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Of the kingdoms it is lowest, And it lifteth not up itself any more above the nations, And I have made them few, So as not to rule among nations.

Verse ConceptsInferiority

And it is no more to the house of Israel for a confidence, Bringing iniquity to remembrance, By their turning after them, And they have known that I am the Lord Jehovah.'

Verse ConceptsOptimismRemindersTrusting Other PeopleGod's People SinningNot Seeking God

I have given him the land of Egypt for his labour wherewith he served against it, because they wrought for me, saith the Lord GOD.

In that day I cause to shoot up a horn to the house of Israel, And to thee I give an opening of the mouth in their midst, And they have known that I am Jehovah!'

Verse ConceptsHornsThe Dumb Speaking

And come in hath a sword to Egypt, And there hath been great pain in Cush, In the falling of the wounded in Egypt, And they have taken its store, And broken down have been its foundations.

Verse ConceptsFoundationsAfricaFoundations Of NationsKilled With The SwordTaking Possessions

"Ethiopia, Libya, descendants of Lud, all those who have mixed themselves, and Libya along with everyone in the land of Israel who is in league with them will die violently."'"

Verse ConceptsAfricaKilled With The Sword

Thus said Jehovah: And -- fallen have supporters of Egypt, And come down hath the arrogance of her strength, From Migdol to Syene, by sword they fall in her, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsAliancesPride, OriginKilled With The SwordGroups HelpingThe Proud Will Be Abased

And they have been desolated in the midst of desolate lands, And its cities are in the midst of wasted cities.

Verse ConceptsCities Under Attack

And they shall know that I am the LORD, when I have set a fire in Egypt, and when all her helpers shall be destroyed.

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceFire Of JudgementGroups Helping

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: I have caused the multitude of Egypt to cease, By the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon,

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORD

He and his people with him -- the terrible of nations, Are brought in to destroy the land, And they have drawn their swords against Egypt, And have filled the land with the wounded.

Verse ConceptsFilling PlacesKilling Many PeoplePeople Without Mercy

And I will make the rivers dry, and sell the land into the hand of the wicked: and I will make the land waste, and all that is therein, by the hand of strangers: I the LORD have spoken it.

Verse ConceptsdrynessLand Becoming EmptyWaters Drying UpGod Drying Things UpSuffering From ForeignersFamine

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: And -- I have destroyed idols, And caused vain things to cease from Noph, And a prince of the land of Egypt there is no more, And I give fear in the land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of Satan's WorksFear Will ComeAbandoning IdolsNo King

And I have made Pathros desolate, And I have given fire against Zoan, And I have done judgments in No,

Verse ConceptsBurning Cities

And I have poured out My fury on Sin, the stronghold of Egypt, And I have cut off the multitude of No.

Verse ConceptsGod Angry With The Nations

And I will set fire in Egypt: Sin shall have great pain, and No shall be rent asunder, and Noph shall have distresses daily.

Verse ConceptsAgony, God's JudgmentMemphisThe Act Of OpeningBurning Cities

And in Tehaphnehes, hath the day become dark, Because I have broken, there the yoke-bare of Egypt, And there shall be made to cease therein the pride of her strength, - She, a cloud, shall cover her! And her daughter into captivity, shall wend their way.

Verse ConceptsendYokesCessationDarkness During DaytimeGod Freeing CaptivesThings StoppingHer Strength

And I have done judgments in Egypt, And they have known that I am Jehovah.'

Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and, lo, it shall not be bound up to be healed, to put a roller to bind it, to make it strong to hold the sword.

Verse ConceptsdoctorsHealingBones BrokenNo HealingHealing A Broken Heart

Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am against Pharaoh, king of Egypt, And I have broken his arms, The strong one and the broken one, And have caused the sword to fall out of his hand,

Verse ConceptsBones BrokenGod OpposingThings Falling

And scattered the Egyptians among nations, And I have spread them through lands,

Verse ConceptsScattering The Peoples

And strengthened the arms of the king of Babylon, And I have given My sword into his hand, And I have broken the arms of Pharaoh, And he hath groaned the groans of a pierced one -- before him.

