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However, stretch out your hand and strike his bones and flesh, and he'll curse you to your face, won't he?"

Verse Conceptsevil, origins ofdiseasesFalse AccusationsDamage To The BodyTouching To HarmWoundsCursing God

His children are far from deliverance; they'll be maltreated before they leave home, with no one to rescue them.

Verse Conceptsdefence, humanSafetyGod Is HolyChildren Suffering

You'll be protected from the accusing tongue; you need not fear destruction when it heads your way.

Verse ConceptsFloggingFearlessnessScourgingFreedom From ViolenceThe TongueProtection And SafetyProtection From Danger

You'll laugh at destruction and famine; and you need not fear the beasts of the earth.

Verse ConceptsLaughterFear, Of NaturalWild Beasts SubduedHelp In ShortageFreed From FearOvercoming Adversity

For you'll have a pact with the stones in the field; and the beasts of the field will be at peace with you.

Verse ConceptsAnimals, Care ForWild Beasts SubduedSleeping Peacefullycovenantprincipalities

You'll know that your home is secure; when you search your possessions, and nothing will be missing.

Verse ConceptsNothing MissingNo LossProtecting Your Familynegativity

You'll know that you'll have many children; and that your offspring will be like the grass of the earth.

Verse ConceptsGrassLike Grass

"Will the wild donkey bray from hunger if fresh grass is beside him? Will the ox low from distress if it is near its feed?

Verse ConceptsGrassWild DonkeysNeighing And BrayingWisdomlegacy

Now be willing to face me, and I won't lie to your face.

Verse ConceptsLooking Intently At PeopleLyingBeing Content

"When I lie down I ask, "When will I wake up?' But the night continues and I keep tossing and turning until dawn.

Verse ConceptsLonelinessMonotonySleeplessnessWakefulness

"In addition, I won't keep my opinion to myself; I'll speak from my distressed spirit; I'll complain with my bitter soul.

Verse ConceptsAgony, In HeartBeing BitterResentment, Against GodAnguish, Cause

Why haven't you pardoned my transgression and taken away my iniquity? Now I'm about to lie down in the dust. You will seek me diligently, but I won't be around!"

Verse ConceptsOffenceSleep, And DeathAcquittalIndividuals Passing AwayGod Not ForgivingLife Cut Short

"If your children sin against him, he'll make them a prisoner of their sins.

Verse ConceptsSin Clings To The Sinner

if you are clean and upright, surely then, he'll act on your behalf and restore your rightful place.

Verse ConceptsBlameRestorationRestoring ThingsMoving To A New Placeawakening

Though I'm in the right, my own mouth will condemn me; though I'm blameless, he'll pronounce me as guilty.

Verse ConceptsSelf CondemnationHuman ImperfectionPlea Of Innocencecondemnation

If a calamity causes sudden death, he'll mock at the despair of the innocent.

Verse ConceptsInnocence, Examples OfDoubting God's JusticeDespair

"If I wash myself with water from snow, and cleanse my hands with lye,

Verse ConceptsClean, Spiritual UsePurity, Nature OfSnowCold WeatherPuritycleansing

you'll still drop me into the Pit, and my own clothes will despise me.

Verse ConceptsClean, Spiritual Use

"I am disgusted with living, so I'm going to talk about my complaint freely. I'll speak out from the bitterness of my soul.

Verse ConceptsComplaintsHealthBeing BitterResentment, Against GodSelf PitySuicideWeariness Of LifeLife DespisedDeath DesiredComplainingBitternesstiredventing

I'll say to God, "Don't condemn me! Let me know why you are fighting me.

Verse ConceptsAfflictions, Prayer DuringDisputesWhy Does God Do This?condemnation

""Please remember that you've made me like clay and you'll return me to dust.

Verse ConceptsClayPouringClay, Figurative UseCreatures Returning To DustDeathdust

When you sleep, there'll be nothing to fear; and many will court your favor.

Verse ConceptsLying Down To RestFavor

"Ask the wild animals, and they'll teach you; the birds of the sky will tell you.

Verse ConceptsAnimalsCaring For AnimalsMammalsRelation Of Animals To ManBirdsPets

Or ask the green plants of the earth and they'll teach you; let the fish in the sea tell you.

Verse ConceptsFish

When he withholds water, rivers dry up; when he lets them loose, they'll flood the land.

Verse ConceptsGod Drying Things UpFloods

Will things go well for you under his cross-examination? Can you lie to him, as you would to a human being?

Verse ConceptsGod Testing PeopleDeceiving GodMan's Relation To God

Who can oppose me? If they do, I'll be silent and die.

Verse Conceptsghosts

Then call and I'll answer, or let me speak and then you reply to me!"

You'll call and I'll answer you; you'll long for your creatures that your hands have made.

Verse ConceptsAnswering GodGod's Desires

Then you'll certainly count every step I took, but you won't keep an inventory of my sin.

Verse ConceptsExposure Of SinSteps Of The Saints

"I'll tell you what, listen to me! Let me relate what I've seen,

Verse ConceptsPay Attention To People!

He won't escape darkness; a flame will wither his shoots; and he'll depart by the breath of God's mouth.

Verse ConceptsBreath Of GodFace Of GoddrynessMouthsPeople WitheredScorchingThe Outer DarknessEscaping EvilOuter Darkness

For when only a few years have elapsed, I'll start down a path from which I'll never return."

Verse ConceptsDeath, Description OfJourneyThe Finality Of DeathPeople not returningDeath Is Finalpast

Make sure that you remain wary of God's sword, for God's wrath brings with it the sword of punishment, by which you'll know there's a judgment."

