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So then Aaron and his sons shall enter when the camp is to set forward, and take down the screening veil, - and enwrap therein the ark of the testimony;

then shall the priest put the woman on oath with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, Yahweh give thee up for a curse and for an oath in the midst of thy people, - in that Yahweh shall give up thy thigh to fall away, and thy womb to swell:

so shall this water that causeth a curse enter into thy body, causing womb to swell and thigh to fall away. And the woman shall say, Amen, Amen.

And as soon as he causeth her to drink, the water, then shall it be, that, if she have fallen into uncleanness and committed unfaithfulness against her husband, as soon as the deadly water that causeth a curse hath entered into her, so soon shall her womb swell and her thigh fall away, - thus shall the woman be-come a curse in the midst of her people.

This, is the law of jealousies, - when a wife shall turn aside to another instead of her husband, and fall into uncleanness;

and his offering, was - one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty shekels, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, - both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil for a meal-offering;

He offered as his oblation - one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty shekels, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, - both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

his offering, - one charger of silver a hundred and thirty shekels, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, - both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

his offering, one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty shekels , the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of Silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, - both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil, as a meal-offering;

his offering, one charger of silver a hundred and thirty shekels, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

his offering, one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty shekels , the weight thereof, one tossing bowl, of silver, seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, - both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil, as a meal-offering;

his offering, one charger of silver a hundred and thirty shekels, the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels, by the shekel of the sanctuary, - both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

his offering, one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty shekels , the weight thereof, one tossing bowl, of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, - both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

his offering, one charger of silver, a hundred and thirty shekels , the weight thereof, - one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, - both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil, as a meal-offering;

his offering, one charger of silver a hundred and thirty shekels , the weight thereof, - one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, - both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil as a meal-offering;

his offering, one charger of silver a hundred and thirty shekels , the weight thereof, one tossing bowl of silver, seventy shekels by the shekel of the sanctuary, both of them, full of fine meal overflowed with oil, as a meal-offering;

twelve spoons of gold full of incense, ten shekels each spoon by the shekel of the sanctuary, - all the gold of the spoons, a hundred and twenty shekels .

And it came to pass when the ark set forward, that Moses said: Arise, O Yahweh! and scattered be thy foes, Let them that hate thee flee before thee;

Moreover the mixed multitude that was in their midst concealed not their lusting, - and so even the sons of Israel, fell away and wept, and said: Who will grant us to eat flesh?

Then said Yahweh unto Moses, Shall the hand of Yahweh, fail? Now, shalt thou see whether my word come to pass unto thee or not.

And they recounted unto him, and said, We entered into the land whither thou didst send us, and surely it doth flow with milk and honey, and, this, is the fruit thereof.

Wherefore then is Yahweh bringing us into this land, to fall by the sword? Our wives and little ones, will become a prey! Would it not be well for us to go back towards Egypt?

Then did Moses and Aaron fall upon their faces, - before all the convocation of the assembly of the sons of Israel.

If Yahweh delight in us, then will he bring us into this and, and give it unto us, - A land which doth flow with milk and honey.

Now the Amalekites and the Canaanites, are dwelling in the valley, - to-morrow, turn ye away; and set yourselves forward towards the desert by the way of the Red Sea.

In this desert, shall your dead bodies fall And none of you who were numbered in all your counting, from twenty years old and upwards, - who have murmured against me,

For, the Amalekites and the Canaanites, are there before you, So shall ye fall by the sword, - For inasmuch as ye have turned back from following Yahweh, Therefore will Yahweh not be with you.

And, when Moses heard it, he fell upon his face.

And they fell upon their faces and said, O GOD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, - shall, one man, sin, and against all the assembly, wilt thou he wroth.

Lift yourselves up out of the midst o this assembly, that I may consume them, as in a moment, - And they fell upon their faces.

But thou and thy sons with thee, shall keep the charge of your priesthood, as to every matter of the altar and as to the interior of the veil, and shall do the laborious work, as a laborious service of gifts, do I give your priesthood, and, the stranger who cometh near shall be put to death.

And Moses and Aaron went in from the presence of the multitude unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, and fell upon their faces, - and the glory of Yahweh appeared unto them.

and, from Bamoth of the valley, which is in the field-country of Moab, to the top of Pisgah, - which over-looketh Jeshimon.

And Balaam responded and said unto the servants of Balak, Though Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I could not go beyond the bidding of Yahweh my God, to do less or more.

Now, therefore, flee thou unto thy place, - I said, I will, highly honour, thee; but lo! Yahweh hath kept thee back from honour.

Though Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, yet could I not go beyond the bidding of Yahweh, to, do good or ill, out of my own heart, - what Yahweh shall speak, that, must I speak?

But, if she, belonged to a husband, when her vows were taken upon her, - or a rash utterance fell from her lips, wherewith she put a bond upon her soul;

Command the sons of Israel, and thou shalt say unto them, When, ye, are coming into the land of Canaan, this is the land which shall fall unto you, as an inheritance, even the land of Canaan, by the boundaries thereof.

And, among the cities which ye shall give unto the Levites, shall be the six cities of refuge, which ye shall give that the manslayer may flee thither, - and besides them, ye shall give, forty-two cities,

then shall ye find for you, convenient cities, cities of refuge, shall they be unto you, - and the manslayer, who hath slain a person, by mistake, shall flee thither.

For the sons of Israel and for the sojourner. and for the settler in your midst, shall these six cities serve, as places of refuge, - that any one may flee thither who hath slain a person, by mistake.

Or with any stone whereby one might die without seeing him, and it fall upon him, and he dieth; he, not being at enmity with him, nor seeking to harm him,