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Be turned again by my sharp words: see, I will send the flow of my spirit on you, and make my words clear to you.

I, wisdom, have made wise behaviour my near relation; I am seen to be the special friend of wise purposes.

But he does not see that the dead are there, that her guests are in the deep places of the underworld.

He who makes signs with his eyes is a cause of trouble, but he who makes a man see his errors is a cause of peace.

In the lips of him who has knowledge wisdom is seen; but a rod is ready for the back of him who is without sense.

Evil-doers are overturned and never seen again, but the house of upright men will keep its place.

A man may be acting as if he had wealth, but have nothing; another may seem poor, but have great wealth.

Wisdom has her resting-place in the mind of the wise, but she is not seen among the foolish.

By planting the seed of evil a man will get in the grain of sorrow, and the rod of his wrath will be broken.

To make you see how certain are true words, so that you may give a true answer to those who put questions to you?

Your eyes will see strange things, and you will say twisted things.

If you say, See, we had no knowledge of this: does not the tester of hearts give thought to it? and he who keeps your soul, has he no knowledge of it? and will he not give to every man the reward of his work?

For fear that the Lord may see it, and it may be evil in his eyes, and his wrath may be turned away from him.

Put your work in order outside, and make it ready in the field; and after that, see to the building of your house.

Do not be quick to go to law about what you have seen, for what will you do in the end, when your neighbour has put you to shame?

Give a foolish man a foolish answer, or he will seem wise to himself.

With his lips the hater makes things seem what they are not, but deceit is stored up inside him;

Though his hate is covered with deceit, his sin will be seen openly before the meeting of the people.

The sharp man sees the evil and takes cover: the simple go straight on and get into trouble.

The grass comes up and the young grass is seen, and the mountain plants are got in.

When the upright do well, there is great glory; but when evil-doers are lifted up, men do not let themselves be seen.

When evil men are in power, wrongdoing is increased; but the upright will have pleasure when they see their downfall.

Make no addition to his words, or he will make clear your error, and you will be seen to be false.

There are three things whose steps are good to see, even four whose goings are fair:

She sees that her marketing is of profit to her: her light does not go out by night.