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Some time after, Elizabeth his wife was pregnant, and went into retirement for five months.

Soon after this, Mary departed, and made an expeditious journey to a city of Juda, in the mountains:

three days after they found him in the temple, sitting near the doctors, attending to them and asking them questions.

One day, as the people press'd after him to hear his divine preaching, he came near the lake of Gennesereth,

After this Jesus left the place, and seeing a publican named Levi, sitting at the custom-house, he said to him, follow me.

Some time after, a person nam'd Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, came to Jesus, and upon his knees desired him to come to his house:

for he had an only daughter, about twelve years of age, who lay a dying. as he was on the way, the crowd press'd after him,

About eight days after this discourse, he took with him Peter, John, and James, and went up a mountain to pray.

After this the Lord nominated seventy disciples more, and sent them before by two and two, into all the cities, and towns, where he himself design'd to go.

wo unto you, doctors of the law; for after having taken the key of knowledge, you remain still in the dark, and hinder others, who desire to have light.

but I will inform you whom you should fear: fear him, who after he has kill'd, has power to precipitate into hell; yes, I advise you, fear him.

perhaps it may bear fruit: if not, you may after that hew it down.

After this a great multitude being gather'd about him, he address'd himself to them,

who of you that has an hundred sheep, will not, upon losing one, leave the ninety nine in the desart, to go after that which is lost, till he finds it?

and he was reduced to want, which forc'd him to make his application to one of the inhabitants there, who sent him to his farm to look after his swine.

won't he rather say, get ready my supper, dress yourself, and wait upon me, till I have done eating and drinking; after that, take your meal?

but he being hated by the citizens, after he was gone, they sent a deputation to court, to make this protest, "we will not have him for our king."

After this discourse, Jesus pursued his journey towards Jerusalem.

the second after marrying the widow, died likewise without children.

and after that they did not venture to ask him another question.

a little while after another seeing him, said, you are even one of them. but Peter said to him, man, I am not.

about an hour after another confidently affirm'd, saying, this fellow was certainly with him; for he too is a Galilean.

As they were conducting him to execution, they seiz'd upon one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming to town, and oblig'd him to carry the cross after Jesus,

then they went home, and provided spices and perfumes: after which they rested the sabbath-day, as the law appointed.

was not the Messiah to have suffer'd thus, and after that enter into his glory?