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But the messenger said unto him - Do not fear, Zachariah! Inasmuch as thy supplication hath been hearkened to, - and, thy wife Elizabeth, shall bring forth a son to thee, and thou shalt call his name, John;

And Zachariah said unto the messenger - Whereby, shall I know this? for, I, am, aged, and, my wife, advanced in her days.

And the messenger, answering, said unto him - I, am Gabriel, - he that standeth near before God; and have been sent forth to speak unto thee, and to deliver the joyful message unto thee, as touching these things.

and entering in unto her, he said - Joy to thee, favoured one! The Lord, be with thee!

And the messenger said unto her - Do not fear, Mary, for thou hast found favour with God, -

But Mary said unto the messenger - How, shall this thing be, seeing that, a man, I know not?

And Mary said - Lo! the handmaid of the Lord! Might it come to pass unto me, according to thy declaration. And the messenger departed from her.

and lifted up her voice with loud exclamation, and said - Blessed, art thou among women, and, blessed, is the fruit of thy womb;

And his mother, answering, said - Nay! but he shall be called, John.

And they said unto her - There is, no one from among thy kindred, who is called by this name!

And the messenger said unto them - Be not afraid! For lo! I bring you good tidings of a great joy, the which shall be for all the people:

and to give a sacrifice, according to that which is said in the law of the Lord - A pair of turtle-doves, or two young pigeons.

even he, welcomed it into his arms, and blessed God, and said -

And Symeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother - Lo! this one, is being set for the falling and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign to be spoken against;

And, when they behold him, they were astounded, and his mother said unto him - Child! why, hast thou dealt with us, thus? Lo! thy father and I, in anguish, were seeking thee.

And he said unto them - Why was it that ye were seeking me? Perceived ye not, that, in the courts of my Father, I must needs be?

And, answering, he said unto them - He that hath two tunics, let him share with him that hath none, and, he that hath food, in like manner, let him be doing.

And there came, even tax-collectors, to be immersed; and they said unto him - Teacher! what, shall we, do?

And, he, said unto them, Nothing more than what is appointed you, exact ye.

Then were questioning him, soldiers also, saying - What shall, even we, do? And he said unto them - Molest ye, no one, neither accuse falsely; and be content with your supplies.

And the adversary said to him - If thou art God's, Son, speak unto this stone; that it become bread.

And the adversary said to him - Unto thee, will I give this authority, all together, and their glory; because, unto me, hath it been delivered up, and, to whomsoever I please, I give it:

And he led him into Jerusalem, and set him upon the pinnacle of the temple, - and said to him- If thou art God's, Son, cast thyself, from hence, down;

And Jesus, answering, said to him - It is said: Thou shalt not put to the test the Lord thy God.

And he said unto them - By all means, ye will speak to me this similitude: Physician! heal, thyself, - Whatsoever things we have heard of coming to pass in Capernaum, do here also, in thine own country.

And he said - Verily, I say unto you, No prophet, is, welcome, in his own country,

And, when he ceased speaking, he said unto Simon - Put off into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

And Simon, answering, said - Master! although through the whole night we toiled, we took, nothing; howbeit, at thy bidding, I will let down the nets.

likewise also, both James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon - Do not fear! henceforth, shall thou be taking, men, that they may, live.

But, that ye may know that, the Son of Man, hath, authority, upon the earth to forgive sins - he said to the paralyzed man - To thee, I say, Arise, and, taking up thy couch, be going thy way unto thy house.

And, after these things, he went forth, and looked upon a tax-collector, by name Levi, - presiding over the tax-office; and he said to him - Be following me!

And, answering, Jesus said unto them - No need, have, the whole, of a physician, but, they who are sick.

But, they, said unto him - The disciples of John, do fast much, and, supplications, do make, - likewise also the disciples of the Pharisees; but, thine, do eat and drink!

Jesus, however, said unto them - Can, ye make, the sons of the bridechamber, fast, while the bridegroom is with them?

But, certain of the Pharisees, said - Why are ye doing what is not allowed on the Sabbath?

And, making answer unto them, Jesus said - Have ye never read, even this, what David did when he hungered, he, and they who were with him -

But, he, knew their reasonings, and said to the man who had the, withered, hand - Arise, and stand forward in the midst! And, arising, he stood forward.

And Jesus said unto them - I ask you, whether it is allowed, on the Sabbath, to do good or to do harm, - life, to save, or, to destroy.

And, looking round upon them all, he said unto him - Stretch forth thy hand! and, he, did so, and his hand was restored.

And, hearing these things, Jesus marvelled at him; and, turning to the multitude following him, said - I tell you, Not even in Israel, such faith as this, have I found!

And, going forward, he touched the coffin, and the bearers stood still; and he said - Young man! to thee, I say, Arise!

And, coming near unto him, the men said - John the Immerser, hath sent us unto thee, saying, Art, thou, the Coming One, or, another, are we to expect?

