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always entreating him that now at length, if such be his will, the way may be made clear for me to come to you.

"We know that God's judgment against those who practise such vices is in accord with the truth," you say?

Very well; and do you suppose, you who judge those that practise such vices, and are doing the very same, that you will elude the judgment of God?

And why not say (as I myself am slanderously reported to say), "Let us do evil that good may come out of it"? Such arguments are rightly condemned.

Now these words were not written simply for his sake, but for us as well.

Even as it is written. For thy sake we are killed all the day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

Now such are we whom he has called, not only from among the Jews, but also from among the Gentiles.

Lord, they have killed thy prophets, they have overthrown thine altars; And now I alone am left, and they seek my life.

In relation to the gospel, the Jews are God's enemies for your sake; but in relation to the election, they are dearly loved for their forefather's sake.

Wherefore you must needs be in subjection, not only because of fear, but also for conscience sake.

Do not, for the sake of food, be tearing down God's work. All food indeed is ceremonially clean, but a man is in the wrong if his food proves a stumbling-block.