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Upon a bare mountain, lift ye up a standard, Raise high the voice to them, Wave the hand, That they may enter the doors of nobles.

I myself, have given charge to my hallowed ones, - Yea I have called My heroes in showing mine anger, My proudly exulting ones. The noise of a multitude in the mountains A resemblance of many people, -

They are coming in From a land far away. From the utmost bound of the heavens, - Yahweh - with his weapons of indignation, To destroy the land.

Howl ye! for at hand is the day of Yahweh, - As a veritable destruction from the Almighty, shall it come.

Lo! the day of Yahweh, coming in, Fierce and overflowing, and burning with anger, - To devote the earth to desolation, And her sinners, will he destroy out of it.

I will cause, a man, to be more precious than fine gold, - Even a son of earth than, the finest gold of Ophir.

For this cause, the heavens, will I disturb, And, the earth, shall tremble out of her place, - In the wrath of Yahweh of hosts, And in the day of the glow of his anger.

And it shall be - Like a gazelle that is chased, And like a sheep with none to lift it up, - Each, to his own people, will they turn, And, each, to his own land, will they flee:

And, their infants, shall be dashed to the ground, before their eyes, - Plundered shall be, their houses, and their wives ravished.

And, bows, shall dash the young to pieces, - And on the fruit of the womb, will they have no pity, Over children, will their eye throw no shield.

It shall not be dwelt in for ever, Neither shall it be inhabited from generation to generation, - Neither shall encamp there, an Arab, Nor, shepherds, fold their flocks there.

And jackals shall answer, in their citadels, And wild dogs, in their voluptuous palaces, - And near to come is her time, And, her days, shall not be delayed.

And it shall come to pass, in the day when Yahweh shall give thee rest flora thy toil, and from thy disquiet, - and from the hard service which had been laid upon thee,

Hades beneath, is excited about thee To meet thine arrival, - Rousing up, for thee Shades, All the he-goats of earth! Maketh rise from their thrones, All the kings of the nations.

All of them, answer, and say to thee, - Thou too, made strengthless, as we! Unto us, art thou like!

Brought down to Hades, thy pride. The hum of thy harps, Beneath thee, is spread out corruption, And, thy coverlet - worms!

Howbeit, to Hades, shalt thou be brought down, - To the Recesses of the Pit!

Who made the world like a desert And its cities, brake down? Its prisoners, he loosed not. Bach one to his home.

As for them who go down to the stones of the Pit, Thou shalt not be united with them in burial; For thy land, thou didst ruin Thy people, didst slay, - Unnamed to times ago-abiding, Be the seed of the wicked!

Do not rejoice, Philistia, any of thee, In that the rod of him that smote thee, is broken, - For, out of the root of the serpent, shall come forth, a viper, And his fruit be a fiery dragon that flieth.

He hath gone up to Bayith and Dibon, to the high places, to weep, - On Nebo and on Medeba, Moab is howling, On all their heads, a baldness, Every beard, clipped.

And Heshbon, hath made outcry, and Elealeh, Unto Jahaz, hath been heard their voice, - For this cause, do the armed men of Moab roar, Every man's soul, quivereth to him.

Mine own heart, for Moab continueth to make outcry, Her fugitive, as far as Zoar, is like a heifer of three years; For the accent of Luhith, with weeping, they ascend, For by the way of Horonaim - an outcry of destruction, they excite;

For the outcry hath gone round the boundary of Moab, - As far as Eglaim, the howling thereof, And to Beer-elim, the howling thereof.

For the waters of Dimon, are full of blood, For I will lay upon Dimon new troubles, - To the escaped of Moab, the lions, Even to the survivors on the soil.

Send ye the lamb due to the ruler of the land, From Sela towards the desert, - Unto the mount of the daughter of Zion;

Bring thou, in counsel, Execute thou judgment, Make as the night, thy shadow in the midst of high noon, - Hide thou the outcasts, The wanderer, do not thou reveal.

Let mine own outcasts, sojourn with thee, O Moab, become thou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler, - For vanished is the oppressor, At an end is extortion, They who tread down have ceased out of the land.

Therefore shall, Moab, howl for, Moab, All that belong to her, shall wail, - For the ruins of Kir-hareseth, shall they moan out Utterly stricken!

For, the fields of Heshbon are withered - The vine of Sibmah, the owners of nations, have broken off ruddy branches, Unto Jazer, had they reached, They had spread abroad to the desert, - Her boughs, had stretched forth, had gone over to the sea.

Now shall be withdrawn rejoicing and exultation out of the garden-land, And, in the vineyards, shall be neither singing nor shouting, - Wine in the winepress, the treader, shall not tread, The vintage-shout, have I made to cease.