And, answering, he said unto them - Go and bear tidings unto John, as to what ye have seen and heard: The blind, are receiving sight, the lame, walk, lepers, are cleansed, and, the deaf, hear, the dead, are raised, the destitute, are told the glad-message;

And, making answer, Jesus said unto him - Simon! I have, unto thee, something to say. He, then - Teacher, speak! - saith he.

Making answer, Simon said - I suppose, that he to whom, the more, he forgave. And, he, said unto him - Rightly, hast thou judged.

And, turning towards the woman, unto Simon, he said - Seest thou this woman? I entered into thy house: water to me, on my feet, thou didst not give, - but, she, with her tears, hath wetted my feet, and, with her hair, wiped off the tears .

But he said unto the woman - Thy faith, hath saved thee, - Go thy way into peace.

And it came to pass, on one of the days, that, he, entered into a boat, and his disciples; and he said unto them - Let us pass over unto the other side of the lake. And they set sail.

And he said unto them - Where was your faith? But, struck with fear, they marvelled, saying one to another - Who then is, this, - that, even unto the winds, he giveth orders, and unto the water, and they hearken unto him.

But, seeing Jesus, he cried out aloud, and fell down before him, and, with a loud voice, said - What have I in common with thee, O Jesus, Son of Godthe Most High? I beg of thee - Do not torment me! -

And Jesus questioned him - What name hast thou? And, he, said - Legion! because many demons had entered into him.

And Jesus said - Who, is it that touched me? And, when all were denying, Peter said - Master! the multitudes, are hemming thee in, and pressing along.

But, Jesus, said - Some one touched me, for, I, took note of power, gone out from me.

And they were all weeping, and beating themselves, for her. And he said - Be not weeping; for she died not, but is sleeping.

and said unto them - Nothing, take ye for the journey, - neither staff, nor satchel, nor bread, nor silver, nor to have, two tunics.

Now Herod the tetrarch heard of all the things which were coming to pass, and was utterly at a loss, because of its being said, by some, that, John, had been raised from the dead;

But Herod said - John, I myself, beheaded; but, who is this, concerning whom I am hearing such things as these? And he was seeking to see him.

And, the day, began to decline; and the twelve, coming near, said to him - Dismiss the multitude, that, going into the surrounding villages and hamlets, they may lodge, and find provisions; because, here, in a desert place, are we.

But he said unto them - Give, ye, them to eat. They, however, said - We have not more than five loaves, and two fishes, - unless perhaps, we, should go, and buy food, for all this people.

For there were about five thousand men. And he said unto his disciples - Make them recline, in companies of about fifty each.

And they, answering, said John the Immerser; But some, Elijah, and others, that, some prophet of the ancients, hath arisen.

And it came to pass, when they were being parted from him, Peter said unto Jesus - Master! it is, delightful, for us to be, here: Let us, therefore, make three tents, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah: - not knowing what he said.

And, making answer, Jesus said - O faithless and perverted generation! how long shall I be with you, and bear with you? Bring, hither, thy son.

And they were all being struck with astonishment, at the majesty of God. And, while all were marvelling at all things which he was doing, he said unto his disciples:

and said unto them - Whosoever shall give welcome unto this child, on my name, unto me, giveth welcome; and, whosoever, unto me, giveth welcome, giveth welcome unto him that sent me forth. For, he who is least among you all, the same, is, great.

But John, answering, said - Master! we saw some one, in thy name, casting out demons, - and we forbade him, because he followeth not with us.

And Jesus said unto him - Do not forbid; for, whosoever is not against you, is, for you.

And the disciples James and John, seeing it, said - Lord! wilt thou, that we bid fire come down from heaven, and destroy them?

And, as they were journeying on the road, one said unto him - I will follow thee, whithersoever thou shalt depart.

And he said unto another - Be following me! But, he, said - Suffer me, first, to depart, and bury my father.

And he said unto him - Leave, the dead, to bury their own dead; but, thou, departing, be declaring the kingdom of God.

And, yet another, said - I will follow thee, Lord; But, first, suffer me to bid adieu to them that are in my house.

And, turning unto his disciples, privately, he said - Happy, the eyes, that see what ye see!

And, he, said unto him - In the law, what is written? how dost thou read?

And he said unto him - Rightly, hast thou answered: This, do, and thou shalt live.

And taking up the question , Jesus said - A certain man, was going down from Jerusalem unto Jericho, and, with robbers, fell in, - who, stripping him, and inflicting, wounds, upon him, departed, leaving him, half dead.

And, on the morrow, throwing out two denaries, he gave them to the inn-keeper, and said - Take care of him, and, whatsoever thou shall further spend, I, when on my way back, will duly pay thee.

And, he, said - He who dealt mercifully with him. And Jesus said unto him - Be taking thy journey, and, thou, be doing, in like manner.

But, Martha, was distracted about much ministering, and, coming near, said - Lord! carest thou not that, my sister, hath left me to be ministering, alone? Speak to her, then, that she help me.

But the Lord, answering, said to her - Martha! Martha! thou art anxious and troubled about many things:

And it came to pass, when he was in a certain place praying, as he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him - Lord! teach us to pray, as, John also, taught his disciples.