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Ye have heard that it has been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy.

Verse ConceptsLove Your Neighbour!NeighboursLoving Your Enemies

He speaking these things to them, behold, a ruler, having come, worshipped him, saying; That my daughter has just now died: but having come, put thy hand upon her, and she shall live.

Verse ConceptsFeetChildren, examples ofBowingKneelingChildren, In Jesus MiraclesLaying On Hands To HealWhile Still SpeakingDeath Of Unnamed IndividualsThose Jesus HealedChildren In The Miracles Of Jesus Christ

For whoever should wish to save his life shall lose it: and whoever shall lose his soul for my sake shall find it.

Verse ConceptsLove, Abuse OfLossRestitutionDonationsFinding ThingsSaving OneselfLosing One's Life

And if thy hand or thy foot give thee cause of offence, cut them off, and cast from thee: it is good for thee to come into life lame or maimed, than having two hands or two feet to be cast into eternal fire.

Verse ConceptsCripplesEternal DeathFeetInjury To FeetEternal JudgementThrowing PeopleCausing Others To StumbleEntering LifeFire Of HellCutting Off Hands And FeetTwo Of Body PartsAvoid Being HinderedHellLake Of Fire

And if thine eye give thee cause of offence, take it out, and east from thee: it is good for thee, one-eyed, to enter into life, than having two eyes to be cast into a hell of fire.

Verse ConceptsBlindness, SymbolicPlucking OutCausing Others To StumbleEntering LifeFire Of HellEyes HarmedTwo Of Body PartsAvoid Being HinderedHellEyes

And, behold, one having come said to him, Good teacher, what good shall I do, that I might have eternal life?

Verse ConceptseagernessDrawing Near To ChristSeeking LifeDoing God's WorksDoing GoodEternal lifeeternityman

And he besought him much, saying, That my little daughter is at the last extremity: that, having come, thou Mightest put the hands upon her, so that she might be saved; and she shall live.

Verse ConceptsDeath, Means OfBad ParentsLove, And The WorldParents Duty To ChildrenParental LoveKept Alive By MenLaying On Hands To HealHow Healing CameFaith And HealingHealth And Healing

And they forgot to take loaves, and had not but one loaf with them in the ship.

Verse ConceptsDisorganizationForgetting ThingsNo FoodOne Material ThingMissing The Mark

And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off; it is good for thee rather to enter into life maimed, than having two hands, to go away into hell, into inextinguishable fire:

Verse ConceptsCripplesPunishment, By GodSelf DenialGehennaEntering LifeCausing Others To StumbleNot Maintaining LifeFire Of HellCutting Off Hands And FeetTwo Of Body PartsMissing The Markcutting

And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life lame, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into inextinguishable fire:

Verse ConceptsFeetLamenessGehennaInjury To FeetEntering LifeCausing Others To StumbleCare Of FeetTwo Of Body Parts

Salt good: but if the salt be saltless, with what will ye prepare it? Have salt in yourselves, and live in peace one with another.

Verse ConceptsGoalsSaltPeace, In Christian LivingPersonal ContactTastelessnessSeek PeaceTastelessSournessChemicalsLosing FriendsGood Qualities

And he going in the way, one running and having fallen upon his knees, asked him, Good teacher, What shall I do that I might inherit eternal life

Verse ConceptseagernessBowingKneelingChrist, Names ForParticular JourneysIndividuals RunningSetting OutSeeking LifeGood PeopleActivity BegunDoing God's Works

To serve him in sanctity and justice before him all the days of our life.

Verse ConceptsHoliness Of The SaintsLifelongHolinessServing Godpiety

Of Matthat, of Levi, of Melchi, of Janna, of Joseph,

Of Jose, of Eliezer, of Jorim, of Matthat, of Levi,

And Jesus answered to him saying, It has been written, That not by bread alone shall man live, but by every word of God.

Verse ConceptsTemptation, ResistingChrist's Knowledge Of The Scriptures

And after these, he went out, and saw a publican, by name Levi, sitting by the custom-house; and he said to him, Follow me.

