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And again He having come into Capernaum during those days; and it was heard that He was in the house.

And there was a great herd of swine feeding in the mountain.

And Jesus immediately permitted them. And the unclean spirits having gone out, came into the swine: and the herd rushed down a precipice into the sea, and there were about two thousand: and they were strangled in the sea.

And king Herod heard; for His name became known: and said, John the Baptist is risen from the dead, and therefore mighty works are wrought in Him.

But Herod hearing said, That, He is John, whom I beheaded; He is risen from the dead.

For Herod himself having sent, arrested John, and bound him in prison on account of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip: because he married her.

for Herod was afraid of John, knowing him to be a just and holy man, and he continued to hold him in prison: and hearing him, he continued to do many things, and he was hearing him gladly.

And it being a high day, when Herod on his birthday made a feast to his mighty men, and chiliarchs, and the first men of Galilee;

and the daughter of Herodias herself, having come in and danced, and pleased Herod and those sitting with him; the king said to the damsel. Ask what you may wish, and I will give it to you.

And his disciples having heard, came and took his body, and put it in a sepulcher.

they were running round all that country, and they began to carry the sick on beds, when they heard that He is there.

And responding He said to them, Beautifully did Isaiah prophesy concerning you hypocrites, as has been written, This people honor me with lips, but their heart is far from me.

Because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is cast out into the excrement, purifying all edibles.

And He commanded them, saying, See, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.

Jesus said to them, On account of the hardness of your heart he wrote this commandment to you.

And responding He said to it, Let no one ever eat fruit from thee. And His disciples heard Him.

And the scribes and high priests heard Him, seeking how they might destroy Him: for they feared Him, because all the multitude were delighted with His teaching.

Truly I say unto you, That whosoever may say to this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea; and may not doubt in his heart, but believe that what he says does take place; it shall be unto him.

We heard Him saying, I will destroy this temple made with hands, and will build another in three days, made without hands.

You heard the blasphemy: what seems to you? And all answered, He is worthy of death.