Verse ConceptsBones BrokenGod Strengthening PeopleGod's Sword

And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and the arms of Pharaoh shall fall down; and they shall know that I am Jehovah, when I have put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall have stretched it out upon the land of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsGod Strengthening PeopleThings FallingGod's Sword

And I have scattered the Egyptians among nations, And I have spread them through lands, And they have known that I am Jehovah!'

Verse ConceptsScattering The Peoples

Waters have made it great, The deep hath exalted him with its flowings, Going round about its planting, And its conduits it hath sent forth unto all trees of the field.

Verse ConceptsWater For PlantsPlants Growing UpGrowing

Cedars have not hid him in the garden of God, Firs have not been like unto his boughs, And chesnut-trees have not been as his branches, No tree in the garden of God hath been like unto him in his beauty,

Verse ConceptsBeauty Of ThingsEclipsewaterfalls

I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches: so that all the trees of Eden, that were in the garden of God, envied him.

Verse ConceptsBeautifulGarden Of Eden, TheEden

Therefore thus says the Lord GOD; Because you have lifted up yourself in height, and it has shot up its top among the thick boughs, and its heart is lifted up in its height;

Verse ConceptsHeightSelf ExaltationThings On High

I have therefore delivered him into the hand of the mighty one of the heathen; he shall surely deal with him: I have driven him out for his wickedness.

Verse ConceptsRulersGroups Sent Away

And strangers, the terrible of the nations, have cut him off, and have left him: upon the mountains and in all the valleys his branches are fallen, and his boughs are broken by all the rivers of the land; and all the people of the earth are gone down from his shadow, and have left him.

Verse ConceptsForeignersFelling TreesAbandoning ThingsSuffering From ForeignersThings Falling

On his ruin dwell do all fowls of the heavens, And on his boughs have been all the beasts of the field,

[This occurred] so that all of [the] trees [with abundant] water will not become tall, and they will not set their treetop between [their] thick foliage, and [so that]{all of the trees that are abundantly watered} {will not stand up to them} in their tallness, for all of them, they have been given [over] to death, to [the] world below in the midst of {mortals}, to [the people] going down to the grave."

Verse ConceptsPitsSon Of ManGoing Down To The PitHow Death Is InevitableThings On HighWhy It Happened

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: In the day of his going down to sheol I have caused mourning, I have covered for him the deep, and diminish its flowings, And restrained are many waters, And I make Lebanon black for him, And all trees of the field have been covered for him.

Verse ConceptsMourning DeathHarming TreesThe Fact Of Death

From the sound of his fall I have caused nations to shake, In My causing him to go down to sheol, With those going down to the pit, And comforted in the earth -- the lower part, are all trees of Eden, The choice and the good of Lebanon, All drinking waters.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadGroups TremblingMetaphorical TreesHuman Comfort

Also they with him have gone down to sheol, Unto the pierced of the sword, And -- his arm -- they dwelt in his shade in the midst of nations.

Verse ConceptsDeath Of CreaturesMetaphorical Trees

So tell me now, which of the trees of Eden compares to you in glory or greatness? Nevertheless, you'll be brought down, along with those trees of Eden, to the earth below. You'll lie in the middle of the uncircumcised, with those who have been killed in war. Pharaoh and all his gang will be just like this!' declares the Lord GOD."

Verse ConceptsUncircumcisionDeath Of CreaturesThings Like PeopleDying With The UncircumcisedPutting Things Down

“Son of man, take up a dirge (funeral poem to be sung) over Pharaoh king of Egypt and say to him,

‘You have compared yourself to a young lion among the nations,
But you are like a monster in the seas;
You burst into your rivers
And disturbed and muddied the waters with your feet
And fouled their rivers [the source of their prosperity].’”

Verse ConceptsWhalesCosmic CreaturesLike Creatures

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: And -- I have spread out for thee My net, With an assembly of many peoples, And they have brought thee up in My net.

Verse ConceptsNetsGod Lifting PeopleGod Trapping

And I have left thee in the land, On the face of the field I do cast thee out, And have caused to dwell upon thee every fowl of the heavens, And have satisfied out of thee the beasts of the whole earth.

Verse ConceptsThrowing PeopleAnimals Eating PeopleWild Animals Devouring

And I have put thy flesh on the mountains, And filled the valleys with thy hugeness,

And in quenching thee I have covered the heavens, And have made black their stars, The sun with a cloud I do cover, And the moon causeth not its light to shine.

