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For the perverse is an abomination of Jehovah: and his intercourse with the upright

The curse of Jehovah is in the house of the unjust one: and he will bless the dwelling of the just

For before the eyes of Jehovah are the ways of man, and he makes level all his tracks.

For he finding me, the finding of life, and he shall bnng forth acceptance from Jehovah.

Jehovah will not cause the soul of the just one to hunger: and he will thrust away the desire of the unjust

The way of Jehovah is a fortress to the upright one: and destruction to those doing iniquity.

The good shall obtain acceptance from Jehovah: and the man of mischief he will condemn.

He going in his uprightness will fear Jehovah: and he perverted in his ways, despised him.

The sacrifice of the unjust an abomination of Jehovah: and the prayer of the upright his acceptance.

The way of the unjust an abomination of Jehovah: and he will love him pursuing justice.

The eyes of Jehovah guarded knowledge, and he will overthrow the words of him transgressing.

For thy trust to be in Jehovah, I caused thee to know to-day, thee also.

For Jehovah will contend their contention, and rob the soul to those robbing them.

Lest Jehovah shall see and it be evil in his eyes, and he turn back from him his anger.

Men of evil shall not understand judgment: and they seeking Jehovah shall understand all.

The poor one and the man of oppressions met together: Jehovah enlightening the eyes of them both.

Lest I shall be filled and I spake lies, and said, Who is Jehovah? and lest I shall be dispossessed and I stole, and I laid hold upon the name of God.