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the wife cannot do as she pleases with her body ??her husband has power, and in the same way the husband cannot do as he pleases with his body ??his wife has power.

At the same time, if any man considers he is not behaving properly to the maid who is his spiritual bride, if his passions are strong and if it must be so, then let him do what he wants ??let them be married; it is no sin for him.

Whoever imagines he has attained to some degree of knowledge, does not possess the true knowledge yet;

But remember, it is not everyone who has this 'knowledge.' Some who have hitherto been accustomed to idols eat the food as food which has been really offered to an idol, and so their weaker conscience is contaminated.

Human arguments, you say? But does not Scripture urge the very same?

to the weak I have become as weak myself, to win over the weak. To all men I have become all things, to save some by all and every means.

and all drank the same supernatural drink (drinking from the supernatural Rock which accompanied them ??and that Rock was Christ),

But all these effects are produced by one and the same Spirit, apportioning them severally to each individual as he pleases.

Suppose now I were to come to you speaking with 'tongues,' my brothers; what good could I do you, unless I had some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or teaching to lay before you?

Well, it is the same with yourselves. Unless your tongue utters language that is readily understood, how can people make out what you say? You will be pouring words into the empty air!

Whereas, if everybody prophesies, and some unbeliever or outsider comes in, he is exposed by all, brought to book by all;

To sum up, my brothers. Set your heart on the prophetic gift, and do not put any check upon speaking in 'tongues';

Get back to your sober senses and avoid sin, for some of you ??and I say this to your shame ??some of you are insensible to God.

And what you sow is not the body that is to be; it is a mere grain of wheat, for example, or some other seed.

With regard to the collection for the saints, you must carry out the same arrangements as I made for the churches of Galatia.

if the sum makes it worth my while to go too, they shall accompany me.

The chances are, I shall spend some time with you, possibly even pass the winter with you, so that you may speed me forward on any journey that lies before me.

I do not care about seeing you at this moment merely in the by-going; my hope is to stay among you for some time, with the Lord's permission.