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And Job's three friends had word of all this evil which had come on him. And they came every one from his place, Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. So they came together to a meeting-place, in order that they might go and make clear to Job their grief for him, and give him comfort.

The old lion comes to his end for need of food, and the young of the she-lion go wandering in all directions.

But trouble is man's fate from birth, as the flames go up from the fire.

Who makes the designs of the wise go wrong, so that they are unable to give effect to their purposes.

In the daytime it becomes dark for them, and in the sunlight they go feeling about as if it was night.

The camel-trains go out of their way; they go up into the waste and come to destruction.

When I go to my bed, I say, When will it be time to get up? but the night is long, and I am turning from side to side till morning light.

And why do you not take away my sin, and let my wrongdoing be ended? for now I go down to the dust, and you will be searching for me with care, but I will be gone.

He is full of strength before the sun, and his branches go out over his garden.

If a man was desiring to go to law with him, he would not be able to give him an answer to one out of a thousand questions.

My days go quicker than a post-runner: they go in flight, they see no good.

They go rushing on like reed-boats, like an eagle dropping suddenly on its food.

I go in fear of all my pains; I am certain that I will not be free from sin in your eyes.

And that if there was cause for pride, you would go after me like a lion; and again put out your wonders against me:

Before I go to the place from which I will not come back, to the land where all is dark and black,

Are all these words to go unanswered? and is a man seen to be right because he is full of talk?

If he goes on his way, shutting a man up and putting him to death, who may make him go back from his purpose?

Or to the things which go flat on the earth, and they will give you wisdom; and the fishes of the sea will give you news of it.

They go feeling about in the dark without light, wandering without help like those overcome with wine.

Will you be hard on a leaf in flight before the wind? will you make a dry stem go more quickly on its way?

The waters go from a pool, and a river becomes waste and dry;

So that you are turning your spirit against God, and letting such words go out of your mouth?

His bowmen come round about me; their arrows go through my body without mercy; my life is drained out on the earth.

Will they go down with me into the underworld? Will we go down together into the dust?

He is overcome by fears on every side, they go after him at every step.

His bones are full of young strength, but it will go down with him into the dust.

Though he takes care of it, and does not let it go, but keeps it still in his mouth;

He may go in flight from the iron spear, but the arrow from the bow of brass will go through him;

Let me say what is in my mind, and after that, go on making sport of me.

Their ox is ready at all times to give seed; their cow gives birth, without dropping her young.

Their days come to an end without trouble, and suddenly they go down to the underworld.

Though they said to God, Go away from us, for we have no desire for the knowledge of your ways.

Together they go down to the dust, and are covered by the worm.

Who said to God, Go away from us; and, What is the Ruler of all able to do to us?

See, I go forward, but he is not there; and back, but I do not see him;

The crushed are turned out of the way; all the poor of the earth go into a secret place together.

Like asses in the waste land they go out to their work, looking for food with care; from the waste land they get bread for their children.

Others go about without clothing, and though they have no food, they get in the grain from the fields.

Then there are those who are haters of the light, who have no knowledge of its ways, and do not go in them.

They go quickly on the face of the waters; their heritage is cursed in the earth; the steps of the crusher of grapes are not turned to their vine-garden.

He makes a deep mine far away from those living in the light of day; when they go about on the earth, they have no knowledge of those who are under them, who are hanging far from men, twisting from side to side on a cord.

For his eyes go to the ends of the earth, and he sees everything under heaven.

When I went out of my door to go up to the town, and took my seat in the public place,

After I had said what was in my mind, they were quiet and let my words go deep into their hearts;

Lifting me up, you make me go on the wings of the wind; I am broken up by the storm.

I go about in dark clothing, uncomforted; I get up in the public place, crying out for help.

I have become a brother to the jackals, and go about in the company of ostriches.

For fear of the great body of people, or for fear that families might make sport of me, so that I kept quiet, and did not go out of my door;

And am I to go on waiting while they have nothing to say? while they keep quiet and give no more answers?

And if he has mercy on him, and says, Let him not go down to the underworld, I have given the price for his life:

All flesh would come to an end together, and man would go back to the dust.

Because they did not go after him, and took no note of his ways,

For this cause men go in fear of him; he has no respect for any who are wise in heart.

Do you send out the thunder-flames, so that they may go, and say to you, Here we are?

Do you go after food for the she-lion, or get meat so that the young lions may have enough,

Who gives in the evening the meat he is searching for, when his young ones are crying to God; when the young lions with loud noise go wandering after their food?

Their young ones are strong, living in the open country; they go out and do not come back again.

Who has let the ass of the fields go free? or made loose the bands of the loud-voiced beast?

He is so cruel that no one is ready to go against him. Who then is able to keep his place before me?

Out of his mouth go burning lights, and flames of fire are jumping up.

The sword may come near him but is not able to go through him; the spear, or the arrow, or the sharp-pointed iron.

And now, take seven oxen and seven sheep, and go to my servant Job, and give a burned offering for yourselves, and my servant Job will make prayer for you, that I may not send punishment on you; because you have not said what is right about me, as my servant Job has.