Verse ConceptsMoonEclipsesDarkening Sun Moon And StarsDarkness At The EndAstronomical SignsCosmic DisturbancesLuciferThe Moon

All luminaries of light in the heavens, I make black over thee, And I have given darkness over thy land, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah,

Verse ConceptsDarkening Sun Moon And StarsDarkness At The End

And I have vexed the heart of many peoples, In My bringing in thy destruction among nations, Unto lands that thou hast not known.

Verse ConceptsNot Knowing PeopleTroubling Groups Of People

And I have made many peoples astonished at thee, And their kings are afraid at thee with trembling, In My brandishing My sword before their faces, And they have trembled every moment, Each for his life -- in the day of thy fall.

Verse ConceptsGroups TremblingFear, Of DeathFear Of DeathPeople AppalledGod's Sword

By swords of the mighty I cause thy multitude to fall, The terrible of nations -- all of them, And they have spoiled the excellency of Egypt, And destroyed hath been all her multitude.

Verse ConceptsKilled With The SwordThe Proud Will Be Abased

And I have destroyed all her beasts, From beside many waters, And trouble them not doth a foot of man any more, Yea, the hoofs of beasts trouble them not.

Verse ConceptsBoth Men And Animals Affected

When I shall make the land of Egypt a desolation, and the country shall be left desolate of all that was in it, when I have smitten all them that dwell therein, then shall they know that I am Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of Countries

A lamentation it is, and they have lamented her, Daughters of the nations do lament her, For Egypt, and for all her multitude, they lament her, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.'

Verse ConceptsSongsChantingSad MusicMourning Due To Catastrophe

Among those who have been put to the sword: they will give a resting-place with them to all their people.

Verse ConceptsKilled With The Sword

Speak to him do the gods of the mighty out of the midst of sheol, With his helpers -- they have gone down, They have lain with the uncircumcised, The pierced of the sword.

Verse ConceptsDying With The UncircumcisedState Of The Dead

Whose graves have been set In the recesses of the pit, And so her gathered host is round about her grave, All of them thrust through. Fallen by the sword, Who caused terror in the land of the living.

Verse ConceptsGoing Down To The PitFearing Other PeopleLife And Death

There is Elam and all her multitude round about her grave, all of them slain, fallen by the sword, which are gone down uncircumcised into the nether parts of the earth, which caused their terror in the land of the living; yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit.

Verse ConceptsdepthDying With The UncircumcisedFearing Other PeopleLife And DeathShame Has Come

They have set her a bed in the midst of the slain with all her multitude: her graves are round about him: all of them uncircumcised, slain by the sword: though their terror was caused in the land of the living, yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit: he is put in the midst of them that be slain.

Verse ConceptsDying With The UncircumcisedFearing Other PeopleLife And DeathState Of The DeadShame Has Come

And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, which are gone down to hell with their weapons of war: and they have laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities shall be upon their bones, though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living.

Verse ConceptsIniquity, Punishment ForHell, Punishment OfWeaponsFearing Other PeopleLife And DeathState Of The Dead

But you will have your bed among those without circumcision, and will be put to rest with those who have been put to death with the sword.

Verse ConceptsBrokennessDying With The UncircumcisedState Of The Dead

There is Edom, her kings, and all her princes, Who have been given up in their might, With the pierced of the sword, They with the uncircumcised do lie, And with those going down to the pit.

Verse ConceptsGoing Down To The PitDying With The Uncircumcised

There are princes of the north, All of them, and every Zidonian, Who have gone down with the pierced in their terror, Of their might they are ashamed, And they lie uncircumcised with the pierced of the sword, And they bear their shame with those going down to the pit.

Verse ConceptsShameGoing Down To The PitDying With The UncircumcisedFearing Other PeopleShame Has Come

For I have caused my terror in the land of the living: and he shall be laid in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that are slain with the sword, even Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD.

Verse ConceptsDying With The UncircumcisedFearing Other PeopleLife And Death

Son of man, speak unto the sons of thy people, and thou hast said unto them: A land -- when I bring in against it a sword, And the people of the land have taken one man out of their borders, And made him to them for a watchman.

