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Seven sons and three daughters had been born to him.

His sons used to travel to each other's houses in turn on a regular schedule and hold festivals, inviting their three sisters to celebrate with them.

When their time of feasting had concluded, Job would rise early in the morning to send for them and consecrate them to God. He would offer a burnt offering for each one, because Job thought, "Perhaps my children sinned by cursing God in their hearts." Job did this time and again.

Haven't you surrounded him with a fence on all sides, around his house, and around all that he owns? You have blessed everything he puts his hands on and you have increased his livestock in the land.

However, stretch out your hand and strike everything he owns, and he will curse you to your face."

when the Sabeans attacked, captured the servants, and killed them with swords. I alone escaped to tell you!"

While this messenger was still speaking, another came and announced, "A lightning storm struck and incinerated the flock and the servants while they were eating. I alone escaped to tell you!"

While this messenger was still speaking, another came and announced, "The Chaldeans formed three companies, raided the camels, captured the servants, and killed them with swords. Only I alone escaped to tell you."

when a strong wind came straight out of the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house. It collapsed on the young people, and they died. I alone escaped to tell you!"

Some time later, divine beings again presented themselves to the LORD, and Satan accompanied them to present himself to the LORD.

The LORD asked Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one like him on earth. The man is blameless as well as upright. He fears God and keeps away from evil. He remains firm in his integrity, even though you have been urging me to overwhelm him without cause."

However, stretch out your hand and strike his bones and flesh, and he'll curse you to your face, won't he?"

Job took a broken piece of pottery to scrape himself while sitting among the ashes.

But he replied to her, "You're talking like foolish women do. Are we to accept what is good from God but not tragedy?" Throughout all of this, Job did not sin by what he said.

When Job's three friends heard all these tragedies that happened to him, they each traveled from their home towns to visit him. Eliphaz came from Teman, Bildad came from Shuah, and Zophar came from Naamath. They met together and went to console and comfort him.

Observing him from a distance, at first they didn't even recognize him, so they raised their voices and burst into tears. They each ripped their robes, threw ashes into the air on their heads,

"Let the day when I was born be annihilated, along with the night when it was announced, "It's a boy!'

Let that day be dark; let God above not care about it; let no light shine over it.

Let darkness and deep gloom reclaim it; let clouds settle down on it; let blackness in mid-day terrify it.

Let whoever curses days curse it those who are ready to awaken monsters.

"Because that night refused to shut the doors of my mother's womb; it failed to keep me from seeing this trouble.

Why didn't I die while I was still in the womb, or die while I was being born?

Why was there a lap to hold me, and why were there breasts to nurse me?

along with kings and counselors of the earth, who used to build for themselves what are now only ruins,

In that place, those who once were prisoners will be at ease together; they won't hear the voice of oppressors.

"Why does God give light to the sufferer or life to the bitter person:

To those who are longing for death even though it does not come? To those who search for it more than for hidden treasure?

To those who are happy beyond measure when they reach their graves?

To the formerly successful man who lost his way in life, and God fenced him in?

"As far as I'm concerned, my food comes to me in the form of sighs, and my cries of anguish pour out like water.

For the dreaded thing that I feared has happened to me, what caused me to worry has engulfed me.

"Will you get offended if somebody tries to talk to you? Who can keep from speaking at a time like this?

"Your fear of God has been your confidence, hasn't it? The integrity of your life has been your hope, hasn't it?

Full grown lions die when they cannot find prey; that's when the lion cubs are scattered.

"A message was confided to me; my ear caught a whisper of it.

A fear fell upon me, along with trembling that caused all my bones to shake in terror.

A spirit glided past me and made the hair on my skin to bristle.

It remained standing, but I couldn't recognize its appearance. A form appeared before my eyes; At first there was silence, and then this voice:

Their wealth perishes with them, doesn't it? They die, and do so without having wisdom, don't they?"

"Cry out, won't you! Is there anyone who will answer you? To whom will you turn among the holy ones?

His children are far from deliverance; they'll be maltreated before they leave home, with no one to rescue them.

For wickedness doesn't crop up from dust, nor does trouble sprout out of the ground;

"Now as for me, I would seek God if I were you; I would commit my case to God.

He sets the lowly on high, and lifts those who mourn to safety.

He captures the wise in their own craftiness, bringing a quick end to their cunning advice.

"He will deliver you through six calamities; and calamity won't touch you throughout the seventh.

Tasteless food isn't eaten without salt, is it? Is there any taste in an egg white?

I cannot bring myself to touch them; food like this makes me sick."

that God would just be willing to crush me; that he would let loose and eliminate me!

At least I could still take comfort and rejoice in unceasing anguish, for I didn't conceal what the Holy One has to say.

There is no help within me, is there? My resources have been driven away from me, haven't they?

Filled with waters made cold by ice, they are where the snow goes to hide.

Travelers divert in their route; they go into a wasteland and die.

Travelers from Tema search intently; caravans from Sheba hope to find them.

For all their expectations, they are doomed to disappointment; even though they have come and searched this far.

"And now you're all just like them, aren't you? You see my terror and are terrified.

Did you intend your words to reprove, even though the speech of a desperate person is just wind?

Indeed, you would gamble to buy an orphan; and barter to buy your friend!

Now be willing to face me, and I won't lie to your face.

Have I said anything that's unjust? I can discern evil, can't I?"

"Men have harsh servitude on earth, do they not? His days are like those of a hired laborer, are they not?

Remember that my life is a breath; my eyes won't go back to seeing good things.

The eyes of the one who sees me won't see me anymore; your eyes will look for me but I won't be around!

He doesn't return again to his house, and his place won't recognize him anymore."

"In addition, I won't keep my opinion to myself; I'll speak from my distressed spirit; I'll complain with my bitter soul.

Why won't you look away from me? Why don't you leave me alone so I can swallow my saliva?

Why haven't you pardoned my transgression and taken away my iniquity? Now I'm about to lie down in the dust. You will seek me diligently, but I won't be around!"

"Inquire of the previous generation, won't you please? Consider what their forefathers searched out.

Won't they instruct you, and tell you, and bring out words from the heart?

While they are still green and not yet ready to be harvested, they wither before any plant.

He leans against his house, but it won't stand; he grabs hold of it firmly, but it doesn't last.

Its roots weave around a pile of stones, seeking to entrench itself among the rocks.

Surely God won't reject those who are blameless or hold hands with those who practice evil.

If one were to seek to argue with him, he won't be able to answer him even once in a thousand times.

"If he were to pass near me, I wouldn't notice; if he moves by, I wouldn't perceive him.

Indeed, if he snatches someone away, who could restrain him? Who can say to him, "What are you doing?'

"God doesn't restrain his anger. Rahab's assistants are humiliated under him.

So how am I to answer him, choosing what I am to say to him?

"Were I to be summoned, and he were to answer me, I wouldn't even believe that he was listening to what I have to say.

He won't let me catch my breath; instead, he fills me with bitterness.

"I'm blameless; I don't know myself; I despise my life.

If I were to say, "Let me forget my complaint,' change the expression on my face, and look cheerful,

then I still dread all of my suffering; I know you still won't acquit me.

There is not yet a mediator between us, who would set his hand on the two of us,

"I am disgusted with living, so I'm going to talk about my complaint freely. I'll speak out from the bitterness of my soul.

I'll say to God, "Don't condemn me! Let me know why you are fighting me.

Does it delight you to oppress or despise what you have made, while you smile at the plans of the wicked?