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and when the rest of the disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord," he said, "Unless I see his hands with the mark of the nails, and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe it."

Truly, truly I tell you, you put on your own girdle and went wherever you wanted, when you were young; but when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands for someone to gird you, and you will be taken where you have no wish to go"

Peter turned round and saw that the favourite disciple of Jesus was following, the disciple who had leant on his breast at supper and put the question, "Lord, who is to betray you?"

However, someone came and reported to them, "Here are the very men you put in prison, standing in the temple and teaching the people!"

whereas, if it really springs from God, you will be unable to put them down. You may even find yourselves fighting God!"

he asked. "Why, how can I possibly understand it," said the eunuch, "unless some one puts me on the right track?" And he begged Philip to get up and sit beside him.

and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus empowering him to put any man or woman in chains whom he could find belonging to the Way, and bring them to Jerusalem.

And in this city too he has authority from the high priests to put anyone in chains who invokes thy Name!"

Peter put them all outside; then he knelt down and prayed, and turning to the body said, "Tabitha, rise." She opened her eyes, and on seeing Peter she sat up.

Then Peter proceeded to put the facts before them.

So the disciples put aside money, as each of them was able to afford it, for a contribution to be sent to the brothers in Judaea.

After arresting him he put him in prison, handing him over to a guard of sixteen soldiers, with the intention of producing him to the People after the passover.

and the angel said to him, "Gird yourself and put on your sandals." He did so. Then said the angel, "Put on your coat and follow me."

though they could find him guilty of no crime that deserved death, they begged Pilate to have him put to death,

Hence, in my opinion, we ought not to put fresh difficulties in the way of those who are turning to God from among the Gentiles,

had many lashes inflicted on them and put them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safe.

On receiving so strict a charge, he put them into the inner prison and secured their feet in the stocks.

But Paul replied, "They flogged us in public and without a trial, flogged Roman citizens! They put us in prison, and now they are going to get rid of us secretly! No indeed! Let them come here themselves and take us out!"

I did so in Jerusalem. I shut up many of the saints in prison, armed with authority from the high priests; when they were put to death, I voted against them;

Next day we put in at Sidon, where Julius very kindly allowed Paul to visit his friends and be looked after.

There the officer found an Alexandrian ship bound for Italy, and put us on board of her.

but as the officer wanted to save Paul, he put a stop to their plan, ordering those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land,

We put in at Syracuse and stayed for three days.

I say this to put you to shame. Has it come to this, that there is not a single wise man among you who could decide a dispute between members of the brotherhood,

To other people I would say (not the Lord): ??if any brother has a wife who is not a believer, and if she consents to live with him, he must not put her away;

When an unbeliever invites you to dinner and you agree to go, eat whatever is put before you, instead of letting scruples of conscience induce you to ask any questions about it.

What! have you no houses to eat and drink in? Do you think you can show disrespect to the church of God and put the poor to shame? What can I say to you? Commend you? Not for this.

To sum up, my brothers. Set your heart on the prophetic gift, and do not put any check upon speaking in 'tongues';

For God has put everything under his feet. When it is said that everything has been put under him, plainly that excludes Him who put everything under him;

and when everything is put under him, then the Son himself will be put under Him who put everything under him, so that God may be everything to everyone.

Well, I want you to put yourselves under people like that, under everyone who sets his hand to the work.

I put no obstacle in the path of any, so that my ministry may not be discredited;

They have done more than I expected; they gave themselves to the Lord, to begin with, and then (for so God willed it) they put themselves at my disposal.

You put up with it all right, when some interloper preaches a second Jesus (not the Jesus I preached), or when you are treated to a Spirit different from the Spirit you once received, and to a different gospel from what I gave you! Why not put up with me?

You put up with a man who assumes control of your souls, with a man who spends your money, with a man who dupes you, with a man who gives himself airs, with a man who flies in your face.

no man put it into my hands, no man taught me what it meant, I had it by a revelation of Jesus Christ.

However, what does the scripture say? Put away the slave-woman and her son, for the son of the slave-woman shall not be heir along with the son of the free-woman.

above all the angelic Rulers, Authorities, Powers, and Lords, above every Name that is to be named not only in this age but in the age to come ??22 he has put everything under his feet and set him as head over everything for the church,

in his own flesh he put an end to the feud of the Law with its code of commands, so as to make peace by the creation of a new Man in himself out of both parties,

They too must be put on probation; after that, if they are above reproach, they can serve as deacons.

No one under sixty is to be put on the church's list of widows; and she must have been only once married,

Refuse to put young widows on the list, for when their wanton desires alienate them from Christ, they want to marry

If one will only keep clear of the latter, he will be put to noble use, he will be consecrated and useful to the Owner of the House, he will be set apart for good work of all kinds.

and if he has cheated you of any money or owes you any sum, put that down to my account.

For the world to come, of which I am speaking, was not put under the control of angels.

For a little while thou hast put him lower than the angels, crowning him with glory and honour,

and again, 'I will put my trust in him,' and again, 'Here am I and the children God has given me.'

where your fathers put me to the proof, and for forty years felt what I could do.

We put bridles into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, and so, you see, we can move the whole of their bodies.

and to this statue of the Beast he was allowed to impart the breath of life, so that the statue of the Beast should actually speak. He has everyone put to death who will not worship the statue of the Beast,

and he obliges all men, low and high, rich and poor, freemen and slaves alike, to have a mark put upon their right hand or their forehead,

for God has put it into their hearts to execute his purpose, by having one mind and by conferring their royal power upon the Beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.