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Pay attention to my cry for help, my king and my God, for unto you will I pray.

Show forth your gracious love, save those who take refuge in you from those who rebel against your sovereign power.

to the pure, you show yourself pure, and to the morally corrupt, you appear to be perverse.

Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they reveal knowledge.

Rise up, LORD, because you are strong; we will sing and praise your power. To the Director: To the tune of "Doe of the Dawn".A Davidic Psalm.

Deliver me from the sword; my precious life from the power of the dog.

The one who has innocent hands and a pure heart; the person who does not delight in what is false and does not swear an oath deceitfully.

The voice of the LORD causes deer to give birth, and strips the forest bare. In his Temple all of them shout, "Glory!"

The wicked take out a sword and bend the bow, to bring down the humble and the poor to slay those who are righteous in conduct.

But I am poor and needy; may the Lord think about me. You are my help and deliverer. My God, do not tarry too long! To the Director: A Davidic Psalm.

These things I will recall as I pour out my troubles within me: I used to go with the crowd in a procession to the house of God, accompanied with shouts of joy and thanksgiving.

It was not with their sword that they inherited the land, nor did their own arm deliver them. But it was by your power, your strength, and by the light of your face; because you were pleased with them.

both average people and those of means, the rich and the poor together.

Don't kill them! Otherwise, my people may forget. By your power make them stumble around; bring them down low, Lord, our Shield.

So your loved ones may be delivered, save us by your power and answer us quickly!

So I have looked for you in the sanctuary, to behold your power and glory.

May they be given over to the power of the sword; may they become carrion for jackals.

Ascribe power to God, whose glory is over Israel, whose power is in the skies.

You are awesome, God, from your sanctuaries. The God of Israel is the one who gives strength and power to the people. Blessed be God! To the Director: To the tune of "The Lilies". Davidic.

May you pour out your fury on them. May your burning anger overtake them.

As for me, I am poor and needy. God, come quickly to me. You are my helper and my deliverer. LORD, please do not delay.

My God, deliver me from the power of the wicked and the grasp of ruthless practicers of evil.

Lord GOD, I will come in the power of your mighty acts, remembering your righteousness yours alone.

Also, when I reach old age and have gray hair, God, do not forsake me, until I have declared your power to this generation and your might to the next one.

For he will deliver the needy when they cry out for help, and the poor when there is no deliverer.

You split the sea by your own power. You shattered the heads of sea monsters in the water.

Don't let the oppressed return in humiliation. The poor and needy will praise your name.

For there is a cup in the hand of the LORD, foaming with well-mixed wine that he will pour out, leaving only the dregs, from which all the wicked of the earth will drink.

They did not remember his power the day he delivered them from their adversary,

Let the cries of the prisoners reach you. With the strength of your power, release those condemned to death.

Reveal your power before Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh, then come to our rescue.

Rescue the poor and the needy, delivering them from the power of the wicked.

released to remain with the dead, lying in a grave like a corpse, remembered no longer, and cut off from your power.

Since my youth I have been oppressed and in danger of death. I bear your dread and am overwhelmed.

Righteousness will be restored with justice, and all the pure of heart will follow it.

He delivered them from the power of their foe; redeeming them from the power of their enemy.

Their enemies oppressed them, so that they were humiliated by their power.

Let those who have been redeemed by the LORD declare it those whom he redeemed from the power of the enemy,

In order that those you love may be rescued, deliver with your power and answer me!

For he didn't think to extend gracious love; he harassed to death the poor, the needy, and the broken hearted.

There I will create a power base for David I have prepared a lamp for my anointed one.

I pour out my complaint to him, telling him all of my troubles.