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For they a garland of grace to thy head, and necklaces for thy throat

To attend to wisdom thou wilt incline thine ear, thy heart to understanding;

For if thou will call to understanding, wilt give thy voice to understanding

And thy storehouses shall be filled with abundance, and thy wine-vats shall break forth with new wine.

Then shalt thou go thy way confidently, and thy foot shall not stumble.

Thou shalt not say to thy neighbor, Go, and turn back, and to-morrow I will give; and there is with thee.

Thou shalt not fabricate evil upon thy neighbor, and he dwelling confidently with thee.

And he taught me, and he will say to me, Thy heart shall hold fast my words: watch my commands and live.

She will give to thy head a garland of grace: a crown of glory she will deliver thee.

In thy going, thy steps shall not be pressed; and if thou shalt run thou shalt not be weak.

They shall not turn aside from thine eyes; watch them in the midst of thy heart

To watch meditation, and thy lips shall guard knowledge.

Remove far off from her thy way, and thou shalt not draw near to the door of her house:

Lest thou shalt give thy strength to others, and thy years to the cruel:

And thou didst lament in thy latter state, in the consuming of thy flesh and thy fulness,

My son, if thou becamest surety for thy friend, thou didst strike thy hands for a stranger;

Thou wert snared with the sayings of thy mouth, thou wert taken with the sayings of thy mouth.

Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself when thou camest into the hand of thy friend; go humble thyself and enlarge thy friend.

And thy poverty came as he going, and thy want as a man of the shield.

Tie them always upon thy heart; bind them upon thy throat

In thy going about it shall lead thee; in thy lying down it shall watch over thee; and awaking, it shall speak to thee.

Bind them upon thy fingers, and write them upon the tablet of thine heart

For this, I shall come forth to thy meeting, to seek thy face, and I shall find thee.

And thy heart shall not deviate to her ways; thou shalt not wander in her beaten paths.

Incline thine ear and hear the words of the wise, and thou shalt set thy heart to my knowledge.

For pleasant things if thou shalt watch them in thy belly; they shall be prepared together for thy lips.

For thy trust to be in Jehovah, I caused thee to know to-day, thee also.

If not to thee to requite, why shall he take thy bed from under thee?

Thy morsel which thou didst eat thou shalt vomit forth and destroy thy pleasant words.

In the ears of the foolish thou shalt not speak, for he will despise for the understanding of thy words.

And my reins shall exult in the speaking of thy lips uprightnesses.

Hear thou, my son, and be wise, and guide thy heart right in the way.

Thine eyes shall see strange women, and thy heart shall speak perverseness.

If thou shalt say, Behold, we knew not this; will not he trying hearts, understand? and he guarding thy soul, knew? and he turned back to man according to his work.

My son, eat honey, for it is good; and the dropping of honey being sweet to thy palate.

So the knowledge of wisdom to thy soul if thou shalt find: and there is a latter state and thine expectation shall not be cut off.

Prepare thy work without, and make it ready for thee in the field afterwards; and build thy house.

Thou shalt not go forth hastily to strive, lest what thou shalt do in its latter state in thy neighbor putting thee to shame.

Thou didst find honey; eat thy sufficiency, lest thou shalt be satiated, and thou vomit it forth.

Lambs for thy clothing, and the he goats the price of the field.

And enough of goats' milk for thy bread, and for the bread of thy house, and the life of thy girls.