Verse ConceptsSwordsWatchman

He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him; whereas if he had taken warning, he would have delivered his soul.

Verse ConceptsHearing ThingsPaying Attention To PeopleSaving Oneself

However, if the watchman sees the sword coming but doesn’t blow the trumpet, so that the people aren’t warned, and the sword comes and takes away their lives, then they have been taken away because of their iniquity, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.

Verse ConceptsBeing A WitnessResponsibility, For God's WorldAccountabilityTrumpets For SignallingWarning IndividualsResponsible To WarnResponsibility

So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.

When I say to the lawless man O lawless man thou shalt surely die, And thou have not spoken to warn the lawless man from his way He the lawless man for his iniquity shall die, But his blood- at thy hand- will I demand.

Verse ConceptsPunishment, Nature OfWarning IndividualsResponsible To WarnThe Wicked Will PerishAccountability

But if you on your part warn the wicked man to turn from his [evil] way and he does not turn from his [evil] way, he will die in his sin; but you have saved your life.

Verse ConceptsRepent Lest You DieSaving Oneself

And thou, son of man, say unto the house of Israel: Rightly ye have spoken, saying: Surely our transgressions and our sins are on us, And in them we are wasting away, How, then, do we live?

Verse ConceptsOffenceSurvival

Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Verse ConceptsConversion, God's demands forGod, Will OfPleasing GodPleasureNot Pleasing GodRepent Lest You DieDeathPunishment of the The Wickedpressure

And you, son of man, say to the children of your people, The righteousness of the upright man will not make him safe in the day when he does wrong; and the evil-doing of the evil man will not be the cause of his fall in the day when he is turned from his evil-doing; and the upright man will not have life because of his righteousness in the day when he does evil.

Verse ConceptsPeople In RighteousnessThings Which Cannot Save

But when I say to the wicked, ‘You will certainly die,’ and he turns from his sin and practices that which is just (fair) and right—

If the evil-doer lets one who is in his debt have back what is his, and gives back what he had taken by force, and is guided by the rules of life, doing no evil; life will certainly be his, death will not overtake him.

Verse ConceptsCompensationStealingFulfilling The LawLaws About PledgesLife Through Keeping The LawDebt

And the sons of thy people have said: The way of the Lord is not pondered, As to them -- their way is not pondered.

Verse ConceptsIs God Unjust?

And ye have said: The way of the Lord is not pondered, Each according to his ways do I judge you, O house of Israel.'

Verse ConceptsGod, As JudgeInfidelity To GodPartialityIs God Unjust?Repaid For DeedsScoffers

And the hand of Jehovah hath been unto me in the evening, before the coming in of the escaped one, and He openeth my mouth till the coming in unto me in the morning, and opened is my mouth, and I have not been silent again.

Verse ConceptsHand Of GodGod's HandDumbnessGod's Hands On PeopleDumb

For this cause say to them, This is what the Lord has said: You take your meat with the blood, your eyes are lifted up to your images, and you are takers of life: are you to have the land for your heritage?

Verse ConceptsSheddingPeople Consuming BloodIdol WorshipJudged As MurderersEating Meat

Ye have stood on your sword, Ye have done abomination, Each the wife of his neighbour ye have defiled, And the land ye possess!

Verse ConceptsUnreliabilityThose Who Committed Adultery

Thus dost thou say unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: I live -- do not they who are in the wastes by the sword fall? And they who are on the face of the field, To the beast I have given for food, And they who are in strongholds and in caves by pestilence die.

Verse ConceptsAnimals, religious role ofCavesPlaguesPeople In CavesAnimals Eating PeopleKilled With The SwordWild Animals DevouringCaves As Places Of Refuge

And I have made the land a desolation and an astonishment, And ceased hath the excellency of its strength, And desolated have been mountains of Israel, Without any one passing through.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of CountriesLand Becoming EmptyThe Mountains Of IsraelThe Proud Will Be AbasedHer Strength

Then shall they know that I am the LORD, when I have laid the land most desolate because of all their abominations which they have committed.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of CountriesCatastrophic Events

And thou, son of man, the sons of thy people who are speaking about thee, By the walls, and in openings of the houses, Have spoken one with another, each with his brother, Saying: Come in, I pray you, And hear what is the word that cometh out from Jehovah.