Verse ConceptsThe Final Judgement

he'll perish forever, like his own excrement; those who saw him will ask, "Where is he?'

Verse Conceptsdung and manurePeople Passing AwayDefecationpoop

He'll vanish like a dream, and no one will find him; he will be chased away like a night vision."

Verse ConceptsWicked Described AsDisappearanceLike A Dreamflying

Though his bones were full of youthful vigor; yet they will lie down with him in the dust.

Verse ConceptsYouthFruits Of SinFreshness Of YouthEarly DeathLife Cut Short

Bear with me and let me speak! Then, after I've spoken, you'll be free to mock me.

Verse ConceptsMockery

Their own eyes will see their destruction; and they'll drink the wrath of the Almighty.

Verse ConceptsdrinkingActing For Oneself

"If you return to the Almighty you'll be restored, as you remove iniquity from your household.

Verse ConceptsReturning To GodRevival, PersonalTentsRemoving People From Your LifeGod As A Source Of Delight

"Then you'll take delight in the Almighty; and will turn your face toward God.

Verse ConceptsGod As A Source Of Delight

He'll even deliver the guilty, who will be delivered through your innocence."

Verse ConceptsPurity

I would lay out my case before him; and fill my mouth with arguments.

Verse ConceptsReasoned Argument

I know how he would answer me; I understand what he'll tell me.

"Would he use his great power to fight me? No, he'll pay attention to me.

Verse ConceptsPenitentWill God Pay Attention?

In that place, the upright can reason with him; and I'll be acquitted once and for all by my judge."

Verse ConceptsrelaxingAcquitting The Just

He'll complete what he has planned for me; he has many things in mind for me!

Verse ConceptsPredestination, Of Persons

"I'll teach you about the power of God, that which is with the Almighty I won't conceal.

Verse ConceptsGod's HandTeaching The Way Of God

He'll be swept up by a storm wind and carried away; he'll be whirled away from his place.

Verse ConceptsDeath Of The WickedSudden Death

It will toss him around without pity. He'll try to break free from its grip,

The deepest ocean says, "It's not within me.' and the sea says, "You'll never find it with me.'

Verse ConceptsThe OceanThe Sea

They come like those who breach through a wall; as everything crashes around me they'll roll on and on!

Verse ConceptsArchaeologyGaps

I'll wear it on my shoulder, or tie it on my head for a crown!

Verse ConceptsCarrying Other Loadscrowns

I'll give an account for every step I've taken; I'll approach him confidently like a Commander-in-Chief."

Verse Conceptsaccounting

Therefore I'm saying, "Listen to me!' Then I'll declare what I know.

Verse ConceptsPay Attention To People!

"I will contribute my arguments as an answer; I'll declare what I know,

Verse ConceptsOpinions

Don't be afraid of me; I'll go easy on you."

"He'll sing to mankind with these words: "I've sinned. I have twisted what is right. Yet he has not repaid me like I deserve.

Verse ConceptsUnprofitable SinsGod Has ForgivenWe Have Sinned

"Be patient with me a moment longer, and I'll show you that there's more to say on God's behalf.

Verse ConceptsBe Patient!Being PatientWaiting For God's Timing

I'll take what I know to its logical conclusion and ascribe righteousness to my Creator,

Verse ConceptsJustification, Necessity OfGood Things From Far Away

he'll reveal their actions to them, when their transgressions have become excessive.

Verse ConceptsThings Revealed

"But if they won't listen, they'll perish by the sword and die in their ignorance.

Verse ConceptsRepentance, Importance OfDangers Of Ignorance

He'll deliver the afflicted through their afflictions and open their ears when they are oppressed."

Verse ConceptsGod And The PoorGod Helps The PoorAfflictionsHardshipGetting Through Hard Timesoppression

"Now I'll conclude with this: my heart is trembling violently; it feels like it's about to leap from my body!

Verse ConceptsIndividuals TremblingNervousness

Stand up like a man! I'll ask you some questions, and you give me some answers!"

Verse ConceptsGod EnquiringAnticipationTeaching GodPreparing For Action

when they crouch in their dens and lie in ambush in their lairs?

Verse ConceptsDensDwellings Of CreaturesOther Dwellings Of Creatures

Will you trust him that he'll bring in your grain, and gather it to your threshing floor?"

Verse ConceptsdistrustThreshing Floor

When the trumpet blasts he'll neigh, "Aha! Aha!' From a distance he can sense war, the war cry of generals, and their shouting."

Verse ConceptsNosesShouting

His young ones feast on blood; he'll be found wherever there's a carcass."

Verse ConceptsCreatures Drinking BloodEating Corpses

"Stand up like a man! I'll ask you some questions, and you give me some answers!

Verse ConceptsGod EnquiringTeaching GodPreparing For ActionMasculinity

then I will applaud you myself! I'll admit that you can deliver yourself by your own efforts!"

Verse Conceptsconfessing

Lay your hand on him, and you'll remember the struggle. You'll never do that again!

Verse ConceptsFighting EnemiesstruggleStruggles

His protective scales are his pride, they lie sealed tightly together.

Listen now, and I will speak for myself; I'll interrogate you and then inform me.

Verse ConceptsGod EnquiringTeaching God

So take seven bulls and seven rams and bring them to my servant Job. And bring a whole burnt offering for yourselves and my servant Job will pray for you. I'll encourage him by not responding as your disgraceful folly deserves, since you didn't speak about me correctly as did my servant Job."

Verse ConceptsFolly, Effects OfIntercessory PrayerSeven AnimalsSacrificing Cattle Sheep And Goats