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[There] was a man in the land of Uz whose name [was] Job. That man was blameless and upright and God-fearing and turning away from evil.

Verse ConceptsReverence, And ObedienceReward, DivineSuffering, Causes OfGodly Fear, Examples OfFear Of God, Examples OfIndividuals Fearing Godshunning

And his sons used to go and hold a feast {at each other's house} on his day, and they would send, and they would invite their three sisters to eat and to drink with them.

Verse ConceptsFeastingBanquets, ActivitiesInvitationsLeisure, And PastimesAmusementsCelebrationcelebrating

And it happened {one day} {that} the sons of God came to present themselves before Yahweh, and Satan also came into their midst.

Verse ConceptsSpiritsSatan, Character OfSons Of GodAssociationsAngels As Sons Of GodSatanThe Devilrelaxation

So Yahweh said to Satan, "From where have you come?" Then Satan answered Yahweh and said, "From roaming on the earth and from walking about in it."

Verse ConceptsSatan, Character OfWanderersWhere From?SatanThe Devil

So Yahweh said to Satan, "Have you {considered} my servant Job? Indeed, there is no one like him on the earth--a blameless man and upright and God-fearing and turning away from evil."

Verse ConceptsBehaviourJustice, In Believers' LivesServants Of The LordNames And Titles For SatanAcclaimingUnique IndividualsIndividuals Fearing Godservanthoodshunning

Have you not put a fence around him and his household and around {all that belongs to him} {on every side}? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his livestock has increased in the land.

Verse ConceptsSatan, Work OfBlessed By GodGod's ProtectionFamily FirstProtecting Your Familypossessions

But, on the other hand, stretch out your hand and touch {all that belongs to him} [and see] {whether} he will {curse} you to your face."

Verse Conceptsevil, origins ofHand Of GodSatan, Work OfTouching To HarmWoundsCursing God

So Yahweh said to Satan, "Look, {all that belongs to him} is in your {power}. Only do not stretch out your hand {against} him." So Satan went out from Yahweh's {presence}.

Verse ConceptsFingersevil, victory overGod, Purpose OfPainSatan, Kingdom OfSatan, Resistance ToSatan, Limitations OfSatan, Power OfLeaving God's PresenceSatanThe DevilThe Presence Of GodTestsexams

And a messenger came to Job and said, "The oxen were plowing, and the female donkeys were feeding {beside them}.

Verse ConceptsAgriculture, TermsMessengerPloughingTilling The SoilAnimals Eating

Then the Sabeans {attacked}, and they took them, and they slew the servants {by the edge of the sword}. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

Verse ConceptsExamples Of EscapingLossActing Alone

While this one was still speaking, {another} came and said, "The fire of God fell from the heavens, and it blazed up against the sheep and goats and against the servants, and it consumed them. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

Verse ConceptsLightningLossSuffering, Causes OfWeather, God's Sovereignty OverConflagrationsActing AloneBurning PeopleWhile Still Speaking

While this one was still speaking, {another} came and said, "The Chaldeans formed three divisions, and they made a raid on the camels, and they carried them away, and they struck your servants {by the edge of the sword}, but I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

Verse ConceptsCamelsActing AloneThree GroupsWhile Still SpeakingTaking Animals

And behold, a great wind came from across the desert, and it struck the four corners of the house {so that} it fell upon the young people, and they died. But I escaped, [even] I alone, to tell you."

Verse ConceptsStormsActing AloneFour CornersDestruction Of HousesFour SidesDeath Of Unnamed IndividualsDeathHurricanes

{And then} one day the sons of God came to present themselves before Yahweh, and Satan also came into their midst to present himself before Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsSpiritsSons Of GodAssociationsAngels As Sons Of God

So Yahweh {asked} Satan, "From where have you come?" And Satan answered Yahweh and said, "From roaming on the earth and from walking about in it."

