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The vision of Isaiah son of Amoz, which he saw, concerning Judah and Jerusalem, - in the days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz Hezekiah - kings of Judah.

Alas! a nation - committing sin, a people - burdened with iniquity, a seed - practising wickedness, sons - acting corruptly. They have forsaken Yahweh despised the Holy One of Israel, - Are estranged and gone back.

From the sole of the foot even unto the head, there is in it no soundness, Bruise and stripe and newly-made wound, - They have not been pressed out, nor bound up, nor soothed with oil.

And left is the Daughter of Zion, Like a hut in a vineyard, - Like a lodge in a gourd-plot Like a city besieged.

Of what use to me, is your multitude of sacrifices: Saith Yahweh: I am sated with ascending-offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts, - In the blood of bulls and young rams and he-goats, have I no pleasure.

When ye enter to see my face, Who hath required this at your hand trampling my courts?

Ye shall not again bring in an empty, present, Incense, an abomination, is that unto me! New moon, and sabbath calling an assembly - I cannot endure, iniquity and sacred festival!

How hath she become unchaste! - The city that was Faithful, - Full of justice, Righteousness lodged in her, But, now, murderers!

Thy rulers, are unruly, and companions of thieves, Every one of the people, loveth a bribe, and runneth after rewards, - The fatherless, they do not vindicate, And, the plea of the widow, reacheth them not.

Therefore, Declareth the Lord Yahweh of hosts, The Mighty One of Israel, - Alas! I must appease me on mine adversaries, I must avenge me on mine enemies

And the downfall of transgressors and sinners, shall be, together, - And, they who forsake Yahweh, shall be brought to an end;

For they shall turn pale on account of the oaks which ye desired, - And ye shall blush on account of the gardens which ye had chosen;

For ye shall be as an oak with its leaf faded, And as a garden that hath no, water;

Then shall the strong one become tow, And his work a spark, - And they shall both blaze together And there be none to quench the fire.

That which Isaiah, son of Amoz saw in vision, - concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

But it shall come to pass, in the afterpart of the days, That the mountain of the house of Yahweh Shall be, set up, as the head of the mountains, And be exalted above the hills, - And all the nations, shall stream thereunto;

And many peoples shall go and say - Come ye, and let us ascend Unto the mountain of Yahweh Unto the house of the God of Jacob, That he may teach us of his ways, And we may walk in his paths, - For, out of Zion, shall go forth a law, And the word of Yahweh out of Jerusalem;

O house of Jacob! come ye and let us walk in the light of Yahweh.

And filled is their land with idols, - To the work of their own hands, do they bow themselves down, To that which they made with their own fingers.

Enter into the rock, Or hide thee in the dust, - Because of the terribleness of Yahweh, And for his majestic splendour.

The lofty looks of mean men, shall be humbled, And, the haughtiness of great men, shall be bowed down, - And Yahweh alone shall be exalted in that day.

For, a day of Yahweh of hosts, shall be - Upon every one who is high and lofty, - And upon every one who is lifted up, And he shall be brought low;

And the haughtiness of mean men, shall be humbled, - And the loftiness of great men, shall be laid low, - And Yahweh alone shall be exalted in that day.

And they shall enter into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of clay, - Because of the terribleness of Yahweh, And for his majestic splendour, When he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.

In that day shall the son of earth cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, - which had been made for him to worship, into the hole of the mice, and to the bats;

That he may enter into the clefts of the rocks, and into the fissures of the crags, - Because of the terribleness of Yahweh, And for his majestic splendour, When he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.

When a man shall lay hold, on his brother of the house of his father, saying - Clothing, hast thou, Become thou our, ruler, This downfall, be under thy hand,

He will swear, in that day, saying - I will take no control, When in mine own house, is neither food nor clothing, - Ye must not set me for a ruler of people!

Yahweh, into judgment, will enter, With the elders of his people And their princes, - But ye, have consumed the vineyard, That which hath been robbed from the oppressed, is in your houses.

