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And, evening arriving, when the sun went in, they were bearing unto him all who were sick, and them who were demonized;

and he cured many that were sick with divers diseases, and, many demons, he cast out, and suffered not the demons to be talking, - because they knew him to be Christ.

And, hearing it, Jesus saith unto them - No need, have the strong of a physician, but they who are sick, I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.

And, with many such parables as these, was he speaking unto them the word, - according as they were able to hear;

And, when it was Sabbath, he began to be teaching in the synagogue, and, the greater part, as they heard, were being struck with astonishment, saying - Whence hath this man these things? - and - What the wisdom which hath been given to this man? - and - Such mighty works as these, through his hands, are coming to pass!

and he could not, there, do so much as a single mighty work, - save, on a few sick, he laid his hands and cured them.

For, Herod himself, had sent and secured John and bound him in prison, for the sake of Herodias the wife of Philip his brother, - for, her, had he married,

the people ran round the whole of that country, and began to be carrying round, upon couches, them who were sick, wherever they heard that he was.

And, wheresoever he was entering into villages, or into cities, or into hamlets, in the marketplaces, laid they the sick, and were beseeching him, that, only the fringe of his mantle, they might touch, and, as many soever as touched it, were being made well.

cancelling the word of God by your tradition which ye have delivered. And, many such similar things, are ye doing!

And, deeply sighing in his spirit, he saith - Why, doth this generation seek, a sign? Verily, I say - there shall, not be given, to this generation, a sign.

For, whosoever willeth, his own life, to save, shall lose it, but, whosoever shall lose his life for the sake of me and of the glad-message, shall save it;

But Jesus, seeing it, was greatly displeased, and said unto them - Suffer the children to come unto me, - do not hinder them; for, of such, is the kingdom of God.

Jesus said - Verily, I say unto you - There is, no one, who hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or mother, or father, or children, or lands, for the sake of me, and for the sake ofthe glad-message,

A beginning of birth-pangs, are these things. But be, ye, taking heed, unto yourselves: they will deliver you up into high-councils, and, in synagogues, shall ye be beaten, - and, before governors and kings, shall ye be set, for my sake, for a witness unto them.

But alas for the women with child, and for them who are giving suck, - in those days.

For in those days shall be a tribulation - such, that there hath not happened, the like, from the beginning of creation which God created, until the present time, and shall in nowise happen.

And, save that the Lord hath shortened the days, no flesh should be saved; but, for the sake of the chosen of whom he hath made choice, he hath shortened the days.