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Though there is - for a tree - hope, - if it should be cut down, that, again, it will grow, and, the tender branch thereof, will not cease;

He shall wrong - like a vine - his sour grapes, and shall cast off - as an olive-tree - his blossom.

He hath ruined me on every side, and I am gone, and he hath taken away - like a tree - my hope;

Maternal love shall forget him, the worm shall find him sweet, No more shall he be remembered, but perversity shall be shivered like a tree.

For what shall be the hope of the impious, though he graspeth with greed, when GOD shall draw forth his soul?

And I shivered the fangs of the perverse, - and, out of his teeth, I tare the prey.

If my heart hath been enticed unto a woman, or, by the door of my neighbour, I have lien in wait,

Then let me be made to tremble at a great throng, yea let, the contempt of families, terrify me, so that, keeping silence, I shall not go out of the door!

The number of my footsteps, I would declare to him, Like a noble, would I draw near to him.

So doth his soul draw near to the pit, and his life to the inflicters of death:

Canst thou draw out the Crocodile with a fish-hook? Or, with a cord, canst thou fasten down his tongue?