And it shall be - When it is seen that Moab hath laboured in vain on the high place, He shall enter into his holy place to pray, and shall not prevail,

The oracle on Damascus, - Lo! Damascus, is to be removed from being a city, And shall become a heap of ruins:

Forsaken, are the desolate cities, - For flocks, shall they serve, Which shall lie down and have none to make them afraid.

And it shall come to pass in that day, That the glory of Jacob, shall be diminished, And, the fatness of his flesh, shall be wasted;

And it shall come to pass - That, as the harvestman gathereth standing corn, And with his arm - the ears, he reapeth, Yea it shall come to pass - That, so, shall he be who gleaneth ears, in the vale of Rephaim;

Yet shall there be left therein, a gleaning. As in the beating of an olive-tree, - Two-three berries in the head of the tree-top, - Four - five, among her fruitful boughs, Declareth Yahweh God of Israel.

In that day, shall the son of earth look to him that made him, - And his eyes unto the Holy One of Israel, be turned;

And he shall not look unto the altars the work of his own hands, - Nor to what his own fingers have made, shall his eye be turned, Whether Sacred Stems or Sun-pillars.

In that day, shall his fortified cities become Like a neglected bough and a topmost branch, Which they neglected because of the sons of Israel, - So shall there be desolation.

In the day when thou plantest, fence thou in, And in the morning, cause thou, they slip, to blossom, - A harvest will have waved in the day of destiny, and mortal pain.

For, thus, said Yahweh unto me, - I must be quiet I must look on in my fixed place of abode, - Like a bright heat on the light, Like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.

They shall be left together. To the ravenous birds, of the mountains, And to the beast of the earth, - Then shall the ravenous bird, summer upon them, And, every beast of the earth, upon them, shall winter.

And Egypt shall have nothing which can be don Which head or tail palm-top or rush, can do!

In that day, shall Egypt be like unto women, - And shall start and tremble because of the brandishing of the hand of Yahweh of hosts, which he is about to brandish over it.

Then shall the soil of Judah become, to Egypt, a terror; Every one to whom it is mentioned, will tremble, - Because of the purpose of Yahweh of hosts, which he is purposing against it.

In that day, shall there be five cities in the land of Egypt Speaking the language of Canaan, And swearing unto Yahweh of hosts, - The city of destruction, shall be the name of one!

In that day, shall there be An altar unto Yahweh, in the midst of the land of Egypt, - And a pillar near the boundary thereof unto Yahweh;

Then will, Yahweh, make himself known, to the Egyptians, So shall the Egyptians know, Yahweh, in that day, - And they will offer a sacrifice and a present And will vow a vow unto Yahweh and will perform.

In that day, shall there be a highway. from Egypt to Assyria, And, the Assyrians, shall come into Egypt, And, the Egyptians, into Assyria; And, the Egyptians shall serve, with the Assyrians.

In that day, shall, Israel, be, a third, with Egypt and with Assyria, - A blessing in the midst of the earth:

And the inhabitant of this shore, shall exclaim, in that day, Lo! such, is our expectation, whereunto we fled for help, that we might be delivered from the presence of the king of Assyria! How then shall, we, escape?

The oracle on the desert of the sea: As storm-winds in the South which with a rush from the desert, do come from a terrible land,

So hath, a grievous vision, been told me: - the deceiver, is deceiving. And the spoiler, is spoiling, Go up, O Elam Besiege O Media, All the sighing she hath caused, have I made to cease.

Ye thought to prepare the table - spread the mat - eat - drink! -- Arise ye chieftains anoint the shield!

Then cried he. A lion! On the watch, O My Lord, had I been standing continually, by day, And at my post, had I been stationed whole nights; -

When lo! here was a train of men coming. With horsemen in double rank, - And one began and said, Fallen! fallen! is Babylon, And all the images of her gods, are smashed to the ground!

To meet the thirsty, bring ye water, - Ye dwellers in the land of Tema; With bread for him, get in advance of him that is in flight!

For, thus, hath My Lord said unto me, - Within a year according to the yearn of a hireling, shall fall all the glory of Kedar;

The oracle on the valley of vision, - What aileth thee, then, That thou art wholly gone up to the house-tops?

For this cause, I said - Look away from me, Bitterly, will I weep, - Do not press to comfort me,

For the ruin of the daughter of my people. For a day of confusion and downtreading and perplexity, pertaineth to My Lord, Yahweh of hosts, in the valley of vision, an undermining of walls, and a crying for help to the mountain.

And it hath come to pass that the choice of thy vales, are full of chariots; Yea, the horsemen, have set themselves, in array, at the gate.

Then removed he the veil of Judah, - Yea thou didst peer on that day, into the armoury of the forest-house;

And the houses of Jerusalem, ye counted, - And brake down the houses, to fortify the wall;

And a reservoir, ye made between the two walls, for the waters of the ancient pool, - And had no regard unto him that made it, Nor unto him that formed it long ago, had ye respect.