Verse ConceptsInfidelity To GodConversation

And lo, thou art to them as a singer of doting loves, A pleasant voice, and playing well on an instrument, And they have heard thy words, and they are not doing them.

Verse ConceptsListeningSongsSpiritual DeafnessProfessingShallownesspracticeimprovement

And in its coming in -- lo, it hath come, And they have known that a prophet hath been in their midst!'

Verse ConceptsKnowing People

Son of man, prophesy concerning shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and thou hast said unto them: To the shepherds, thus said the Lord Jehovah: Woe to the shepherds of Israel, Who have been feeding themselves! The flock do not the shepherds feed?

Verse ConceptsNoblesFeeding AnimalsProphesy!Woe To Israel And JerusalemAbuse

"Woe to you shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves and not the sheep. Shouldn't shepherds feed the sheep? You're eating the best parts, clothing yourselves with the wool, and slaughtering the home-grown sheep without having fed the sheep!

Verse ConceptsSpiritual MalnutritionWoolFat AnimalsClothing OneselfFeeding AnimalsFat Of AnimalsBeing Killed Like An AnimalEating Forbidden FoodKilled Like An Animal

The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.

Verse Conceptsencouragement, examples ofdiseasesInjuryOppression, Nature OfUnkindnessWeakness, PhysicalBones BrokenWeak AnimalsNot Seeking PeopleReinstating PeopleOppressorsJoining Flesh And BonesLording ItLost PeopleNo HealingWeakness

"Since they have no shepherd, they have been scattered around and have become prey for all sorts of wild animals. How scattered they are!

Verse ConceptsInadequate ShepherdingScattered Like SheepAnimals Eating People

My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill, and my sheep have been scattered upon all the face of the earth, and there was none that searched, or that sought for them.

Verse ConceptsHillsWanderersScattered Like SheepEscaping To MountainsNot Seeking PeopleNo One Available

As I live, saith the Lord Jehovah, verily because my sheep have been a prey, and my sheep have been meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, and my shepherds searched not for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock,

Verse ConceptsSelfishnessAnimals Eating PeopleFeeding AnimalsNot Seeking PeopleNo One Available

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I am against the shepherds, And have required My flock from their hand, And caused them to cease from feeding the flock, And no more do the shepherds feed themselves, And I have delivered My flock from their mouth, And they are not to them for food.

Verse ConceptsChrist And His SheepCessationGod Saves The NeedyTaking Other People

For thus said the Lord Jehovah: Lo, I -- even I, have required My flock, And I have sought it out.

Verse ConceptsSearchingCaring For AnimalsGod Searching For PeopleGod HimselfTaking Care Of The Earth

As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

Verse ConceptsGod, As SaviorShepherds, As Kings And LeadersDarkness During DaytimeGod Saves The Needy

And brought them out from the peoples, And have gathered them from the lands, And brought them unto their own ground, And have fed them on mountains of Israel, By streams, and by all dwellings of the land.

Verse ConceptsGathering IsraelThe Mountains Of Israel

Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk of the deep waters, but ye must foul the residue with your feet?

Verse ConceptsSocial SelfishnessDrinking WaterResidue

And as for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet.

Verse ConceptsRepulsive FoodDrinking Water

Therefore, thus said the Lord Jehovah to them: Lo, I -- even I, have judged between fat sheep and lean sheep.

Verse ConceptsFatnessCattleFat AnimalsThin Bodies

Because ye have thrust with side and with shoulder, and pushed all the diseased with your horns, till ye have scattered them abroad;

Verse ConceptsHornsShouldersScattered Like SheepHorns Of AnimalsHorns WeakenedPropelling

And I have given safety to My flock, And they are not any more for prey, And I have judged between sheep and sheep.

Verse ConceptsGod Saves The Needy

And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I the LORD have spoken it.

Verse ConceptsPrincesI Will Be Their God

And I have made for them a covenant of peace, And caused evil beasts to cease out of the land, And they have dwelt in a wilderness confidently, And they have slept in forests.

Verse ConceptsForestsCovenant, God's with NoahSafetySleep, PhysicalShowersBlessing In The WildernessWild Beasts SubduedSleeping Peacefully