In that day, will My Lord remove the finery - of the anklets, and the little suns and the little moons;

And it shall come to pass - That instead of fragrance, a putrid odour, shall be, And instead of a girdle, an encircling rope, And instead of braided hair, baldness, And instead of a festal robe, a girding of sackcloth, Branding instead of beauty:

And her gates shall mourn and lament, - And forsaken, on the ground, shah she sit.

And seven women will take hold of one man in that day, saying, Our own bread, will we eat, And our own apparel, will we wear, - Only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

In that day, Shall the Bud of Yahweh, become beautiful and glorious, - And the Fruit of the Land splendid and majestic, To the escaped of Israel.

And it shall come to pass - He that is left in Zion! And he that remaineth in Jerusalem, Shall be called, holy, - Everyone written unto life in Jerusalem.

When My Lord shall have bathed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, And the blood-guiltiness of Jerusalem, he shall wash away out of her midst, - By the spirit of judgment, and By the spirit of thorough cleansing,

Let me sing, I pray you, for a well-beloved of mine, The song of my beloved concerning his vineyard: - A vineyard, had my well-beloved on a very fruitful hill;

And he thoroughly digged it, And gathered out the stones thereof, And planted it with a precious vine, And built a tower in the midst thereof, Moreover also a wine-press, hewed he therein, - Then waited he that it should bring forth grapes. And it brought forth wild grapes:

What could have been done further to my vineyard, That I had not done in it? Why then - When I had waited that it should bring forth grapes, Brought it forth, wild grapes?

Surely the vineyard of Yahweh of hosts, is the house of Israel, And, the men of Judah, are the plantation in which he dearly delighted, - And he waited, For equity but lo! murderous iniquity, For the rule of right but lo the cry of the wronged.

In mine ears, said Yahweh of hosts, - Verily, houses in abundance, shall become, a desolation, Large and fair, without inhabitant;

And it cometh to pass - that lyre and harp, timbrel and flute and wine are in their banquets, - But, the doing of Yahweh, they do not discern, And the work of his hands, have they not seen.

But Yahweh of hosts, hath been exalted, in justice, - And the GOD that is holy hath been hallowed in righteousness;

Alas! for them Who draw on themselves punishment with cords of falsehood, - And as with waggon-bands, penalty:

Who say - Let his work quicken - let it hasten, That we may see, - And let the purpose of Israel's Holy One, draw near and come. That we may know!

Therefore, As a tongue of fire, eateth up straw, And a flame reduceth, dry grass, to powder, Their root, like rottenness, shall become, And their blossom, like dust shall ascend, - Because they refused the law of Yahweh of hosts, And the utterance of the Holy One of Israel, they despised.

For this cause, did the anger of Yahweh kindle upon his own people, And he stretched out his hand against them and smote them - So that the mountains, trembled, And, their dead bodies, served, for fuel in the midst of the streets. For all this, hath his anger, not turned back, But still, is his hand outstretched,

Therefore will he lift up an ensign to the nations afar off, And signal for him from the end of the earth, - And lo! with hot haste, will he come:

None shall be weary, and none shall stumble in his midst, He shall neither slumber nor sleep, - Nor shall be loosened, the girdle of his loins, Nor snapped, the thong of his sandals:

A roar, hath he, like a lioness, - He will roar like wild lions - And will growl, and lay hold on prey, and carry into safety, and there be none to deliver.

Yea he will growl at him in that day, like the growling of the sea, - Though he look hard for the land, lo! the darkness of distress, Yea the light, hath grown dark in its clouds!

Seraphim, were standing above him; six wings severally, had each one, - With twain, he covered his face And with twain, he covered his feet And with twain, he did fly.

Then flew unto me one of the seraphim, And in his hand, a live coal, - With tongs, had he taken it from off the altar.

Then said be - Go and say unto this people, - Hear on but do not discern, See on but do not perceive:

And Yahweh have far removed men, - And great! be the abandonment in the midst of the land.

Yet still shall there be in it a tenth, Though it again be consumed, - Like an oak and like a terebinth Which when felled, have a stock in them, A holy seed, shall be the stock thereof. Courage.

