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In the Lord I take refuge [and put my trust];
How can you say to me, “Flee like a bird to your mountain;

“If the foundations [of a godly society] are destroyed,
What can the righteous do?”

My steps have held closely to Your paths;
My feet have not staggered.

For my iniquities have gone over my head [like the waves of a flood];
As a heavy burden they weigh too much for me.

Many, O Lord my God, are the wonderful works which You have done,
And Your thoughts toward us;
There is none to compare with You.
If I would declare and speak of your wonders,
They would be too many to count.

O my God, my soul is in despair within me [the burden more than I can bear];
Therefore I will [fervently] remember You from the land of the Jordan
And the peaks of [Mount] Hermon, from Mount Mizar.

Kings’ daughters are among Your noble ladies;
At Your right hand stands the queen in gold from Ophir.

None of them can by any means redeem [either himself or] his brother,
Nor give to God a ransom for him—

Every one of them has turned aside and fallen away;
Together they have become filthy and corrupt;
There is no one who does good, no, not even one.

In God, whose word I praise;
In God I have put my trust;
I shall not fear.
What can mere man do to me?

Before your cooking pots can feel the fire of thorns [burning under them as fuel],
He will sweep them away with a whirlwind, the green and the burning ones alike.

But as for me, my feet came close to stumbling,
My steps had almost slipped.

Then they spoke against God;
They said, “Can God prepare [food for] a table in the wilderness?

“Behold, He struck the rock so that waters gushed out
And the streams overflowed;
Can He give bread also?
Or will He provide meat for His people?”

For who in the heavens can be compared to the Lord?
Who among the divine beings is like the Lord,

You have swept them away like a flood, they fall asleep [forgotten as soon as they are gone];
In the morning they are like grass which grows anew—

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand].

For the wind passes over it and it is no more,
And its place knows it no longer.

Who can put into words the mighty deeds of the Lord?
Or who can proclaim all His praise [that is due Him]?

Let his children wander and beg;
Let them seek their food and be driven far from their ruined homes.

I am vanishing like a shadow when it lengthens and fades;
I am shaken off like the locust.

They have hands, but they cannot feel;
They have feet, but they cannot walk;
Nor can they make a sound with their throats.

What will I give to the Lord [in return]
For all His benefits toward me?
[How can I repay Him for His precious blessings?]

I will never forget Your precepts,
For by them You have revived me and given me life.

I have gone astray like a lost sheep;
Seek Your servant, for I do not forget Your commandments.

Then the waters would have engulfed us,
The torrent would have swept over our soul;

Then the raging waters would have swept over our soul.”

He casts out His ice like fragments;
Who can stand before His cold?