Verse ConceptsSatan, Character OfWanderersWhere From?wandering

So Yahweh {asked} Satan, "Have you {considered} my servant Job? Indeed, there is no one like him on the earth--a blameless man and upright and God-fearing and turning away from evil. And still he persists in his blamelessness {even though} you incited me against him to destroy him for nothing."

Verse ConceptsdiseasesInciting To EvilServants Of The LordFear Of God, Examples OfUnique IndividualsIndividuals Fearing Godshunning

But stretch out your hand and touch his bones and his flesh, [and see] {whether} he will {curse} you to your face."

Verse Conceptsevil, origins ofdiseasesFalse AccusationsDamage To The BodyTouching To HarmWoundsCursing God

So Satan went out from {Yahweh's presence}, and he inflicted Job with loathsome skin sores from the sole of his foot up to the crown of his head.

Verse ConceptsFaith, Testing OfBodydiseasesBoils Or UlcersHeadsSatan, Kingdom OfSpiritual Warfare, Causes OfSuffering, Causes OfSuffering, Nature OfSatan, Work OfLeaving God's PresenceDisease

{So} he took for himself a potsherd with which to scrape himself, and he sat in the midst of the ashes.

Verse ConceptsAshesAshes Of Humiliation

Then his wife said to him, "Are you still persisting in your blamelessness? {Curse} God and die."

Verse ConceptsCurses, HumanBlasphemy, Examples OfBlameWivesBad Wives ExamplesHolding FastTemptressesCursing GodWife

So he said to her, "You speak like one of the foolish women speaks. Indeed, should we receive the good from God, but not receive the evil?" In all this, Job did not sin with his lips.

Verse ConceptsAfflicted SaintsIntegrityTemptation, ResistingAcceptance, Of InstructionResignationTemptressesCounted As FoolsGod Can Harm PeoplePeople Who Did RightOvercoming Hard TimesTragedyHardshipOvercoming Adversity

Then they sat with him on the ground [for] seven days and seven nights, but no one spoke a word to him because they saw that {his} suffering was very great.

Verse ConceptsGriefWeeksSeven DaysSitting In FellowshipIndividuals Being SilentLosing Friendsgrieving

"Let [the] day perish on which I was born, and the night that said, 'A man-child is conceived.'

Verse ConceptsAbortionConceptionRegretting BirthOther Times

Look, let that night become barren; let a joyful song not enter it.

Verse ConceptsBarrennessShoutingLack Of Rejoicing

Let those who curse the day curse it, those who are skilled at rousing Leviathan.

Verse ConceptsLeviathanNames And Titles For SatanCursing Things

"Why did I not die at birth? [Why] did I [not] come forth from [the] womb and expire?

Verse ConceptsRegretting BirthDesire For DeathDeath Of A MotherNever Giving UpHaving A Baby

Why did [the] knees receive me and the breasts, that I could suck?

Verse ConceptsBreasts, Nursing MothersKneesbreasts

For now I would lie down, and I would be at peace; I would be asleep; then {I would be at rest}

Verse ConceptsSleeping Peacefully

with kings and counselors of [the] earth, who {rebuild} ruins for themselves,

Verse ConceptsGod Is UnchangeableArchaeologyKings And PrideResolving Conflictimpossible

or with high officials {who have gold}, who fill up their houses [with] silver.

Verse ConceptsGold

Or [why] was I not hidden like a miscarriage, like infants [who] did not see [the] light?

Verse ConceptsAbortiondoubt, results ofMiscarriagesNever Being BornMiscarriages And Stillborn

who rejoice {exceedingly}, [and] they are glad when they find [the] grave?

Verse ConceptsDesire For DeathRejoicing In Evil

[Why does he give light] to a man whose way is hidden, and God has fenced him in [all] around?

Verse ConceptsBlame

because the dread that I {feel} has come upon me, and what I feared befalls me.

Verse ConceptsFear Will ComeFear And WorryBeing Scaredreality

I am not at ease, and I am not at peace, and I do not have rest, thus turmoil has come."

Verse ConceptsRest, PhysicalIndividuals TremblingRest

"[If] someone would test a word with you, would you be offended? But who can refrain from speaking?