Verse ConceptsCommitment, to Jesus ChristChristlikenessApostles, Descriptiondiscipleship, nature ofInstructions About Followingtaxes

And Levi made a great entertainment for him in his house: and there was a great crowd of publicans and others who were sitting down with them.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsFeastingevangelism, kinds ofCelebrationsBanquets, Examples OfGuestsHospitality, Examples OfLargenessTax CollectorsDinnerReceiving Jesus As A Guest

Then said Jesus to them, I will ask you; What is lawful in the sabbath; to do good, or to do evil? to save the life, or destroy

Verse ConceptsLaw, Jesus Christ's Attitude ToKept Alive By MenChrist EnquiringDo Good!Do Not MurderDoing GoodPeople Actually Doing EvilThe Sabbath And Christ

Happy the hungering now: for ye shall be satisfied. Happy the weeping now: for ye shall laugh.

Verse ConceptsLaughterSatisfactionTearsBenefits Of SadnessMothers DeathSmilingFeeding The Poorhunger

And if ye love them loving you, what grace is to you? for also the sinful would love those loving them.

Verse ConceptsLove Your Neighbour!Family LoveLove And FamilyLoving EveryoneTreating OthersBeing Lovedloversloving

And they not having to pay, he bestowed as a gift upon both. Which of them therefore will love him the more? Say thou.

Verse ConceptsPeople Forgiving OthersUnable To Do Other ThingsDebtLove And Forgiveness

And, behold, a certain skilled in the law stood up, tempting him, and saying, Teacher, what having done shall I inherit eternal life

Verse ConceptsLawyersInheritance, SpiritualSeeking LifeTesting ChristDoing God's WorksTests

And he said to him, Thou hast answered rightly; this do and thou shalt live.Translation PDF from Google If you can fill in this text please contact e-sword Uers

Verse ConceptsWorks Of The Law

For this my son was dead, and has returned to life; and he was lost, and found. And they began to be gladdened.

Verse ConceptsSpiritually DeadFinding PeopleLost PeopleRejoicing In ReliefMissing SomeoneCelebrationBeing Lost

And to be gladdened, and to rejoice, was fitting: for this thy brother was dead, and has returned to life; and he was lost, and found.

Verse ConceptsAlive, Description OfBeing Dead In SinSpiritually DeadLost People

And the Lord praised the steward of injustice, because he did wisely: for the sons of this life are wiser than the children of light in their generation.

Verse ConceptsCommendationNames And Titles For The ChristianLight Of God's PeoplePraising Specific PeopleMan's WisdomLightMoney Management

But Abraham said, Child, remember that thou didst receive thy good things in thy life, and Lazarus likewise evil things: and now here is he comforted, and thou art tormented.

Verse ConceptsLimitednessRiches, Ungodly Use OfDeath Of The Saints, Results InPainful MemoriesReversalsGiving Good ThingsBad SituationsGod Has ComfortedOvercoming Adversity

And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Teacher, having done what, shall I inherit eternal life?

Verse Conceptseternal life, nature ofeagernessRulersTeachersTeachablenessSeeking LifeGood PeopleDoing God's Works

And Jesus having answered, said to them, The sons of this life marry, and are given in marriage

Verse ConceptsThe Present AgeMarriage AllowedGiving In MarriageMarriage Between Man And WomanMarriage Kjv

And they having been deemed worthy to obtain that life, and the rising up of the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:

Verse ConceptsParticipation, In ChristSinglenessWorthinessMarriage No MoreWorthy People

And he reaping receives wages, and gathers fruit to eternal life: that he sowing might rejoice together and he reaping.

Verse ConceptsCropsServants, Working Conditions OfThe Soul Winners JoyEntering LifeReaperseternity

I am the living bread which having come down from heaven: if any one eat of this bread, he shall live forever: and also the bread which I shall give is my flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual FoodFlesh, Description Ofeternal life, nature ofThe EucharistChrist Going DownEating Christ's BodyLife In ChristChrist And HeavenChrist's LifeJesus As FoodLife Is In ChristBreadCompetition

This is the bread which having come down from heaven: not as your fathers ate manna, and died: he chewing this bread shall live forever.

Verse ConceptsAncestorsChrist Going DownLife In ChristNot Like ThingsChrist And HeavenDeath Of Other GroupsJesus As FoodLife Is In Christ

Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go away? thou hast the words of eternal life.

Verse ConceptsPeter, The DiscipleLife By God's WordWho Is The One?Eternal lifeEverlastingThe Power Of Wordseternity

And I know that his command is life eternal: therefore what I speak, as the Father said to me, so I speak.

Verse ConceptsJesus Christ, Relation To FatherLife By God's WordThe Fathereternity