And, when My Lord Yahweh of hosts called in that day, - for weeping, and for lamentation, and for shaving bare and for girding with sackcloth,

Then lo! joy and rejoicing, killing oxen and slaughtering sheep, eating flesh and drinking wine, - Let us eat and drink, For to-morrow, we may die!

Therefore did Yahweh reveal himself in mine ears. Surely there shall be no propitiatory-covering put over this iniquity for you until ye die, Saith My Lord Yahweh of hosts.

Lo! Yahweh, is about to hurl thee, with a hurl, O mighty man, - And roll thee with a roll;

He will, toss, thee, with a toss, like a ball, into a country wide on both hands, - There, shalt thou die, And there shall thy glorious chariots be the contempt of the house of thy lord.

And it shall come to pass in that day, That I will call for my servant, for Eliakim son of Hilkiah,

And will clothe him with thy tunic And with thy girdle, will I gird him, And thine authority, will I deliver into his hand, - So shall he become a father To the inhabitant of Jerusalem and To the house of Judah.

And I will fasten him as a peg in a sure place, - And he shall become a throne of glory, to the house of his father;

In that day, - Declareth Yahweh of hosts Shall the peg, give way, that was fastened in a sure place, - Yea it shall be cut off and fall And the burden that was upon it shall perish, For, Yahweh, hath spoken!

The oracle on Tyre, - Howl! ye ships of Tarshish, For it is laid too waste to be a haven to enter, From the land of Cyprus, hath it been unveiled to them.

Pass ye over to Tarshish, - Howl ye inhabitants of the Coast:

Is this to you an exultation? Though from ancient day, is her antiquity, Yet shall her own feet carry her away, far off to dwell.

Yahweh of hosts, hath purposed it, - To humble the pride of all beauty, To make of little esteem all the honourable of the earth.

His hand, hath he stretched out over the sea, He hath shaken kingdoms, - Yahweh, hath given command against she Phoenician coast, To destroy her fortresses.

Therefore hath he said, - No more, again, do thou exult, Thou violated virgin daughter of Zidon, - To Cyprus, arise and pass over, Even there, shall one find thee no rest.

So shall it be in that day, That Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, According to the days of a certain king: At the end of seventy years, shall it befall Tyre according to the song of the harlot:

Take thou a lyre, Go round the city, O harlot forgotten, - Sweetly touch the strings Lengthen out the song, That thou mayest be called to mind.

So shall it be, at the end of seventy years, That Yahweh will visit Tyre, And she will return to her hire, - Yea she will play the harlot - with all the kingdoms of the earth, upon the face of the ground.

But her merchandise and her hire, shall be hallowed unto Yahweh, It shall not be stored up, nor hoarded, - For, to them who dwell before Yahweh, shall her merchandise belong, That they may eat to satisfaction And have stately apparel.

With a song, they drink not wine, - Bitter is strong drink, to them who drink it:

There is left in the city. desolation, - And to ruins, have been broken the gate.

When, thus, it shall be in the earth in the midst of the peoples, There shall be like the shaking of an olive-tree, like the going round to pick when closed is the harvest.

For this cause, In the Regions of Light, give ye glory to Yahweh, - In the Coastlands of the Sea, unto the Name of Yahweh. God of Israel,

From the uttermost part of the earth, melodies, have we heard - Beauty, to the righteous one! But I had said - Ruin to me! Ruin to me! Woe to me! Traitors, have betrayed, Yea traitorously, have traitors betrayed!

The earth staggereth - staggereth like a drunken man, And rocketh to and fro like a night-hut, - So shall be heavy upon her, her transgression, And she shall fall and not again rise.

And it shall be in that day, That Yahweh will bring punishment Upon the host of the height in the height, - And upon the kings of the ground on the ground.

For thou hast made, of a citadel, a mound, of a defenced city, a ruin, - palaces for foreigners to be no city, To times age-abiding, shall it not be built.

For thou didst become A refuge to the weak. A refuge to the needy, when distress was upon him, - A shelter from the storm. A shade from the heat, When the blast of tyrants was like a storm against a wall.

So shall it he said, in that day, Lo! our God, is this! We waited for him, that he might save us, - This, is Yahweh! We waited for him, Let us exult and rejoice in his salvation.

Should he spread forth his hands in the midst thereof, As a swimmer spreadeth forth to swim, Then would be laid low his pride, together with the devices of his hands.

Yea, the lofty stronghold of thy walls, Hath he brought down - Laid low - Levelled to the ground even unto the dust.

In that day, shall be sung this song, in the land of Judah, - A strong city, have we! Salvation, will he set for walls and rampart,