Look, you have instructed many, and you have strengthened weak hands.

Verse ConceptsPeople TeachingEncouraging OthersWeakness

Your words have raised up [the one who] stumbles, and you have strengthened knees giving way.

Verse ConceptsStumblingKind WordsKnees

But now it has come to you, and you are worn out; it touches you, and you are horrified.

Verse ConceptsFaintingTrouble, Causes Ofdiscouragement

"{Think} now, who has perished [who is] innocent? Or where [are] the upright destroyed?

Verse ConceptsInnocence, Examples OfSuffering, Of The InnocentNot DyingA Righteous PeoplePlea Of Innocence

[The] roar of [the] lion and [the] voice of a lion in its prime, and [the] teeth of [the] young lions are broken.

Verse ConceptsTeethBreaking Teeth

"And a word came stealing to me, and my ear received [the] whisper from it.

And a spirit glided before my face; the hair of my flesh bristled.

Verse ConceptsHairsThe Hair Of The BodySpirit BeingsHairThe Pastpast

It stood still, but I could not recognize its appearance; a form [was] {before} my eyes; [there was] a hush, and I heard a voice:

Verse ConceptsVoices

How much more dwellers in clay houses, whose foundation [is] in the dust? They are crushed like a moth.

Verse ConceptsFoundationsInsectsProperty, HousesMan, Insignificance OfMothsMetaphorical HousesCreatures From Dust

"Call now, is there [anyone] answering you? And to which of [the] holy ones will you turn?

Verse ConceptsMediatorGod Not Answering

I have seen a fool taking root, but suddenly I cursed his dwelling.

Verse ConceptsExperience, of lifeRootsThe Work Of Fools

But a human being is born to trouble, and {they soar aloft} [like] {sparks}.

Verse ConceptsPainPunishment, Nature OfSuffering, Nature OfTroubleMan's Sinful Nature

{From} six troubles he will deliver you, and in seven evil shall not touch you.

Verse ConceptsRescueCalamityComfort In Afflictionproblemstrails

In famine he will redeem you from death, and in war from [the] {power of} [the] sword.

Verse ConceptsRedemption, In OtHelp In ShortagePrinciples Of WarWarredeemed

From [the] scourge of [the] tongue you shall be hidden, and you shall not be afraid of destruction when it comes.

Verse ConceptsFloggingFearlessnessScourgingFreedom From ViolenceThe TongueProtection And SafetyProtection From Danger

At destruction and famine you shall laugh, and you shall not fear the wild animals of the earth.

Verse ConceptsLaughterFear, Of NaturalWild Beasts SubduedHelp In ShortageFreed From FearOvercoming Adversity

For your covenant [will be] with the stones of the field, and the wild animals of the field will be at peace with you.

Verse ConceptsAnimals, Care ForWild Beasts SubduedSleeping Peacefullycovenantprincipalities

And you shall know that your tent [is] safe, and you will inspect your fold, and you shall not be missing [anything].

Verse ConceptsNothing MissingNo LossProtecting Your Familynegativity

And you shall know that your offspring [are] many, and your descendants like the vegetation of the earth.

Verse ConceptsGrassLike Grass

"Look, we have searched this out--it [is] true; hear it and know [it] {yourself}."

Verse ConceptsInvestigating

Can tasteless [food] be eaten without salt, or is there taste in the white of a marshmallow plant?

Verse ConceptsEggsMonotonyWhiteTastelessnessTastelessSournesslegacy

{I refused} to touch [them]; they [are] like {food that will make me ill}.

Verse ConceptsNot Touching

"{O that} my request may come, and [that] God may grant my hope,

Verse ConceptsDesire For DeathHear Prayer!

But it will still be my consolation, and I would recoil in {unrelenting} pain, for I have not denied [the] words of [the] Holy One.

