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And in Egypt there will be no work for any man, head or tail, high or low, to do.

Let your land be worked with the plough, O daughter of Tarshish; there is no longer any harbour.

I, the Lord, am watching it; I will give it water at all times: I will keep it night and day, for fear that any damage comes to it.

No lion will be there, or any cruel beast; they will not be seen there; but those for whom the Lord has given a price,

Give no attention to Hezekiah when he says to you, The Lord will keep us safe. Has any one of the gods of the nations kept his land from falling into the hands of the king of Assyria?

Have no fear, be strong in heart; have I not made it clear to you in the past, and let you see it? and you are my witnesses. Is there any God but me, or a Rock of whom I have no knowledge?

Because of this evil will come on you, which may not be turned away for any price: and trouble will overtake you, from which no money will give salvation: destruction will come on you suddenly, without your knowledge.

No instrument of war which is formed against you will be of any use; and every tongue which says evil against you will be judged false. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness comes from me, says the Lord.

Happy is the man who does this, and the son of man whose behaviour is so ordered; who keeps the Sabbath holy, and his hand from doing any evil.