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who was faithful to him that constituted him such, as Moses likewise was faithful in all his administration of God's house.

for though by this time you ought to be capable of teaching others, you want to be instructed anew in the first principles of the divine oracles; and are in such a state as to stand in need of milk, rather than of solid nourishment.

But though we speak in this manner, my dear brethren, we expect better things of you, and such as are more suitable to your salvation.

for the disposition of the tabernacle was such, that in the first part named the sanctuary, were placed the candlestick, the table, and the shew-bread;

It was therefore necessary that what was only a type of the heavenly sanctuary, should be purified by such sacrifices; but the heavenly sanctuary itself, by a more excellent sacrifice.

for Christ is not entred into a sanctuary made by human art, such as is only representative of the true one, but into heaven itself, to appear from henceforth in the presence of God on our behalf:

and nothing is to be expected but that dreadful judgment, and fiery indignation, which shall devour all such adversaries.

some of you being expos'd to publick obloquy and persecution: whilst others had their share of affliction in seeing such treatment.

as for us, we are not such as desert to their own destruction; but such as persevere in the faith, to the saving of our souls.

so that even a single person whose vigour was gone, gave rise to a posterity as numerous as the stars of the sky, or the sands on the sea-shore, which cannot be numbred.

for they. that make such a declaration, show plainly that they seek some other country.

nor to the sound of trumpets, and the voice which pronounc'd such words, that they who heard, intreated they might hear it no more.