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How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take out the splinter from your eye,' when there lies the plank in your own eye?

But to let you see the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins" ??he then said to the paralytic, "Get up, lift your pallet, and go home."

if the household is deserving, let your peace rest on it; but if the household is undeserving, let your peace return to you.

He who has an ear, let him listen to this."

Let them both grow side by side till harvest; and at harvest-time I will tell the reapers to gather the weeds first and tie them in bundles to be burnt, but to collect the wheat in my granary.'"

and begging him to let them touch the mere tassel of his robe ??and all who touched it got perfectly well.

Six days afterwards Jesus took Peter, James and his brother John, and led them up a high hill by themselves;

So Peter addressed Jesus and said, "Lord, it is a good thing we are here; pray let me put up three tents here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."

There are eunuchs who have been eunuchs from their birth, there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the Realm of heaven. Let anyone practice it for whom it is practicable."

If anyone says anything to you, you will say that the Lord needs them; then he will at once let them go."

But when the vinedressers saw his son they said to themselves, 'Here is the heir; come on, let us kill him and seize his inheritance!'

Woe to you, you impious scribes and Pharisees! you shut the Realm of heaven in men's faces; you neither enter yourselves, nor will you let those enter who are on the point of entering.

Let the fig tree teach you a parable. As soon as its branches turn soft and put out leaves, you know summer is at hand;

Come, get up and let us go. Here is my betrayer close at hand!"

After binding him, they led him off and handed him over to Pontius Pilate the governor.

"He saved others," they said, "but he cannot save himself! He the 'king of Israel'! Let him come down now from the cross; then we will believe in him!

His trust is in God? Let God deliver him now if he cares for him! He said he was the Son of God!"

But the others said, "Stop, let us see if Elijah does come to save him!" [Seizing a lance, another pricked his side, and out came water and blood.]

Now when evening came, when the sun set, they brought him all who were ill or possessed by daemons ??33 indeed the whole town was gathered at the door ??34 and he cured many who were ill with various diseases and cast out many daemons; but as the daemons knew him he would not let them say anything.

but he said to them, "Let us go somewhere else, to the adjoining country-towns, so that I may preach there as well; that is why I came out here."

But to let you see the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins" ??he said to the paralytic,

He added, "Anyone who has ears to hear, let him listen to this."

If anyone has an ear to hear, let him listen to this."

But he strictly forbade them to let anyone know about it, and told them to give her something to eat.

whatever village or town or hamlet he went to, they would lay their invalids in the marketplace, begging him to let them touch even the tassel of his robe ??and all who touched him recovered.

If anyone has ears to hear, let him listen to this."

He said to her, "Let the children be satisfied first of all; it is not fair to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."

So he took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village; then, after spitting on his eyes, he laid his hands on him and asked him, "Do you see anything?"

Six days afterwards Jesus took Peter, James and John, and led them up a high hill by themselves alone; in their presence he was transfigured,

So Peter addressed Jesus, saying, "Rabbi, it is a good thing we are here; let us put up three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah"

Salt is excellent: but if salt is tasteless, how are you to restore its flavour? Let there be 'salt between you'; be at peace with one another."

but Jesus was angry when he saw this, and he said to them, "Let the children come to me, do not stop them: the Realm of God belongs to such as these.

No, let us say, From men" ??but they were afraid of the multitude, for the people all held John had been really a prophet.

But these vinedressers said to themselves, 'Here is the heir; come on, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be our own.'

Are we to pay, or are we not to pay?" But he saw their trick and said to them, "Why tempt me? Bring me a shilling. Let me see it."

But whenever you see the appalling Horror standing where he has no right to stand (let the reader note this), then let those who are in Judaea fly to the hills;

Let the fig tree teach you a parable. As soon as its branches turn soft and put out leaves, you know summer is at hand;

But Jesus said, "Let her alone. Why are you annoying her? She has done a beautiful thing to me.

Day after day I was beside you in the temple teaching, and you never seized me. However, it is to let the scriptures be fulfilled."

Immediately morning came, the high priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and all the Sanhedrin, and after binding Jesus they led him off and handed him over to Pilate.

and they led him to the place called Golgotha (which means the place of a skull).

Let 'the Christ,' 'the king of Israel' come down now from the cross! Let us see that and we will believe!" Those who were crucified with him also denounced him.

One man ran off, soaked a sponge in vinegar, and put it on the end of a stick to give him a drink, saying, "Come on, let us see if Elijah does come to take him down!"

Now when the angels had left them and gone away to heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us be off to Bethlehem to see this thing that the Lord has told us of."

From many people daemons were also driven out, clamouring aloud, "You are God's son!" But he checked them and refused to let them say anything, as they knew he was the Christ.

but when they could not find any means of getting him in, on account of the crowd, they climbed to the top of the house and let him down through the tiles, mattress and all among the people in front of Jesus.

But to let you see the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins" ??he said to the paralysed man, "Rise, I tell you, lift your mattress and go home."

How dare you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take out the splinter that is in your eye,' and you never notice the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite! take the plank out of your own eye first, and then you will see properly to take out the splinter in your brother's eye.

and so I did not consider myself fit even to come to you. Just say the word, and let my servant be cured.

some other seed fell on sound soil, and springing up bore a crop, a hundredfold." When he said this he called out, "He who has an ear, let him listen to this."

It happened on one of these days that he embarked in a boat alone with his disciples and said to them, "Let us cross to the other side of the lake." So they set sail.

When they were parting from him, Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is a good thing we are here; let us put up three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah" (not knowing what he was saying).

"Let these words sink into your ears: 'the Son of man is to be betrayed into the hands of men.'"

He said to another man, "Follow me"; but he said, "Let me go and bury my father first of all."

And he said to them, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say to him, 'Friend, let me have three loaves;

It is no use for either soil or dunghill, it is flung out. He who has an ear let him listen to this."

but he replied, 'Look at all the years I have been serving you! I have never neglected any of your orders, and yet you have never given me so much as a kid, to let me make merry with my friends.

for I have five brothers; let him bear testimony to them, that they may not come to this place of torture as well.'

But when the vinedressers saw him, they argued to themselves, 'Here is the heir, let us kill him, so that the inheritance may be ours.'

Then let those who are in Judaea fly to the hills, let those who are in the city escape, and let not those who are in the country come in to the city;

Then they arrested him and led him away inside the house of the high priest. Peter followed at a distance

Then the whole body of them rose and led him to Pilate.

As they led him off they caught hold of Simon a Cyrenian on his way from the country and laid the cross on him to carry after Jesus.

Two criminals were also led out with him to be executed,

The people stood and looked on, and even the rulers sneered at him, saying, "He saved others, let him save himself, if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One!"

He led them out as far as Bethany; then, lifting his hands, he blessed them.

here am I, come in the name of my Father, and you will not accept me: let someone else come in his own name, and you will accept him!

so his brothers said to him, "Leave this and go across into Judaea, to let your disciples witness what you can do;

but as they persisted with their question, he raised himself and said to them, "Let the innocent among you throw the first stone at her";

Jesus replied, "Neither for his own sin nor for his parents' ??it was to let the work of God be illustrated in him.

Jesus replied, "I have let you see many a good deed of God; for which of them do you mean to stone me?"

after that, he said to the disciples, "Let us go back to Judaea."