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Send them to destruction, O Lord; let their evil designs be the cause of their fall; let them be forced out by all their sins; because they have gone against your authority.

You have given their towns to destruction; the memory of them has gone; they have become waste for ever.

The nations have gone down into the hole which they made: in their secret net is their foot taken.

Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them has he put a tent for the sun,

For your mercy is before my eyes; and I have gone in the way of your good faith.

My life goes on in sorrow, and my years in weeping; my strength is almost gone because of my sin, and my bones are wasted away.

For in a short time the evil-doer will be gone: you will go searching for his place, and it will not be there.

Let my prayer come to your ears, O Lord, and give attention to my cry, make an answer to my weeping: for my time here is short before you, and in a little time I will be gone, like all my fathers.

For unnumbered evils are round about me; my sins have overtaken me, so that I am bent down with their weight; they are more than the hairs of my head, my strength is gone because of them.

Our hearts have not gone back, and our steps have not been turned out of your way;

If the name of our God has gone out of our minds, or if our hands have been stretched out to a strange god,

Kings' daughters are among your noble women: on your right is the queen in gold of Ophir.

God has gone up with a glad cry, the Lord with the sound of the horn.

Every one of them has gone back; they are unclean: there is not one who does good, no, not one.

They have made ready a net for my steps; my soul is bent down; they have made a great hole before me, and have gone down into it themselves. (Selah.)

Have not you put us away, O God? and you have not gone out with our armies.

You have gone up on high, taking your prisoners with you; you have taken offerings from men; the Lord God has taken his place on the seat of his power.

But as for me, my feet had almost gone from under me; I was near to slipping;

As a dream when one is awake, they are ended; they are like an image gone out of mind when sleep is over.

I say to the men of pride, Let your pride be gone: and to the sinners, Let not your horn be lifted up.

Gone is the wealth of the strong, their last sleep has overcome them; the men of war have become feeble.

My thoughts go back to the days of the past, to the years which are gone.

Is his mercy quite gone for ever? has his word come to nothing?

So he kept in mind that they were only flesh; a breath which is quickly gone, and will not come again.

My eyes are wasting away because of my trouble: Lord, my cry has gone up to you every day, my hands are stretched out to you.

The heat of your wrath has gone over me; I am broken by your cruel punishments.

If the Lord had not been my helper, my soul would quickly have gone down into death.

The wind goes over it and it is gone; and its place sees it no longer.

And he was purposing to put an end to them if Moses, his special servant, had not gone up before him, between him and his people, turning back his wrath, to keep them from destruction.

I am gone like the shade when it is stretched out: I am forced out of my place like a locust.

My cry has gone up to you; take me out of trouble, and I will be guided by your unchanging word.

I have gone out of the way like a wandering sheep; make search for your servant; for I keep your teachings ever in mind.