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For it is written in the book of Psalms: Let his encampment become desolate, and let there be none to dwell therein! And - his overseership, let a different man take!

But, taking his stand, Peter with the eleven lifted up his voice, and sounded out unto them - Ye men of Judaea, and all ye who are sojourning in Jerusalem! Let, this, unto you be known, and give ear unto my declarations; -

Nevertheless, lest it further spread abroad among the people, let us charge them with threats, to be no more speaking upon this name, to any soul of man.

They, however, further charging them with threats, let them go, finding nothing as to how they might chastise them, on account of the people; because, all, were glorifying God for that which had come to pass; -

But, when they had been let go, they came unto their own friends , and told as many things as, unto them, the High-priests and Elders, had said.

Now, therefore, I say unto you - stand aloof from these men, and let them alone; because if, of men, be this project or this work, it will be overthrown, -

And they stirred up the people and the elders and the scribes; and, coming upon him, they caught him away, and led him into the high-council.

Now, the passage of Scripture which he was reading, was, this: - As a sheep, unto slaughter, was he led, and, as a lamb, before him that sheareth it, is dumb, so, he openeth not his mouth.

And Saul arose from the earth, and, his eyes being opened, he could see nothing; and, taking him by the hand, they led him into Damascus, -

And he beholdeth heaven opened, and, corning down, a kind of vessel, like a large linen cloth, by its four corners, being let down upon the earth,

I was in the city of Joppa praying, and saw in a trance, a vision: - coming down a sort of vessel, like a large sheet, by four corners, being let down out of heaven, and it came even unto me:

And, Herod, seeking after and not finding, him, having examined the guards, ordered them to be led away to death ; and, going down from Judaea unto Caesarea, stayed there.

They, therefore, being let go, came down unto Antioch; and, having gathered together the throng, delivered the letter,

And, when they had spent a time, they were let go, in peace, from the brethren, unto them who had sent them.

And, after certain days, Paul, said unto Barnabas - Let us now return, and visit the brethren in every city in which we have declared the word of the Lord, and see how they are.

And. when day came. the magistrates sent off the constables saying - Let those men go!

And the prison-keeper reported the words unto Paul - The magistrates have sent, that ye be let go. Now, therefore, going forth, be taking your journey in peace.

But, Paul, said unto them - Beating us, in public, uncondemned, men that are Romans, they thrust us into prison; - and, now, by stealth, are they thrusting us forth? Nay, verily! but let them come, themselves, and lead us out!

and, taking security from Jason and the rest, they let them go.

But, when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews, with one accord, set upon Paul, and led him unto the judgment-seat,

If then, Demetrius, and the craftsmen with him, have against anyone an accusation, courts, are being held, and there are, proconsuls: let them accuse one another!

Not, then, art, thou, the Egyptian, who, before these days, stirred up to sedition and led out into the wilderness the four-thousand men of the Assassins?

But, as I could not see clearly owing to the glory of that light, being led by the hand of them who were with me, I came into Damascus.

Or, let, these themselves, say what wrong they found, when I stood before the High-council, -

They, therefore, among you (saith he) who are in power, let them go down with me; and, if there is in the man, anything amiss, let them accuse him.

and, from thence putting out to sea, we sailed under the lee of Cyprus, because the winds were contrary;

And, for a good many days sailing slowly, and getting with difficulty over against Cnidus, the wind not suffering us to get on, we sailed under the lee of Crete, over against Salmone;

and, the ship being caught and we not being able to bring her head to the wind, we let her go, and were borne along.

And, running under the lee, of some small island, called Cauda, we were able, with difficulty, to make ourselves masters of the boat, -

Then, the soldiers cut away the ropes of the boat, and let her fall off.

And, casting off the anchors, they let them go into the sea, - at the same time, loosening the lashings of the rudders, and, hoisting up the foresail to the wind, they made for the beach.