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So the poor man has hope, and the mouth of the evil-doer is stopped.

So is the end of all who do not keep God in mind; and the hope of the evil-doer comes to nothing:

The land is given into the power of the evil-doer; the faces of its judges are covered; if not by him, then who has done it?

Though you see that I am not an evil-doer; and there is no one who is able to take a man out of your hands?

That, if I was an evil-doer, the curse would come on me; and if I was upright, my head would not be lifted up, being full of shame and overcome with trouble.

And that will be my salvation, for an evil-doer would not come before him,

For there is hope of a tree; if it is cut down, it will come to life again, and its branches will not come to an end.

He is like a vine whose grapes do not come to full growth, or an olive-tree dropping its flowers.

I am broken down by him on every side, and I am gone; my hope is uprooted like a tree.

All the men of my circle keep away from me; and those dear to me are turned against me.

That the pride of the sinner is short, and the joy of the evil-doer but for a minute?

For you say, Where is the house of the ruler, and where is the tent of the evil-doer?

The public place of his town has no more knowledge of him, and his name has gone from the memory of men: he is rooted up like a dead tree.

How have you given teaching to him who has no wisdom, and fully made clear true knowledge!

This is the punishment of the evil-doer from God, and the heritage given to the cruel by the Ruler of all.

When I went out of my door to go up to the town, and took my seat in the public place,

By me the great teeth of the evil-doer were broken, and I made him give up what he had violently taken away.

If my heart went after another man's wife, or if I was waiting secretly at my neighbour's door;

For fear of the great body of people, or for fear that families might make sport of me, so that I kept quiet, and did not go out of my door;

My heart is overflowing with knowledge, my lips say what is true.

He who says to a king, You are an evil-doer; and to rulers, You are sinners;

Have the doors of death been open to you, or have the door-keepers of the dark ever seen you?