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I am not laying a command upon you, but I am making use of the earnestness shown by others to test the genuineness of your affection.

Verse ConceptsGenuinenessLove, Nature OfSincerity, In Christian LivingComparisonsSincereityLove Exists Between PeopleMen's OrdersTests

For it is not the man who commends himself that stands the test, but the man who is commended by the Lord.

Verse ConceptsCommendationSelf Righteousness, Nature OfWorthinessApprovalCommending OneselfPeople Commended By GodAcceptance

Put yourselves to the proof, to see whether you are holding to the Faith. Test yourselves. Surely you recognize this fact about yourselves--that Jesus Christ is in you! Unless indeed you cannot stand the test!

Verse ConceptsAcademicsFellowship With ChristComplacencyProving, Through TestingTestingUnion With Christ, Significance OfCharacter Of WickedSelf ExaminationExamining YourselfJudging OurselvesThe FaithBelieving In YourselfTestsexams

But I hope that you will recognize that we can stand the test.

Verse ConceptsGenuinenessexams

We pray God that you may do nothing wrong, not that we may be seen to stand the test, but that you may do what is right, even though we may seem not to stand the test.

Verse ConceptsCauses of failure inPraying For Othersexams