy people, and all thy fortifications shall be laid waste, as Shaman laid waste the house of the ambush of God in the day of battle: the mother was dashed in pieces upon the sons.

And I am Jehovah thy God from the land of Egypt; I will even cause thee to dwell in tents as in the days of the appointment

And I am Jehovah thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt not know a God except me: and none saving but me.

O Israel, thou didst destroy thyself; but in me in thy help.

Now will I be thy king, and he shall save thee in all thy cities, and thy judges of whom thou saidst, Thou shalt give to me a king and princes.

From the hand of hades will I redeem them; from death will I ransom them: I will be thy words, O death, I will be thy cutting off, O hades: consolation will be hid from mine eyes.

Turn back, O Israel, even to Jehovah thy God, for thou wert weak in thine iniquity.

Ephraim: What to me yet to images? I humbled, and I will regard him: I as the green cypress From me thy fruit was found.