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"All things are lawful for me"? Yes, but not all things are good for me. "All things are lawful for me"? Yes, but I will not let myself be enslaved by the power of any.

Judge of this for your own selves. It is fitting that a woman should pray to God with her head unveiled.

So let him who speaks with tongues pray that he may interpret.

For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is barren.

And when you sow the seed you are not sowing the body that it will become, but bare grain, of wheat perhaps, or some other grain.

But I hold this treasure in an earthen vessel, in order that the surpassing greatness of the power may be from God, and not from myself.

I pray you, therefore, in fair exchange (I speak as to my children), let your hearts also be wide open to me.

Would that you could put up with a little "folly" from me! Nay, do bear with me.

If indeed some one is coming to preach another Jesus, whom I did not preach, or you are receiving a Spirit other than you once received, or another gospel which you did not accept before, you would do well to bear with me.

I say again, let no one think me a fool. Or, if you must, at least bear with me as a fool, that I, too, may do a little boasting.

What I am about to say I am not speaking by the Lord's command, but as it were in pure folly, in this boldness of boasting.

Most gladly therefore will I boast rather of my weakness, that over me like a tent may be pitched the power of Christ. That is why I rejoice in weakness, in ill-treatment, in troubles, in persecutions and calamities for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then am I strong.

For I have no power against the truth, but only in defense of the truth.

Why then did you account yourselves so happy? (For I bear you witness that if you could you would have torn out your own eyes and given them to me.)

For it is written, Rejoice, O thou barren one who dost never bear, Break forth in joy, thou that dost not travail; For the children of the desolate woman are many. Yea, more than hers who has a husband.

but just as in old times the son born by the flesh used to persecute the son born by the power of the Spirit, so also it is now.

The influence brought to bear does not come from him who is calling you.

As for me, I am fully trusting you in the Lord that you will be no otherwise minded; but he who is trying to unsettle you will have to bear his punishment, whoever he may be.

I know how to live humbly, and I also know how to bear prosperity. In every place and under all circumstances I have been initiated into the secret of fulness and of hunger, of prosperity and of want.

And so, when I could no longer bear it, I made up my mind to be left behind at Athens, all alone.

In the presence of God who gives life to all, and of Christ Jesus who bore witness to the good confession before Pontius Pilate,

And I pray that your participation may become effectual, as you come to acknowledge every good thing which is in you to Christ.

But I entreat you, brothers, bear with my word of exhortation, for I have written to you briefly.

Suppose a man comes into your synagogue with a gold ring and dazzling clothes, and suppose a poor man comes in, also, in shabby clothes,

and you look up to him who wears the fine clothing, and say to him, "Sit here in this fine place!" and to the poor man you say, "Stand there!" or "Sit on the floor at my feet!"

From out of the same mouth pour forth blessings and cursings! My brothers, this ought not to be so.

Does a spring pour forth from the same opening sweet water and bitter?

Can a fig tree, my brothers, bear olives; or a grape-vine, figs? No more can salt water yield fresh water.

This is now my second letter to you, beloved. In both of them I am stirring up your pure minds by putting you in remembrance.