And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz son of Jotham son of Uzziah king of Judah, that Rezin king of Syria, and Pekah son of Remaliah king of Israel, came up, to Jerusalem, to war against it, but could not prevail against it.

and say unto him - Take heed and keep thyself calm - do not fear, neither let thy heart be faint, because of these two fag-ends of smoking firebrands, - in spite of the glow of the anger of Rezin and Syria and the son of Remaliah.

Let us go up against Judah, and besiege it, and break it open, for ourselves, - and set up a king in the midst thereof, even the son of Tabeal,

Ask thee a sign, of Yahweh thy God, - Go down deep for a request, Or ascend on high!

Yahweh will bring upon thee and upon thy people, and upon the house of thy father, days which have not come, from the day when Ephraim departed from Judah, - even the king of Assyria.

And it shall come to pass in that day that Yahweh will give a signal - To the fly that is in the uttermost part of the Nile-canals of Egypt, And to the bee that is in the land of Assyria.

And they shall all of them come and settle down - In the desolate torrent-valleys, And in the rents of the crags, - And on all the thorn-bushes, And on all the pastures,

In that day, will My Lord shave, with hired razor, even with them of the lands over the River Euphrates, with the king of Assyria, the head and the hair of the feet, - yea, even the beard, will it sweep off.

And it shall come to pass in that day, that a man shall keep alive a young cow and two sheep.

Yea it shall come to pass for the abundance of the yield of milk, that he shall eat curds, - for, curds and honey, shall every one eat that is left in the midst of the land.

And it shall some to pass in that day, that, every place wherein there used to be a thousand vines at a thousand pieces of silver, - yea, even for briars and thorns, shall it be.

With arrows and with a bow, shall one come in thither, - for briars and thorns, shall be all the land.

And Yahweh said unto me: Take thee a large tablet, - and write thereon in plain characters, To Maher-shalal-hash-baz. "Speed-spoil-hurry-prey".

That I may take in attestation, faithful witnesses, - even Uriah the priest, and Zechariah son of Jeberechiah.

and roll on throughout Judah - overflow and pass along, till unto the neck, he shall reach, - and it shall be, that, the stretching out of his wings, shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel!

For, thus, spake Yahweh unto me like a firm grasp of the hand, - when he admonished me, not to walk in the way of this people, saying:

So shall he become a hallowed asylum, - But a stone to strike against, and a rock to stumble over unto both houses of Israel A trap and a snare to the dweller in Jerusalem;

Lo! I and the children whom Yahweh hath given me, are for signs and for wonders in Israel, - from Yahweh of hosts, who is making his habitation in Mount Zion.

But, when they say unto you - Seek ye unto the necromancers and unto the wizards, who chirp, and who mutter, Should not u people seek, unto its God? In behalf of the living, should it seek unto the dead?

Therefore shall they pass through it hard pressed and hungry, - And it shall be when they hunger, then will they rage and revile their king and their god and turn their faces upwards;

For there is no gloom to her who had been in anguish, In the former time, he brought into dishonour The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, In the latter time, hath he brought into honour The Lake-way over the Jordan, Galilee of the nations.

Thou hast increased the exultation Thou hast made great the joy, - They joy before thee, according to the joy of harvest, As men exult when they distribute spoil.

For, the yoke of their burden, The cross-bar of their shoulder, The goad of their driver, Hast thou broken, as in the day of Midian.

Surely, every boot of one tramping in tumult, and the war-cloak rolled in blood Then shall serve for burning, food for fire;

A word, hath My Lord, sent unto Jacob, - And it shall alight on Israel;

and the people shall all of them know it - Ephraim and the dweller in Samaria - Who in pride and insolence of heart, are saying:

Therefore hath Yahweh cut off from Israel - Head and tail Palm-top and rush, In one day.

For this cause, over their choice young men, will My Lord not rejoice, And on their fatherless and their widows, will he not have compassion, For every one of them, is profane and an evildoer, And, every mouth is speaking baseness, - For all this, hath his anger, not turned back, But still, is his hand outstretched.

Through the wrath of Yahweh of hosts, is the land consumed, - And the people have come to be, as fuel for fire, A man unto his own brother, sheweth not pity;

And he hath slain on the right, and yet is hungry, And hath eaten on the left, yet are they not satisfied, - Every one, the flesh of his own arm, will they eat: