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And he having answered, said to them, That Esaias prophesied well concerning you, as it has been written, This people honour me with lips, and their heart keeps far from me.

And he said to them, Well do ye abrogate the command of God, that ye might keep your tradition.

And above measure were they struck with amazement, saying, Well has he done all things: he makes the deaf to hear, and the speechless to speak.

And one of the scribes having come, having heard them seeking out together, knowing that he answered them well, asked him, Which is the first command of all?

And the scribe said to him, Well, Teacher, in truth hast thou spoken: for one God is; and there is no other but he:

They shall take up serpents; and should they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall put hands upon the sick, and they shall be well.