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For their feet are running after evil, and they are quick to take a man's life.

The simple man goes after her, like an ox going to its death, like a roe pulled by a cord;

So righteousness gives life; but he who goes after evil gets death for himself.

He who, with all his heart, goes after what is good is searching for grace; but he who is looking for trouble will get it.

The way of the evil-doer is disgusting to the Lord, but he who goes after righteousness is dear to him.

It is a danger to a man to say without thought, It is holy, and, after taking his oaths, to be questioning if it is necessary to keep them.

All the day the sinner goes after his desire: but the upright man gives freely, keeping nothing back.

They have overcome me, you will say, and I have no pain; they gave me blows without my feeling them: when will I be awake from my wine? I will go after it again.

For an upright man, after falling seven times, will get up again: but trouble is the downfall of the evil.

Put your work in order outside, and make it ready in the field; and after that, see to the building of your house.

Evil men have no knowledge of what is right; but those who go after the Lord have knowledge of all things.

By ploughing his land a man will have bread in full measure; but he who goes after good-for-nothing persons will be poor enough.

Men of blood are haters of the good man, and evil-doers go after his soul.