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(according to the custom of the priesthood he was chosen by lot to offer incense), having gone into the temple of the Lord;

And the sun having gone down, all so many as had people afflicted with various diseases continued to lead them to Him; and He having put His hands on each one of them, healed them.

and He saw two ships standing by the lake: the fishermen, having gone from them, were washing their nets.

And He commanded him to tell no one: but having gone away, show thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing, as Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.

And Jesus responding said to them, Having gone, proclaim to John those things which you saw and heard; that the blind are seeing, the lame are walking about, the lepers are being cleansed, the deaf are hearing, the dead are being raised up, the poor are having the gospel preached unto them;

And the messengers of John having gone away, He began to speak to the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? a reed shaken by the wind?

And certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out,

And they came out to see that which had happened; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the demons had gone, clothed and in his right mind, at the feet of Jesus: and they were afraid.

And the man out of whom the demons had gone prayed to be with Him. And Jesus sent him away, saying,

And the day began to decline; and the twelve coming to Him, said, Send away the multitude, in order that having gone into the surrounding villages and countries, they may lodge, and find food: because we are here in a desert place.

And He said to them, You give them to eat. And they said, There is not to us more than five loaves and two fishes; if not having gone we must purchase victuals for all this people.

And He said to another, Follow thou me. And he said, Lord, permit me first having gone away to bury my father.

And Jesus said to him, Let the dead bury their dead; but thou having gone away proclaim the kingdom of God.

The queen of the south will rise in judgment with this generation, and condemn them; because she came from the uttermost parts of the earth, to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

I say unto you, You can by no means come out thence, till you have even paid the last mite.

And He said to them, Having gone, tell that fox, Behold, I cast out demons and perfect healings to-day and to-morrow, and on the third day I am made perfect.

Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. I say unto you, that you can see me no more, until it shall come to pass that you may say, Blessed is the One coming in the name of the Lord.

And they all of one consent began to make excuse. The first said to him, I have bought a farm, and I have need having gone to see it: I pray thee have me excused.

And having gone he joined himself to one of the citizens of that country: and he sent him into his fields to feed swine:

And he was angry, and did not wish to come in: and his father having gone out, continued to intreat him. And responding he said to the father,

And in addition to all these things, there is a great gulf fixed between us and you, in order that those wishing to go hence to you may not be able, neither can they come thence to us.

Truly I say unto you, whosoever may not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, can not enter into it.

And having gone away, he spoke with the chief priests and the magistrates, how he might betray Him to them.

And having gone away, they found as He told them; and prepared the passover.

And having gone out, He departed, according to custom, into the Mount of Olives; and His disciples followed Him.