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and not to listen to legends or exhaustive lists of ancestors. These [only] serve to arouse speculations, rather than [promote] God's plan which is based on faith.

holding on to [your] faith and a good conscience. Some people have rejected these things, resulting in the "shipwreck" of their faith [i.e., their spiritual life was ruined].

Among these people are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I delivered over to Satan [Note: This probably refers to withdrawing fellowship from them. See I Cor. 5:1-5], so that they would learn not to speak against God [anymore].

And these [prospective deacons] should also first be tested, [and] then they should [be appointed to] serve [as deacons] if they are found to be above reproach.

Although I hope to visit you soon, I am writing these things [in this letter]

If you point out these things to the brothers you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, and will be nurtured by the message of the faith and of the good teaching which you have been following.

Command and teach these things [i.e., the foregoing teaching. See verse 6-7].

Be attentive to these things [i.e., all of the foregoing]; be involved in [practicing] them, so that your progress [in the ministry] will be evident to everyone.

Command these things also, so that they [i.e., the widows and their families] can live above reproach.

I solemnly urge you, in the presence of God, and Christ Jesus and the elect [i.e, chosen] angels, that you obey these instructions without showing prejudice [toward anyone], or doing anything out of partiality.

And those slaves who have believing masters should not despise them, since they are [Christian] brothers, but rather they should serve them all the more [faithfully]. For those [masters] who benefit from their service are believers and dearly loved [by them and God]. Teach and exhort people regarding these things.