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and what manner of land it is, whether it be fat or lean, and whether there be trees therein or not. And be of a good courage, and bring of the fruits of the land." And it was about the time that grapes are first ripe.

all the fat of the oil, of the wine and of the corn: their first fruits which they give unto the LORD that have I given unto thee.

"But the firstborn of oxen, sheep and goats shall not be redeemed. For they are holy, and thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar, and shalt burn their fat to be a sacrifice of a sweet savour unto the LORD.

Of all your gifts, ye shall take out the LORD's heave offering: even the fat of all their hallowed things.'

"And thou shalt say unto them, 'When ye have taken away the fat of it from it, it shall be counted unto the Levites, as the increase of corn and wine.

And ye shall bear no sin by the reason of it, when ye have taken from it the fat of it: neither shall ye unhallow the hallowed things of the children of Israel, and so shall ye not die.'"

And the children of Israel said unto him, "We will go by the beaten way: and if either we or our cattle drink of thy water, we will pay for it, we will do no more but pass through by foot only."

When the ass saw the angel of the LORD, she wrenched unto the wall and thrust Balaam's foot unto the wall, and he smote her again.

And after this manner ye shall offer throughout the seven days, the food of the sacrifice of sweet favour unto the LORD. And it shall be done beside the daily burnt offering and his drink offering.

and said unto them, "If the children of Gad and Reuben will go with you over Jordan, all prepared to fight before the LORD: then when the land is subdued unto you, give them the land of Gilead to possess.