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And draw near do the days of David to die, and he chargeth Solomon his son, saying,

'And to the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite thou dost do kindness, and they have been among those eating at thy table, for so they drew near unto me in my fleeing from the face of Absalom thy brother.

Ben-Abinadab hath all the elevation of Dor, Taphath daughter of Solomon became his wife.

ten fat oxen, and twenty feeding oxen, and a hundred sheep, apart from hart, and roe, and fallow-deer, and fatted beasts of the stalls,

And Judah dwelleth -- and Israel -- in confidence, each under his vine, and under his fig-tree, from Dan even unto Beer-Sheba, all the days of Solomon.

And Hiram king of Tyre sendeth his servants unto Solomon, for he heard that they had anointed him for king instead of his father, for Hiram was a lover of David all the days;

And he maketh within the oracle two cherubs, of the oil-tree, ten cubits is their height;

as to the opening of the oracle, he made doors of the oil-tree; the lintel, side-posts, a fifth.

And the two doors are of the oil-tree, and he hath carved upon them carvings of cherubs, and palm-trees, and openings of flowers, and overlaid with gold, and he causeth the gold to go down on the cherubs and on the palm-trees.

And so he hath made for the opening of the temple, side-posts of the oil-tree, from the fourth.

And the two doors are of fir-tree, the two sides of the one door are revolving, and the two hangings of the second door are revolving.

And king Solomon sendeth and taketh Hiram out of Tyre --

he is son of a woman, a widow, of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father a man of Tyre, a worker in brass, and he is filled with the wisdom and the understanding, and the knowledge to do all work in brass -- and he cometh unto king Solomon, and doth all his work.

But, is it true? -- God dwelleth on the earth! lo, the heavens, and the heavens of the heavens do not contain Thee, how much less this house which I have builded!

Hiram king of Tyre hath assisted Solomon with cedar-trees, and with fir-trees, and with gold, according to all his desire; then doth king Solomon give to Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee.

And Hiram cometh out from Tyre to see the cities that Solomon hath given to him, and they have not been right in his eyes,

And she saith unto the king, 'True hath been the word that I heard in my land, concerning thy matters and thy wisdom;

And they build -- also they -- for themselves high places, and standing-pillars, and shrines, on every high height, and under every green tree;

and he himself hath gone into the wilderness a day's Journey, and cometh and sitteth under a certain retem-tree, and desireth his soul to die, and saith, 'Enough, now, O Jehovah, take my soul, for I am not better than my fathers.'

And he lieth down and sleepeth under a certain retem-tree, and lo, a messenger cometh against him, and saith to him, 'Rise, eat;'