Verse ConceptsGod, Holiness OfJoy, Of IsraelGod Is HolyPhysical PainDenying GodGod SpeakingPleasurablenessjoyfuldenialjoyfulness

What [is] my strength, that I should wait? And what [is] my end, that {I should hold out}?

Verse ConceptsHope, Results Of Its AbsencePessimismWeariness Of LifeFrustrationWisdomBeing Patientpatientsstrengh

My companions are treacherous like a torrent-bed; like a streambed of wadis they flow away,

The paths of their way wind [around]; they go up into the wasteland, and they perish.

Verse ConceptsPaths Of The WickedCaravans

"For now you have become {such}; you see terrors, and you fear.

Verse ConceptsFear Will ComeBeing Scaredfriendliness

Is it because I have said, 'Give to me,' or, 'Offer a bribe for me from your wealth'?

Verse ConceptsAvoiding Bribes

Do you intend to reprove [my] words and [consider the] words of a desperate [man] as wind?

Verse ConceptsWindReproving PeopleDespair

Even over [the] orphan you would cast the lot, and you would bargain over your friend.

Verse ConceptsOrphansGamblingBarteringTaking AdvantageFriends Failing

"{Therefore} be prepared, turn to me, and I surely will not lie to your face.

Verse ConceptsLooking Intently At PeopleLyingBeing Content

"Does not {a human being have hard service} on earth? And [are not] his days like the days of a laborer?

Verse ConceptsLimitednessPunishment, Nature OfHirelingsThe Fact Of ToilstruggleWarLife StrugglesGetting Through Hard Timeshumanity

Like a slave he longs for [the] shadow, and like a laborer he waits for his wages.

Verse ConceptsMonotonySlaves

So {I had to inherit} months of worthlessness, and nights of misery are apportioned to me.

Verse ConceptsVanityUnrestUseless EndeavourFrustrationAssignment

When I lie down, I say, 'When shall I rise?' But [the] night is long, and I have my fill of tossing until dawn.

Verse ConceptsLonelinessMonotonySleeplessnessWakefulness

Remember that my life [is] a breath; my eye will not return to see good.

Verse ConceptsMan A Mere Breathbreath

The eye of [the one] seeing me will not see me; your eyes [are] upon me, but {I will be gone}.

Verse ConceptsIndividuals Passing Away

"Even I will not restrain my mouth; I will speak in my spirit's anguish; I will complain in my inner self's bitterness.

Verse ConceptsAgony, In HeartBeing BitterResentment, Against GodAnguish, Cause

When I say, 'My bed will comfort me, and my couch will ease my complaint,'

Verse ConceptsBedsHuman ComfortComplaining

then you terrify me with dreams, and with visions you terrify me.

Verse ConceptsDreams, Examples OfThose Frightened Of God

I loathe [my life]; I would not live forever; depart from me, for my days [are] a breath.

Verse ConceptsLife, HumanLonelinessVanityLeave Us AloneMan A Mere BreathNot For EverLife Despised

"What [is] a human being that you make him great and that {you fix your mind on him},

Verse ConceptsMan, Insignificance OfGod Testing PeopleWhat Value Is Man?mindfulnessattention

so that you visit him {every morning}, you test him {every moment}?

Verse ConceptsGod Testing PeopleTeststrying

{How long} will you not turn away from me? [Or] not leave me alone until I swallow my spit?

Verse ConceptsSalivaGod Seeing All PeopleLeave Us Alone

[If] I have sinned, what have I done to you, watcher of humanity? Why have you made me as a target for yourself, so that I have become a burden to myself?

Verse ConceptsGod Seeing All PeopleTargetsWe Have Sinned

And why do you not pardon my transgression and take away my guilt? For now I shall lie in the dust, and you will seek me, but {I will be no more}."

Verse ConceptsOffenceSleep, And DeathAcquittalIndividuals Passing AwayGod Not ForgivingLife Cut Short

"{How long} will you say these [things], and the words of your mouth [be] a mighty wind?

If you yourself would seek God, then you would plead to Shaddai for grace.

Verse ConceptsPrayer, Described AsAnswered Promises